blob: 5496956a8fc8f4b61318341343fe147d5465425f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import "ios/chrome/browser/ui/tab_grid/tab_grid_constants.h"
#if !defined(__has_feature) || !__has_feature(objc_arc)
#error "This file requires ARC support."
// Accessibility identifiers for automated testing.
NSString* const kTabGridIncognitoTabsPageButtonIdentifier =
NSString* const kTabGridRegularTabsPageButtonIdentifier =
NSString* const kTabGridRemoteTabsPageButtonIdentifier =
NSString* const kTabGridDoneButtonIdentifier = @"TabGridDoneButtonIdentifier";
NSString* const kTabGridCloseAllButtonIdentifier =
NSString* const kTabGridUndoCloseAllButtonIdentifier =
NSString* const kTabGridIncognitoTabsEmptyStateIdentifier =
NSString* const kTabGridRegularTabsEmptyStateIdentifier =
NSString* const kTabGridScrollViewIdentifier = @"kTabGridScrollViewIdentifier";
// The color of the text buttons in the toolbars.
const int kTabGridToolbarTextButtonColor = 0xFFFFFF;
// Colors for the empty state.
const int kTabGridEmptyStateTitleTextColor = 0xF8F9FA;
const int kTabGridEmptyStateBodyTextColor = 0xBDC1C6;
// The distance the toolbar content is inset from either side.
const CGFloat kTabGridToolbarHorizontalInset = 16.0f;
// The distance between the title and body of the empty state view.
const CGFloat kTabGridEmptyStateVerticalMargin = 4.0f;
// The insets from the edges for empty state.
extern const CGFloat kTabGridEmptyStateVerticalInset = 17.0f;
extern const CGFloat kTabGridEmptyStateHorizontalInset = 80.0f;
// The insets from the edges for the floating button.
const CGFloat kTabGridFloatingButtonVerticalInset = 28.0f;
const CGFloat kTabGridFloatingButtonHorizontalInset = 20.0f;
// Intrinsic heights of the tab grid toolbars.
const CGFloat kTabGridTopToolbarHeight = 52.0f;
const CGFloat kTabGridBottomToolbarHeight = 44.0f;
// The delay (in milliseconds) after closing the last incognito tab and before
// automatically scrolling to the regular tabs panel.
const int64_t kTabGridScrollAnimationDelayInMilliseconds = 300;