blob: febe8fcbf86c8296f0f1e2a86445f80dcf82b795 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "ios/chrome/browser/ui/commands/application_commands.h"
#include "ui/base/page_transition_types.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
@protocol OmniboxFocuser;
@class Tab;
@class TabModel;
@protocol TabSwitcher;
@protocol ToolbarCommands;
struct UrlLoadParams;
// This delegate is used to drive the TabSwitcher dismissal and execute code
// when the presentation and dismmiss animations finishes. The main controller
// is a good example of the implementation of this delegate.
@protocol TabSwitcherDelegate <NSObject>
// Informs the delegate the tab switcher should be dismissed with the given
// active model.
- (void)tabSwitcher:(id<TabSwitcher>)tabSwitcher
// Informs the delegate that the tab switcher is done and should be
// dismissed.
- (void)tabSwitcherDismissTransitionDidEnd:(id<TabSwitcher>)tabSwitcher;
// This protocol describes the common interface between the two implementations
// of the tab switcher. StackViewController for iPhone and TabSwitcherController
// for iPad are examples of implementers of this protocol.
@protocol TabSwitcher <NSObject>
// This delegate must be set on the tab switcher in order to drive the tab
// switcher.
@property(nonatomic, weak) id<TabSwitcherDelegate> delegate;
// Dispatcher for anything that acts in a "browser" role.
@property(nonatomic, readonly)
id<ApplicationCommands, OmniboxFocuser, ToolbarCommands>
// Restores the internal state of the tab switcher with the given tab models,
// which must not be nil. |activeTabModel| is the model which starts active,
// and must be one of the other two models. Should only be called when the
// object is not being shown.
- (void)restoreInternalStateWithMainTabModel:(TabModel*)mainModel
// Returns the view controller that displays the tab switcher.
- (UIViewController*)viewController;
// Create a new tab in |targetModel|. Implementors are expected to also perform
// an animation from the selected tab in the tab switcher to the newly created
// tab in the content area. Objects adopting this protocol should call the
// following delegate methods:
// |-tabSwitcher:shouldFinishWithActiveModel:|
// |-tabSwitcherDismissTransitionDidEnd:|
// to inform the delegate when this animation begins and ends.
- (Tab*)dismissWithNewTabAnimationToModel:(TabModel*)targetModel
withUrlLoadParams:(const UrlLoadParams&)urlLoadParams
// Updates the OTR (Off The Record) tab model. Should only be called when both
// the current OTR tab model and the new OTR tab model are either nil or contain
// no tabs. This must be called after the otr tab model has been deleted because
// the incognito browser state is deleted.
- (void)setOtrTabModel:(TabModel*)otrModel;