blob: eb8c72af78e587f05903b77832962fffa084cc60 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/feature_list.h"
// Feature to automatically switch to the regular tabs panel in tab grid after
// closing the last incognito tab.
extern const base::Feature kClosingLastIncognitoTab;
// Feature to retain the contentView in the browser container.
extern const base::Feature kBrowserContainerKeepsContentView;
// Feature to show most visited sites and collection shortcuts in the omnibox
// popup instead of ZeroSuggest.
extern const base::Feature kOmniboxPopupShortcutIconsInZeroState;
// Feature to take snapshots using |-drawViewHierarchy:|.
extern const base::Feature kSnapshotDrawView;
// Feature to rework handling of copied content (url/string/image) in the ui.
// This feature is used in extensions. If you modify it significantly, you may
// want to update the version in |app_group_field_trial_version|.
extern const base::Feature kCopiedContentBehavior;
// Feature to apply UI Refresh theme to the settings.
extern const base::Feature kSettingsRefresh;
// Feature to display search engine favicons in Settings.
extern const base::Feature kDisplaySearchEngineFavicon;
// Feature to display the new omnibox popup design with favicons, search engine
// favicon in the omnibox, rich entities support, new layout.
extern const base::Feature kNewOmniboxPopupLayout;
// Feature to display the omnibox with default search engine favicon
// in the omnibox.
extern const base::Feature kOmniboxUseDefaultSearchEngineFavicon;
// Feature flag for the language settings page.
extern const base::Feature kLanguageSettings;