blob: 726030fed014917838338ca488c087a69036f1fc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "bindings/core/v8/serialization/V8ScriptValueDeserializer.h"
#include "bindings/core/v8/ToV8.h"
#include "core/dom/CompositorProxy.h"
#include "core/dom/DOMArrayBuffer.h"
#include "core/dom/DOMSharedArrayBuffer.h"
#include "core/dom/MessagePort.h"
#include "core/fileapi/Blob.h"
#include "core/fileapi/File.h"
#include "core/fileapi/FileList.h"
#include "core/frame/ImageBitmap.h"
#include "core/html/ImageData.h"
#include "core/offscreencanvas/OffscreenCanvas.h"
#include "platform/RuntimeEnabledFeatures.h"
#include "platform/graphics/CompositorMutableProperties.h"
#include "public/platform/WebBlobInfo.h"
#include "wtf/CheckedNumeric.h"
#include "wtf/DateMath.h"
namespace blink {
namespace {
// The "Blink-side" serialization version, which defines how Blink will behave
// during the serialization process. The serialization format has two
// "envelopes": an outer one controlled by Blink and an inner one by V8.
// They are formatted as follows:
// [version tag] [Blink version] [version tag] [v8 version] ...
// Before version 16, there was only a single envelope and the version number
// for both parts was always equal.
// See also V8ScriptValueDeserializer.cpp.
const uint32_t kMinVersionForSeparateEnvelope = 16;
// Returns the number of bytes consumed reading the Blink version envelope, and
// sets |*version| to the version. If no Blink envelope was detected, zero is
// returned.
size_t readVersionEnvelope(SerializedScriptValue* serializedScriptValue,
uint32_t* outVersion) {
const uint8_t* rawData = serializedScriptValue->data();
const size_t length = serializedScriptValue->dataLengthInBytes();
if (!length || rawData[0] != VersionTag)
return 0;
// Read a 32-bit unsigned integer from varint encoding.
uint32_t version = 0;
size_t i = 1;
unsigned shift = 0;
bool hasAnotherByte;
do {
if (i > length)
return 0;
uint8_t byte = rawData[i];
if (LIKELY(shift < 32)) {
version |= static_cast<uint32_t>(byte & 0x7f) << shift;
shift += 7;
hasAnotherByte = byte & 0x80;
} while (hasAnotherByte);
// If the version in the envelope is too low, this was not a Blink version
// envelope.
if (version < kMinVersionForSeparateEnvelope)
return 0;
// Otherwise, we did read the envelope. Hurray!
*outVersion = version;
return i;
} // namespace
RefPtr<ScriptState> scriptState,
RefPtr<SerializedScriptValue> serializedScriptValue)
: m_scriptState(std::move(scriptState)),
this) {
v8::Local<v8::Value> V8ScriptValueDeserializer::deserialize() {
m_deserializeInvoked = true;
v8::Isolate* isolate = m_scriptState->isolate();
v8::EscapableHandleScope scope(isolate);
v8::TryCatch tryCatch(isolate);
v8::Local<v8::Context> context = m_scriptState->context();
size_t versionEnvelopeSize =
readVersionEnvelope(m_serializedScriptValue.get(), &m_version);
if (versionEnvelopeSize) {
const void* blinkEnvelope;
bool readEnvelope = readRawBytes(versionEnvelopeSize, &blinkEnvelope);
DCHECK_GE(m_version, kMinVersionForSeparateEnvelope);
} else {
DCHECK_EQ(m_version, 0u);
bool readHeader;
if (!m_deserializer.ReadHeader(context).To(&readHeader))
return v8::Null(isolate);
// If there was no Blink envelope earlier, Blink shares the wire format
// version from the V8 header.
if (!m_version)
m_version = m_deserializer.GetWireFormatVersion();
// Prepare to transfer the provided transferables.
v8::Local<v8::Value> value;
if (!m_deserializer.ReadValue(context).ToLocal(&value))
return v8::Null(isolate);
return scope.Escape(value);
void V8ScriptValueDeserializer::transfer() {
v8::Isolate* isolate = m_scriptState->isolate();
v8::Local<v8::Context> context = m_scriptState->context();
v8::Local<v8::Object> creationContext = context->Global();
// Transfer array buffers.
if (auto* arrayBufferContents =
m_serializedScriptValue->getArrayBufferContentsArray()) {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < arrayBufferContents->size(); i++) {
WTF::ArrayBufferContents& contents = arrayBufferContents->at(i);
if (contents.isShared()) {
DOMSharedArrayBuffer* arrayBuffer =
v8::Local<v8::Value> wrapper =
ToV8(arrayBuffer, creationContext, isolate);
i, v8::Local<v8::SharedArrayBuffer>::Cast(wrapper));
} else {
DOMArrayBuffer* arrayBuffer = DOMArrayBuffer::create(contents);
v8::Local<v8::Value> wrapper =
ToV8(arrayBuffer, creationContext, isolate);
i, v8::Local<v8::ArrayBuffer>::Cast(wrapper));
// Transfer image bitmaps.
if (auto* imageBitmapContents =
m_serializedScriptValue->getImageBitmapContentsArray()) {
for (const auto& image : *imageBitmapContents)
bool V8ScriptValueDeserializer::readUTF8String(String* string) {
uint32_t utf8Length = 0;
const void* utf8Data = nullptr;
if (!readUint32(&utf8Length) || !readRawBytes(utf8Length, &utf8Data))
return false;
*string =
String::fromUTF8(reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>(utf8Data), utf8Length);
return true;
ScriptWrappable* V8ScriptValueDeserializer::readDOMObject(
SerializationTag tag) {
switch (tag) {
case BlobTag: {
if (version() < 3)
return nullptr;
String uuid, type;
uint64_t size;
if (!readUTF8String(&uuid) || !readUTF8String(&type) ||
return nullptr;
return Blob::create(getOrCreateBlobDataHandle(uuid, type, size));
case BlobIndexTag: {
if (version() < 6 || !m_blobInfoArray)
return nullptr;
uint32_t index = 0;
if (!readUint32(&index) || index >= m_blobInfoArray->size())
return nullptr;
const WebBlobInfo& info = (*m_blobInfoArray)[index];
return Blob::create(
getOrCreateBlobDataHandle(info.uuid(), info.type(), info.size()));
case CompositorProxyTag: {
uint64_t element;
uint32_t properties;
const uint32_t validPropertiesMask = static_cast<uint32_t>(
(1u << CompositorMutableProperty::kNumProperties) - 1);
if (!RuntimeEnabledFeatures::compositorWorkerEnabled() ||
!readUint64(&element) || !readUint32(&properties) || !properties ||
(properties & ~validPropertiesMask))
return nullptr;
return CompositorProxy::create(m_scriptState->getExecutionContext(),
element, properties);
case FileTag:
return readFile();
case FileIndexTag:
return readFileIndex();
case FileListTag: {
// This does not presently deduplicate a File object and its entry in a
// FileList, which is non-standard behavior.
uint32_t length;
if (!readUint32(&length))
return nullptr;
FileList* fileList = FileList::create();
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (File* file = readFile())
return nullptr;
return fileList;
case FileListIndexTag: {
// This does not presently deduplicate a File object and its entry in a
// FileList, which is non-standard behavior.
uint32_t length;
if (!readUint32(&length))
return nullptr;
FileList* fileList = FileList::create();
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (File* file = readFileIndex())
return nullptr;
return fileList;
case ImageBitmapTag: {
uint32_t originClean = 0, isPremultiplied = 0, width = 0, height = 0,
pixelLength = 0;
const void* pixels = nullptr;
if (!readUint32(&originClean) || originClean > 1 ||
!readUint32(&isPremultiplied) || isPremultiplied > 1 ||
!readUint32(&width) || !readUint32(&height) ||
!readUint32(&pixelLength) || !readRawBytes(pixelLength, &pixels))
return nullptr;
CheckedNumeric<uint32_t> computedPixelLength = width;
computedPixelLength *= height;
computedPixelLength *= 4;
if (!computedPixelLength.IsValid() ||
computedPixelLength.ValueOrDie() != pixelLength)
return nullptr;
return ImageBitmap::create(pixels, width, height, isPremultiplied,
case ImageBitmapTransferTag: {
uint32_t index = 0;
if (!readUint32(&index) || index >= m_transferredImageBitmaps.size())
return nullptr;
return m_transferredImageBitmaps[index].get();
case ImageDataTag: {
uint32_t width = 0, height = 0, pixelLength = 0;
const void* pixels = nullptr;
if (!readUint32(&width) || !readUint32(&height) ||
!readUint32(&pixelLength) || !readRawBytes(pixelLength, &pixels))
return nullptr;
CheckedNumeric<uint32_t> computedPixelLength = width;
computedPixelLength *= height;
computedPixelLength *= 4;
if (!computedPixelLength.IsValid() ||
computedPixelLength.ValueOrDie() != pixelLength)
return nullptr;
ImageData* imageData = ImageData::create(IntSize(width, height));
if (!imageData)
return nullptr;
DOMUint8ClampedArray* pixelArray = imageData->data();
DCHECK_EQ(pixelArray->length(), pixelLength);
memcpy(pixelArray->data(), pixels, pixelLength);
return imageData;
case MessagePortTag: {
uint32_t index = 0;
if (!readUint32(&index) || !m_transferredMessagePorts ||
index >= m_transferredMessagePorts->size())
return nullptr;
return (*m_transferredMessagePorts)[index].get();
case OffscreenCanvasTransferTag: {
uint32_t width = 0, height = 0, canvasId = 0, clientId = 0, sinkId = 0;
if (!readUint32(&width) || !readUint32(&height) ||
!readUint32(&canvasId) || !readUint32(&clientId) ||
return nullptr;
OffscreenCanvas* canvas = OffscreenCanvas::create(width, height);
canvas->setFrameSinkId(clientId, sinkId);
return canvas;
return nullptr;
File* V8ScriptValueDeserializer::readFile() {
if (version() < 3)
return nullptr;
String path, name, relativePath, uuid, type;
uint32_t hasSnapshot = 0;
uint64_t size = 0;
double lastModifiedMs = 0;
if (!readUTF8String(&path) || (version() >= 4 && !readUTF8String(&name)) ||
(version() >= 4 && !readUTF8String(&relativePath)) ||
!readUTF8String(&uuid) || !readUTF8String(&type) ||
(version() >= 4 && !readUint32(&hasSnapshot)))
return nullptr;
if (hasSnapshot) {
if (!readUint64(&size) || !readDouble(&lastModifiedMs))
return nullptr;
if (version() < 8)
lastModifiedMs *= msPerSecond;
uint32_t isUserVisible = 1;
if (version() >= 7 && !readUint32(&isUserVisible))
return nullptr;
const File::UserVisibility userVisibility =
isUserVisible ? File::IsUserVisible : File::IsNotUserVisible;
const uint64_t sizeForDataHandle = static_cast<uint64_t>(-1);
return File::createFromSerialization(
path, name, relativePath, userVisibility, hasSnapshot, size,
lastModifiedMs, getOrCreateBlobDataHandle(uuid, type, sizeForDataHandle));
File* V8ScriptValueDeserializer::readFileIndex() {
if (version() < 6 || !m_blobInfoArray)
return nullptr;
uint32_t index;
if (!readUint32(&index) || index >= m_blobInfoArray->size())
return nullptr;
const WebBlobInfo& info = (*m_blobInfoArray)[index];
// FIXME: transition WebBlobInfo.lastModified to be milliseconds-based also.
double lastModifiedMs = info.lastModified() * msPerSecond;
return File::createFromIndexedSerialization(
info.filePath(), info.fileName(), info.size(), lastModifiedMs,
getOrCreateBlobDataHandle(info.uuid(), info.type(), info.size()));
RefPtr<BlobDataHandle> V8ScriptValueDeserializer::getOrCreateBlobDataHandle(
const String& uuid,
const String& type,
uint64_t size) {
// The containing ssv may have a BDH for this uuid if this ssv is just being
// passed from main to worker thread (for example). We use those values when
// creating the new blob instead of cons'ing up a new BDH.
// FIXME: Maybe we should require that it work that way where the ssv must
// have a BDH for any blobs it comes across during deserialization. Would
// require callers to explicitly populate the collection of BDH's for blobs to
// work, which would encourage lifetimes to be considered when passing ssv's
// around cross process. At present, we get 'lucky' in some cases because the
// blob in the src process happens to still exist at the time the dest process
// is deserializing.
// For example in sharedWorker.postMessage(...).
BlobDataHandleMap& handles = m_serializedScriptValue->blobDataHandles();
BlobDataHandleMap::const_iterator it = handles.find(uuid);
if (it != handles.end())
return it->value;
return BlobDataHandle::create(uuid, type, size);
v8::MaybeLocal<v8::Object> V8ScriptValueDeserializer::ReadHostObject(
v8::Isolate* isolate) {
DCHECK_EQ(isolate, m_scriptState->isolate());
ExceptionState exceptionState(isolate, ExceptionState::UnknownContext,
nullptr, nullptr);
ScriptWrappable* wrappable = nullptr;
SerializationTag tag = VersionTag;
if (readTag(&tag))
wrappable = readDOMObject(tag);
if (!wrappable) {
"Unable to deserialize cloned data.");
return v8::MaybeLocal<v8::Object>();
v8::Local<v8::Object> creationContext = m_scriptState->context()->Global();
v8::Local<v8::Value> wrapper = ToV8(wrappable, creationContext, isolate);
return wrapper.As<v8::Object>();
} // namespace blink