blob: 2c4f4ee4b9109758b92035b58a9f9007f8dc3fab [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/files/file.h"
#include "chromeos/dbus/smb_provider_client.h"
namespace chromeos {
namespace smb_client {
// These values are written to logs. New enum values may be added, but existing
// enums must never be renumbered or values reused. Must be kept in sync
// with the SmbMountResult enum in
// ui/webui/resources/cr_components/chromeos/smb_shares/smb_browser_proxy.js
// and the NativeSmbFileShare_MountResult enum in enums.xml.
enum class SmbMountResult {
// TODO(allenvic): Change syntax to kConstantSyntax.
SUCCESS = 0, // Mount succeeded.
UNKNOWN_FAILURE = 1, // Mount failed in an unrecognized way.
AUTHENTICATION_FAILED = 2, // Authentication to the share failed.
NOT_FOUND = 3, // The specified share was not found.
UNSUPPORTED_DEVICE = 4, // The specified share is not supported.
MOUNT_EXISTS = 5, // The specified share is already mounted.
INVALID_URL = 6, // The mount URL is an invalid SMB URL.
INVALID_OPERATION = 7, // libsmbclient returned invalid operation.
DBUS_PARSE_FAILED = 8, // Parsing the D-Bus message or response failed.
OUT_OF_MEMORY = 9, // The share is out of memory or storage.
ABORTED = 10, // The operation was aborted.
IO_ERROR = 11, // An I/O error occured.
TOO_MANY_OPENED = 12, // There are too many shares open.
kMaxValue = TOO_MANY_OPENED // Max enum value for use in metrics.
// Translates an smbprovider::ErrorType to a base::File::Error. Since
// smbprovider::ErrorType is a superset of base::File::Error, errors that do not
// map directly are logged and mapped to the generic failed error.
base::File::Error TranslateToFileError(smbprovider::ErrorType error);
// Translates a base::File::Error to an smbprovider::ErrorType. There is an
// explicit smbprovider::ErrorType for each base::File::Error.
smbprovider::ErrorType TranslateToErrorType(base::File::Error error);
// Translates an smbprovider::ErrorType to an SmbMountResult.
SmbMountResult TranslateErrorToMountResult(smbprovider::ErrorType error);
// Translates a base::File::Error to an SmbMountResult.
SmbMountResult TranslateErrorToMountResult(base::File::Error error);
} // namespace smb_client
} // namespace chromeos