blob: ad7237ea8a9765a0db16b2ad1d81bac392b56cf3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <WebKit/WebKit.h>
namespace web {
class NavigationContextImpl;
// State of in-flight WKNavigation objects.
enum class WKNavigationState : int {
// Navigation does not exist.
NONE = 0,
// WKNavigation returned from |loadRequest:|, |goToBackForwardListItem:|,
// |loadFileURL:allowingReadAccessToURL:|, |loadHTMLString:baseURL:|,
// |loadData:MIMEType:characterEncodingName:baseURL:|, |goBack|, |goForward|,
// |reload| or |reloadFromOrigin|.
// WKNavigation passed to |webView:didStartProvisionalNavigation:|.
// WKNavigation passed to
// |webView:didReceiveServerRedirectForProvisionalNavigation:|.
// WKNavigation passed to |webView:didFailProvisionalNavigation:|.
// WKNavigation passed to |webView:didCommitNavigation:|.
// WKNavigation passed to |webView:didFinishNavigation:|.
// WKNavigation passed to |webView:didFailNavigation:withError:|.
} // namespace web
// Stores states and navigation contexts for WKNavigation objects.
// Allows looking up for last added navigation object. null WKNavigation is a
// valid navigation and treated as a unique key. WKWebView passes null
// WKNavigation to WKNavigationDelegate callbacks if navigation represents
// window opening action.
@interface CRWWKNavigationStates : NSObject
// Adds a new navigation if it was not added yet. If navigation was already
// added then updates state for existing navigation. Updating state does not
// affect the result of |lastAddedNavigation| method. New added navigations
// should have WKNavigationState::REQUESTED, WKNavigationState::STARTED or
// WKNavigationState::COMMITTED state. |navigation| will be held as a weak
// reference and will not be retained. No-op if |navigation| is null.
- (void)setState:(web::WKNavigationState)state
// Returns state for a given |navigation| or NONE if navigation does not exist.
- (web::WKNavigationState)stateForNavigation:(WKNavigation*)navigation;
// Removes given |navigation|. Fails if |navigation| does not exist.
// |navigation| can be null. Cliens don't have to call this method for non-null
// navigations because non-null navigations are weak and will be automatically
// removed when system releases finished navigaitons. This method must always be
// called for completed null navigations because they are not removed
// automatically.
- (void)removeNavigation:(WKNavigation*)navigation;
// Adds a new navigation if it was not added yet. If navigation was already
// added then updates context for existing navigation. Updating context does not
// affect the result of |lastAddedNavigation| method. |navigation| will be held
// as a weak reference and will not be retained. No-op if |navigation| is null.
- (void)setContext:(std::unique_ptr<web::NavigationContextImpl>)context
// Returns context if one was previously associated with given |navigation|.
// Returns null if |navigation| is null.
- (web::NavigationContextImpl*)contextForNavigation:(WKNavigation*)navigation;
// WKNavigation which was added the most recently via |setState:forNavigation:|.
// Updating navigation state via |setState:forNavigation:| does not change the
// last added navigation. Returns nil if there are no stored navigations or
// last navigation was null.
- (WKNavigation*)lastAddedNavigation;
// State of WKNavigation which was added the most recently via
// |setState:forNavigation:|. WKNavigationState::NONE if CRWWKNavigationStates
// is empty.
- (web::WKNavigationState)lastAddedNavigationState;
// Returns navigations that are not yet committed, finished or failed.
// This array may contain NSNull to represent null WKNavigation.
- (NSSet*)pendingNavigations;
// webView:didCommitNavigation: can be called multiple times.
// webView:didFinishNavigation: can be called before
// webView:didCommitNavigation:. This method returns YES if the given navigation
// has ever been committed.
- (BOOL)isCommittedNavigation:(WKNavigation*)navigation;