blob: d6b3dbddd692adfa3be45af2d9224e946dad8019 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "device/vr/openvr/openvr_gamepad_helper.h"
#include "device/vr/openvr/openvr_api_wrapper.h"
#include <memory>
#include <unordered_set>
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/strings/string_split.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "device/gamepad/public/cpp/gamepads.h"
#include "device/vr/util/gamepad_builder.h"
#include "device/vr/util/xr_standard_gamepad_builder.h"
#include "device/vr/vr_device.h"
#include "third_party/openvr/src/headers/openvr.h"
#include "ui/gfx/transform.h"
#include "ui/gfx/transform_util.h"
namespace device {
namespace {
constexpr double kJoystickDeadzone = 0.16;
bool TryGetGamepadButton(const vr::VRControllerState_t& controller_state,
uint64_t supported_buttons,
vr::EVRButtonId button_id,
GamepadButton* button) {
uint64_t button_mask = vr::ButtonMaskFromId(button_id);
if ((supported_buttons & button_mask) != 0) {
bool button_pressed = (controller_state.ulButtonPressed & button_mask) != 0;
bool button_touched = (controller_state.ulButtonTouched & button_mask) != 0;
button->touched = button_touched || button_pressed;
button->pressed = button_pressed;
button->value = button_pressed ? 1.0 : 0.0;
return true;
return false;
vr::EVRButtonId GetAxisId(uint32_t axis_offset) {
return static_cast<vr::EVRButtonId>(vr::k_EButton_Axis0 + axis_offset);
std::map<vr::EVRButtonId, GamepadBuilder::ButtonData> GetAxesButtons(
vr::IVRSystem* vr_system,
const vr::VRControllerState_t& controller_state,
uint64_t supported_buttons,
uint32_t controller_id) {
std::map<vr::EVRButtonId, GamepadBuilder::ButtonData> button_data_map;
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < vr::k_unControllerStateAxisCount; ++j) {
int32_t axis_type = vr_system->GetInt32TrackedDeviceProperty(
static_cast<vr::TrackedDeviceProperty>(vr::Prop_Axis0Type_Int32 + j));
GamepadBuilder::ButtonData button_data;
// Invert the y axis because -1 is up in the Gamepad API but down in OpenVR.
double x_axis = controller_state.rAxis[j].x;
double y_axis = -controller_state.rAxis[j].y;
if (axis_type == vr::k_eControllerAxis_Joystick) {
button_data.type = GamepadBuilder::ButtonData::Type::kThumbstick;
// We only want to apply the deadzone to joysticks, since various
// runtimes may not have already done that, but touchpads should
// be fine.
x_axis = std::fabs(x_axis) < kJoystickDeadzone ? 0 : x_axis;
y_axis = std::fabs(y_axis) < kJoystickDeadzone ? 0 : y_axis;
} else if (axis_type == vr::k_eControllerAxis_TrackPad) {
button_data.type = GamepadBuilder::ButtonData::Type::kTouchpad;
switch (axis_type) {
case vr::k_eControllerAxis_Joystick:
case vr::k_eControllerAxis_TrackPad: {
button_data.x_axis = x_axis;
button_data.y_axis = y_axis;
vr::EVRButtonId button_id = GetAxisId(j);
// Even if the button associated with the axis isn't supported, if we
// have valid axis data, we should still send that up. Since the spec
// expects buttons with axes, then we will add a dummy button to match
// the axes.
GamepadButton button;
if (TryGetGamepadButton(controller_state, supported_buttons, button_id,
&button)) {
button_data.touched = button.touched;
button_data.pressed = button.pressed;
button_data.value = button.value;
} else {
button_data.pressed = false;
button_data.value = 0.0;
button_data.touched =
(std::fabs(x_axis) > 0 || std::fabs(y_axis) > 0);
button_data_map[button_id] = button_data;
} break;
case vr::k_eControllerAxis_Trigger: {
GamepadButton button;
GamepadBuilder::ButtonData button_data;
vr::EVRButtonId button_id = GetAxisId(j);
if (TryGetGamepadButton(controller_state, supported_buttons, button_id,
&button)) {
button_data.touched = button.touched;
button_data.pressed = button.pressed;
button_data.value = x_axis;
button_data_map[button_id] = button_data;
} break;
return button_data_map;
constexpr std::array<vr::EVRButtonId, 5> kWebXRButtonOrder = {
vr::k_EButton_A, vr::k_EButton_DPad_Left, vr::k_EButton_DPad_Up,
vr::k_EButton_DPad_Right, vr::k_EButton_DPad_Down,
// To make sure this string fits the requirements of the WebXR spec, separate
// words/tokens are separated by "-" instead of whitespace and convert it to
// lowercase.
std::string FixupProfileString(const std::string& name) {
std::vector<std::string> tokens =
base::SplitString(name, base::kWhitespaceASCII, base::KEEP_WHITESPACE,
std::string result = base::JoinString(tokens, "-");
return base::ToLowerASCII(result);
} // namespace
// Helper classes and WebXR Getters
class OpenVRGamepadBuilder : public XRStandardGamepadBuilder {
enum class AxesRequirement {
kOptional = 0,
kRequireBoth = 1,
OpenVRGamepadBuilder(vr::IVRSystem* vr_system,
uint32_t controller_id,
vr::VRControllerState_t controller_state,
mojom::XRHandedness handedness)
: XRStandardGamepadBuilder(handedness),
controller_state_(controller_state) {
supported_buttons_ = vr_system->GetUint64TrackedDeviceProperty(
controller_id, vr::Prop_SupportedButtons_Uint64);
axes_data_ = GetAxesButtons(vr_system, controller_state_,
supported_buttons_, controller_id);
base::Optional<GamepadBuilder::ButtonData> primary_button =
if (!primary_button) {
base::Optional<GamepadButton> secondary_button =
if (secondary_button) {
base::Optional<GamepadBuilder::ButtonData> touchpad_data =
if (touchpad_data) {
base::Optional<GamepadBuilder::ButtonData> thumbstick_data =
if (thumbstick_data) {
// Now that all of the xr-standard reserved buttons have been filled in, we
// add the rest of the buttons in order of decreasing importance.
// First add regular buttons.
for (const auto& id : kWebXRButtonOrder) {
base::Optional<GamepadButton> button = TryGetButton(id);
if (button) {
// Finally, add any remaining axis buttons (triggers/josysticks/touchpads)
// Find out the model and manufacturer names in case the caller wants this
// information for the input profiles array.
std::string model =
GetOpenVRString(vr_system, vr::Prop_ModelNumber_String, controller_id);
std::string manufacturer = GetOpenVRString(
vr_system, vr::Prop_ManufacturerName_String, controller_id);
UpdateProfiles(manufacturer, model);
~OpenVRGamepadBuilder() override = default;
std::vector<std::string> GetProfiles() const { return profiles_; }
void UpdateProfiles(const std::string& manufacturer,
const std::string& model) {
// Per the WebXR spec, the first entry in the profiles array should be the
// most specific one.
std::string name =
FixupProfileString(manufacturer) + "-" + FixupProfileString(model);
// Also record information about what this controller actually does in a
// more general sense. The controller is guaranteed to at least have a
// trigger if we get here.
std::string capabilities = "generic-trigger";
if (HasSecondaryButton()) {
capabilities += "-squeeze";
if (HasTouchpad()) {
capabilities += "-touchpad";
if (HasThumbstick()) {
capabilities += "-thumbstick";
base::Optional<GamepadBuilder::ButtonData> TryGetAxesOrTriggerButton(
vr::EVRButtonId button_id,
AxesRequirement requirement = AxesRequirement::kOptional) {
if (!IsInAxesData(button_id))
return base::nullopt;
bool require_axes = (requirement == AxesRequirement::kRequireBoth);
if (require_axes &&
axes_data_[button_id].type == GamepadBuilder::ButtonData::Type::kButton)
return base::nullopt;
return axes_data_[button_id];
base::Optional<GamepadBuilder::ButtonData> TryGetNextUnusedButtonOfType(
GamepadBuilder::ButtonData::Type type) {
for (const auto& axes_data_pair : axes_data_) {
vr::EVRButtonId button_id = axes_data_pair.first;
if (IsUsed(button_id))
if (axes_data_pair.second.type != type)
return TryGetAxesOrTriggerButton(button_id,
return base::nullopt;
base::Optional<GamepadButton> TryGetButton(vr::EVRButtonId button_id) {
GamepadButton button;
if (TryGetGamepadButton(controller_state_, supported_buttons_, button_id,
&button)) {
return button;
return base::nullopt;
// This will add any remaining unused values from axes_data to the gamepad.
// Returns a bool indicating whether any additional axes were added.
void AddRemainingTriggersAndAxes() {
for (const auto& axes_data_pair : axes_data_) {
if (!IsUsed(axes_data_pair.first)) {
bool IsUsed(vr::EVRButtonId button_id) {
auto it = used_axes_.find(button_id);
return it != used_axes_.end();
bool IsInAxesData(vr::EVRButtonId button_id) {
auto it = axes_data_.find(button_id);
return it != axes_data_.end();
const vr::VRControllerState_t controller_state_;
uint64_t supported_buttons_;
std::map<vr::EVRButtonId, GamepadBuilder::ButtonData> axes_data_;
std::unordered_set<vr::EVRButtonId> used_axes_;
std::vector<std::string> profiles_;
OpenVRInputSourceData::OpenVRInputSourceData() = default;
OpenVRInputSourceData::~OpenVRInputSourceData() = default;
const OpenVRInputSourceData& other) = default;
OpenVRInputSourceData OpenVRGamepadHelper::GetXRInputSourceData(
vr::IVRSystem* vr_system,
uint32_t controller_id,
vr::VRControllerState_t controller_state,
mojom::XRHandedness handedness) {
OpenVRGamepadBuilder builder(vr_system, controller_id, controller_state,
OpenVRInputSourceData data;
data.gamepad = builder.GetGamepad();
data.profiles = builder.GetProfiles();
return data;
} // namespace device