blob: 5023986f6c17d8c8f9a2d54b7abbcf41633d86e8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto2";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
package enterprise_management;
// This enum needs to be shared between DeviceRegisterRequest and
// LicenseAvailability protos. With java_api_version 1, this means that enum
// needs to be wrapped into a message.
message LicenseType {
// Enumerates different license types.
enum LicenseTypeEnum {
// Unknown/undefined
// Chrome Device Management Perpetual
// Chrome Device Management Annual
// Chrome Kiosk
KIOSK = 3;
optional LicenseTypeEnum license_type = 1;
// Data along with a cryptographic signature verifying their authenticity.
message SignedData {
// The data to be signed.
optional bytes data = 1;
// The signature of the data field.
optional bytes signature = 2;
// How many bytes were added to the end of original data before signature
// (e.g. a nonce to avoid proxy attacks of the signing service).
optional int32 extra_data_bytes = 3;
// Request from device to server to register a device, user or browser.
message DeviceRegisterRequest {
reserved 5;
// Reregister device without erasing server state. It can be used
// to refresh dmtoken etc. Client MUST set this value to true if it
// reuses an existing device id.
optional bool reregister = 1;
// Register type. This field does not exist for TT release.
// When a client requests for policies, server should verify the
// client has been registered properly. For example, a client must
// register with type DEVICE in order to retrieve device policies.
enum Type {
TT = 0; // Register for TT release.
USER = 1; // Register for Chrome OS user polices.
DEVICE = 2; // Register for Chrome OS device policies.
BROWSER = 3; // Register for desktop Chrome browser user policies.
ANDROID_BROWSER = 4; // Register for Android Chrome browser user policies.
IOS_BROWSER = 5; // Register for iOS Chrome browser user policies.
// NOTE: we also use this field to detect client version. If this
// field is missing, then the request comes from TT. We will remove
// Chrome OS TT support once it is over.
optional Type type = 2 [default = TT];
// Machine hardware id, such as serial number.
// This field is required if register type == DEVICE.
optional string machine_id = 3;
// Machine model name, such as "ZGA", "Cr-48", "Nexus One". If the
// model name is not available, client SHOULD send generic name like
// "Android", or "Chrome OS".
optional string machine_model = 4;
// Indicates a requisition of the registering entity that the server can act
// upon. This allows clients to pass hints e.g. at device enrollment time
// about the intended use of the device.
optional string requisition = 6;
// The current server-backed state key for the client, if applicable. This can
// be used by the server to link the registration request to an existing
// device record for re-enrollment.
optional bytes server_backed_state_key = 7;
// Enumerates different flavors of registration.
enum Flavor {
// User manually enrolls a device for device management.
// User re-starts enrollment manually to recover from loss of policy.
// Device enrollment forced by local device configuration, such as OEM
// partition flags to force enrollment.
// Enrollment advertised by local device configuration, such as OEM
// partition flags indicating to prompt for enrollment, but allowing the
// user to skip.
// Device state downloaded from the server during OOBE indicates that
// (re-)enrollment is mandatory.
// Device state downloaded from the server during OOBE indicates that the
// device should prompt for (re-)enrollment, but the user is allowed to
// skip.
// Device detected in steady state that it is supposed to be enrolled, but
// the policy is missing.
// User policy registration for a logged-in user.
// Attestation-based with the option to use a different authentication
// mechanism.
// Forced attestation-based enrollment (cannot fallback to another flavor).
// Indicates the registration flavor. This is passed to the server FYI when
// registering for policy so the server can distinguish registration triggers.
optional Flavor flavor = 8;
// If specified, represents the license type selected by user on the device.
optional LicenseType license_type = 9;
// Response from server to device register request.
message DeviceRegisterResponse {
// Device management token for this registration. This token MUST be
// part of HTTP Authorization header for all future requests from
// device to server.
required string device_management_token = 1;
// Device display name. By default, server generates the name in
// the format of "Machine Model - Machine Id". However, domain
// admin can update it using CPanel, so do NOT treat it as constant.
optional string machine_name = 2;
// Enum listing the possible modes the device should be locked into when the
// registration is finished.
enum DeviceMode {
// In ENTERPRISE mode the device has no local owner and device settings are
// controlled through the cloud policy infrastructure. Auto-enrollment is
// supported in that mode.
// Devices in RETAIL mode also have no local owner and get their device
// settings from the cloud, but additionally this mode enables the demo
// account on the device.
// Devices in CHROME_AD mode are in enterprises with AD. Device settings
// are controlled through the AD policy infrastructure.
optional DeviceMode enrollment_type = 3 [default = ENTERPRISE];
// An opaque configuration string for devices that require it. CHROME_AD
// devices, for example, may use this string for AD discovery. Must be at
// most a few kBytes.
optional string configuration_seed = 4;
// Request from device to server to unregister device.
// GoogleDMToken MUST be in HTTP Authorization header.
message DeviceUnregisterRequest {
// Response from server to device for unregister request.
message DeviceUnregisterResponse {
// Request from device to server to upload device EMCert
// (enterprise machine cert used for remote attestation).
// GoogleDMToken MUST be in HTTP Authorization header.
message DeviceCertUploadRequest {
// EMCert in X.509 format.
optional bytes device_certificate = 1;
// Response from server to device for cert upload request.
message DeviceCertUploadResponse {
// Request to access a Google service with the given scope.
message DeviceServiceApiAccessRequest {
// The list of auth scopes the device requests from DMServer.
repeated string auth_scope = 1;
// OAuth2 client ID to which the returned authorization code is bound.
optional string oauth2_client_id = 2;
// Enumerates different flavors of registration.
enum DeviceType {
// Authcode will be used by Chrome OS
// (this is typically requested during device enrollment)
// Authcode will be used by Android (ARC) subsystem
// (this is typically requested during ARC Kiosk session setup)
// Device type indicates the intended use of the auth code.
optional DeviceType device_type = 3;
// Response from server to API access request.
message DeviceServiceApiAccessResponse {
// The OAuth2 authorization code for the requested scope(s).
// This can be exchanged for a refresh token.
optional string auth_code = 1;
message PolicyFetchRequest {
reserved 5;
// This is the policy type, which maps to D3 policy type internally.
// By convention, we use "/" as separator to create policy namespace.
// The policy type names are case insensitive.
// Possible values for Chrome OS are:
// google/chromeos/device => ChromeDeviceSettingsProto
// google/chromeos/user => ChromeSettingsProto
// google/chromeos/publicaccount => ChromeSettingsProto
// google/chrome/extension => ExternalPolicyData
// google/chromeos/signinextension => ExternalPolicyData
// google/android/user => ChromeSettingsProto
// google/ios/user => ChromeSettingsProto
optional string policy_type = 1;
// This is the last policy timestamp that client received from server. The
// expectation is that this field is filled by the value of
// PolicyData.timestamp from the last policy received by the client.
optional int64 timestamp = 2;
// Tell server what kind of security signature is required.
enum SignatureType {
NONE = 0;
SHA1_RSA = 1;
optional SignatureType signature_type = 3 [default = NONE];
// The version number of the public key that is currently stored
// on the client. This should be the last number the server had
// supplied as new_public_key_version in PolicyData.
// This field is unspecified if the client does not yet have a
// public key.
optional int32 public_key_version = 4;
// This field is used for devices to send the additional ID to fetch settings.
// Retrieving some settings requires more than just device or user ID.
// For example, to retrieve public account, devices need to pass in
// public account ID in addition to device ID. To retrieve extension or
// plug-in settings, devices need to pass in extension/plug-in ID in
// addition to user ID.
// policy_type represents the type of settings (e.g. public account,
// extension) devices request to fetch.
optional string settings_entity_id = 6;
// If this fetch is due to a policy invalidation, this field contains the
// version provided with the invalidation. The server interprets this value
// and the value of invalidation_payload to fetch the up-to-date policy.
optional int64 invalidation_version = 7;
// If this fetch is due to a policy invalidation, this field contains the
// payload delivered with the invalidation. The server interprets this value
// and the value of invalidation_version to fetch the up-to-date policy.
optional bytes invalidation_payload = 8;
// Hash string for the chrome policy verification public key which is embedded
// into Chrome binary. Matching private key will be used by the server
// to sign per-domain policy keys during key rotation. If server does not
// have the key which matches this hash string, that could indicate malicious
// or out-of-date Chrome client.
optional string verification_key_hash = 9;
// This message customizes how the device behaves when it is disabled by its
// owner. The message will be sent as part of the DeviceState fetched during
// normal operation and as part of the DeviceStateRetrievalResponse fetched when
// the device is wiped/reinstalled.
message DisabledState {
// A message to the finder/thief that should be shown on the screen.
optional string message = 1;
message DeviceState {
// Modes of operation that the device can be in.
enum DeviceMode {
// The device is operating normally. Sessions can be started and the device
// can be used.
// The device has been disabled by its owner. The device will show a warning
// screen and will not allow any sessions to be started.
// The mode of operation that the device should be in.
optional DeviceMode device_mode = 1 [default = DEVICE_MODE_NORMAL];
// State that is relevant only when the |device_mode| is
optional DisabledState disabled_state = 2;
// This message is included in serialized form in PolicyFetchResponse below. It
// may also be signed, with the signature being created for the serialized form.
message PolicyData {
reserved 10;
// See PolicyFetchRequest.policy_type.
optional string policy_type = 1;
// [timestamp] is milliseconds since Epoch in UTC timezone (Java time). It is
// included here so that the time at which the server issued this response
// cannot be faked (as protection against replay attacks). It is the timestamp
// generated by DMServer, NOT the time admin last updated the policy or
// anything like that.
optional int64 timestamp = 2;
// The DM token that was used by the client in the HTTP POST header for
// authenticating the request. It is included here again so that the client
// can verify that the response is meant for them (and not issued by a replay
// or man-in-the-middle attack).
// Note that the existence or non-existence of the DM token is not the correct
// way to determine whether the device is managed. Cf. |management_mode| below
// for details.
optional string request_token = 3;
// The serialized value of the actual policy protobuf. This can be
// deserialized to an instance of, for example, ChromeSettingsProto,
// ChromeDeviceSettingsProto, or ExternalPolicyData.
optional bytes policy_value = 4;
// The device display name assigned by the server. It is only
// filled if the display name is available.
// The display name of the machine as generated by the server or set
// by the Administrator in the CPanel GUI. This is the same thing as
// |machine_name| in DeviceRegisterResponse but it might have
// changed since then.
optional string machine_name = 5;
// Version number of the server's current public key. (The key that
// was used to sign this response. Numbering should start at 1 and be
// increased by 1 at each key rotation.)
optional int32 public_key_version = 6;
// The user this policy is intended for. In case of device policy, the name
// of the owner (who registered the device).
optional string username = 7;
// In this field the DMServer should echo back the "deviceid" HTTP parameter
// from the request.
optional string device_id = 8;
// Indicates which state this association with DMServer is in. This can be
// used to tell the client that it is not receiving policy even though the
// registration with the server is kept active.
enum AssociationState {
// Association is active and policy is pushed.
// Association is alive, but the corresponding domain is not managed.
// The device has been deprovisioned by the administrator and is no longer
// managed.
optional AssociationState state = 9 [default = ACTIVE];
// Indicates which public account or extension/plug-in this policy data is
// for. See PolicyFetchRequest.settings_entity_id for more details.
optional string settings_entity_id = 11;
// Indicates the identity the device service account is associated with.
// This is only sent as part of device policy fetch.
optional string service_account_identity = 12;
// The object source which hosts policy objects within the invalidation
// service. This value is combined with invalidation_name to form the object
// id used to register for invalidations to this policy.
optional int32 invalidation_source = 13;
// The name which uniquely identifies this policy within the invalidation
// service object source. This value is combined with invalidation_source to
// form the object id used to register for invalidations to this policy.
optional bytes invalidation_name = 14;
// Server-provided identifier of the fetched policy. This is to be used
// by the client when requesting Policy Posture assertion through an API
// call or SAML flow. For details, see http://go/chrome-nac-server-design.
optional string policy_token = 15;
// Indicates the management mode of the device. Note that old policies do not
// have this field. If this field is not set but request_token is set, assume
// the management mode is ENTERPRISE_MANAGED. If both this field and
// request_token are not set, assume the management mode is LOCAL_OWNER.
enum ManagementMode {
// The device is owned locally. The policies are set by the local owner of
// the device.
// The device is enterprise-managed (either via DM server or through Active
// Directory). See the comment above for backward compatibility.
// Obsolete. Don't use.
optional ManagementMode management_mode = 16;
// Indicates the state that the device should be in.
optional DeviceState device_state = 17;
// The object source which hosts command queue objects within the
// invalidation service. This value is combined with
// command_invalidation_name to form the object ID used to
// register for invalidations to the command queue.
optional int32 command_invalidation_source = 18;
// The name which uniquely identifies this device’s queue within
// the invalidation service object source. This value is combined
// with command_invalidation_source to form the object ID used to
// register for invalidations to the command queue.
optional bytes command_invalidation_name = 19;
// The free-text location info the admin enters to associate the device
// with a location.
optional string annotated_location = 20;
// The free-text asset identifier the admin enters to associate the device
// with a user-generated identifier.
optional string annotated_asset_id = 21;
// The unique directory api ID of the device which was generated on the
// server-side.
optional string directory_api_id = 22;
// List of device affiliation IDs. If there exists an overlap between user
// affiliation IDs and device affiliation IDs, we consider that the user is
// affiliated on the device. Otherwise the user is not affiliated on the
// device. Should be fetched with device policy. Ignored if fetched with
// other polices.
repeated string device_affiliation_ids = 23;
// List of user affiliation IDs. The list is used to define if current user
// is affiliated on the device. See device_affiliation_ids for details.
// Should be fetched with user policy. Ignored if fetched with other polices.
repeated string user_affiliation_ids = 24;
message PolicyFetchResponse {
// Since a single policy request may ask for multiple policies, DM server
// provides separate error codes (making use of standard HTTP Status Codes)
// for each individual policy fetch.
optional int32 error_code = 1;
// Human readable error message for customer support purpose.
optional string error_message = 2;
// This is a serialized |PolicyData| protobuf (defined above).
optional bytes policy_data = 3;
// Signature of the policy data above.
optional bytes policy_data_signature = 4;
// If the public key has been rotated on the server, the new public
// key is sent here. It is already used for |policy_data_signature|
// above, whereas |new_public_key_signature| is created using the
// old key (so the client can trust the new key). If this is the
// first time when the client requests policies (so it doesn't have
// on old public key), then |new_public_key_signature| is empty.
optional bytes new_public_key = 5;
optional bytes new_public_key_signature = 6;
// DEPRECATED: Exists only to support older clients. This signature is similar
// to new_public_key_verification_data_signature, but is computed over
// DEPRECATEDPolicyPublicKeyAndDomain (which is equivalent to
// PublicKeyVerificationData proto with version field unset).
optional bytes new_public_key_verification_signature_deprecated = 7
[deprecated = true];
// This is a serialized |PublicKeyVerificationData| protobuf (defined
// below). See comments for |new_public_key_verification_data_signature| field
// for details on how this data is signed.
// Please note that |new_public_key| is also included inside this data
// field. Thus we have new public key signed with old version of private key
// (if client indicated to us that it has old key version), and
// new public key data signed by master verification key (if client told
// us that it has public verification key - see |verification_key_id| field
// of |PolicyFetchRequest|). In most cases, both signatures will be provided.
// However, client might not have old policy signing key - for example, when
// new profile is being set up. In this case, only verification signature
// is supplied.
// Or, client might not have verification public key (legacy Chrome build
// before verification key was introduced, or outdated build which has
// old/compromised verification key). In that case, verification signature
// cannot be provided.
// If client is missing both public keys (old signing key and verification
// key), then we are unable to produce any valid signature and client must
// drop such PolicyFetchResponse.
optional bytes new_public_key_verification_data = 8;
// If new_public_key is specified, this field contains the signature of a
// PublicKeyVerificationData protobuf, signed using a key only available to
// DMServer. The public key portion of this well-known key is embedded into
// the Chrome binary. The hash of that embedded key is passed to DMServer as
// verification_key_hash field in PolicyFetchRequest. DMServer picks a private
// key on the server which matches the hash (matches public key on the
// client). If DMServer is unable to find matching key, it returns an error
// instead of policy data. In case a hash was not specified, DMServer leaves
// the verification signature field empty (legacy behavior).
// This signature is provided to better protect first key delivery (since the
// browser does not possess the previous signing key, DMServer cannot compute
// new_public_key_signature).
// See http://go/chrome-nac-server-design for more information.
optional bytes new_public_key_verification_data_signature = 9;
// DEPRECATED: Protobuf used to generate the deprecated
// new_public_key_verification_signature field.
message DEPRECATEDPolicyPublicKeyAndDomain {
// The public key to sign (taken from the |new_public_key| field in
// PolicyFetchResponse).
optional bytes new_public_key = 1;
// The domain associated with this key (should match the domain portion of the
// username field of the policy).
optional string domain = 2;
// This message contains the information which is signed by the verification key
// during policy key rotation. It is included in serialized form in
// PolicyFetchResponse above. A signature of the serialized form is included in
// the new_public_key_verification_data_signature field.
message PublicKeyVerificationData {
// The new public policy key after a key rotation.
optional bytes new_public_key = 1;
// The domain of the device/user.
optional string domain = 2;
// The version number of the new_public_key. This must be monotonically
// increasing (within a domain).
optional int32 new_public_key_version = 3;
// Request from device to server for reading policies.
message DevicePolicyRequest {
// The policy fetch request. If this field exists, the request must
// comes from a non-TT client. The repeated field allows client to
// request multiple policies for better performance.
repeated PolicyFetchRequest request = 3;
// Response from server to device for reading policies.
message DevicePolicyResponse {
// The policy fetch response.
repeated PolicyFetchResponse response = 3;
message TimePeriod {
// [timestamp] is milliseconds since Epoch in UTC timezone (Java time).
optional int64 start_timestamp = 1;
optional int64 end_timestamp = 2;
message ActiveTimePeriod {
optional TimePeriod time_period = 1;
// The active duration during the above time period.
// The unit is milli-second.
optional int32 active_duration = 2;
// Details about a network interface.
message NetworkInterface {
// Indicates the type of network device.
enum NetworkDeviceType {
// Network device type.
optional NetworkDeviceType type = 1;
// MAC address (if applicable) of the corresponding network device. This is
// formatted as an ASCII string with 12 hex digits. Example: A0B1C2D3E4F5.
optional string mac_address = 2;
// MEID (if applicable) of the corresponding network device. Formatted as
// ASCII string composed of 14 hex digits. Example: A10000009296F2.
optional string meid = 3;
// IMEI (if applicable) of the corresponding network device. 15-16 decimal
// digits encoded as ASCII string. Example: 355402040158759.
optional string imei = 4;
// The device path associated with this network interface.
optional string device_path = 5;
// Information about configured/visible networks - this is separate from
// NetworkInterface because a configured network may not be associated with
// any specific interface, or may be visible across multiple interfaces.
message NetworkState {
// The current state of this network.
enum ConnectionState {
IDLE = 0;
READY = 4;
// For networks associated with a device, the path of the device.
optional string device_path = 1;
// Current state of this connection as reported by shill.
optional ConnectionState connection_state = 2;
// For wireless networks, the signal_strength in dBm.
optional int32 signal_strength = 3;
// The IP address this interface is bound to, if any.
optional string ip_address = 4;
// The gateway IP for this interface, if any.
optional string gateway = 5;
// Details about a device user.
message DeviceUser {
// Types of device users which can be reported.
enum UserType {
// A user managed by the same domain as the device.
// A user not managed by the same domain as the device.
// The type of the user.
required UserType type = 1;
// Email address of the user. Present only if the user type is managed.
optional string email = 2;
// Information about a single disk volume.
message VolumeInfo {
optional string volume_id = 1;
// The unit is bytes.
optional int64 storage_total = 2;
optional int64 storage_free = 3;
// Information about a single CPU temperature channel.
message CPUTempInfo {
// Temperature channel label.
optional string cpu_label = 1;
// CPU temperature in Celsius.
optional int32 cpu_temp = 2;
// Report device level status.
message DeviceStatusReportRequest {
reserved 4, 7, 13;
// The OS version reported by the device is a platform version
// e.g. 1435.0.2011_12_16_1635.
optional string os_version = 1;
optional string firmware_version = 2;
// "Verified", "Dev". Same as verified mode.
// If the mode is unknown, this field should not be set.
optional string boot_mode = 3;
// The browser version string as shown in the About dialog.
// e.g. 17.0.963.18.
optional string browser_version = 5;
// A list of periods when the device was active, aggregated by day.
repeated ActiveTimePeriod active_period = 6;
// List of network interfaces.
repeated NetworkInterface network_interface = 8;
// List of recent device users, in descending order by last login time.
repeated DeviceUser user = 9;
// Disk space + other info about mounted/connected volumes.
repeated VolumeInfo volume_info = 10;
// List of visible/configured networks
repeated NetworkState network_state = 11;
// Samples of CPU utilization (0-100), sampled once every 120 seconds.
repeated int32 cpu_utilization_pct = 12;
// Total RAM on the device.
optional int64 system_ram_total = 14;
// Samples of free RAM [in bytes] (unreliable due to GC).
repeated int64 system_ram_free = 15;
// Samples of CPU temperatures in Celsius, plus associated labels
// identifying which CPU produced the temperature measurement.
repeated CPUTempInfo cpu_temp_info = 16;
// This field is set only when an OS update is needed because of the required
// platform version of an updated kiosk app is different from the current
// OS version.
optional OsUpdateStatus os_update_status = 17;
// Set only when there is an auto launched with zero delay kiosk app
// and it is currently running. Otherwise, this field is empty.
optional AppStatus running_kiosk_app = 18;
// Sound output volume level in range [0,100].
optional int32 sound_volume = 19;
message OsUpdateStatus {
enum UpdateStatus {
optional UpdateStatus update_status = 1;
// New platform version of the os image being downloaded and applied. It
// is only set when update status is OS_IMAGE_DOWNLOAD_IN_PROGRESS or
// OS_UPDATE_NEED_REBOOT. Note this could be a dummy "" for
// OS_UPDATE_NEED_REBOOT status for some edge cases, e.g. update engine is
// restarted without a reboot.
optional string new_platform_version = 2;
// New required platform version from the pending updated kiosk app.
optional string new_required_platform_version = 3;
// Provides status information for an installed app/extension.
message AppStatus {
// ID of the installed app/extension
optional string app_id = 1;
// Currently installed version of the app.
optional string extension_version = 2;
// Self-reported status summary (via chrome.reporting APIs)
optional string status = 3;
// If true, the application is currently in a self-reported error state.
optional bool error = 4;
// App required Chrome version, specified in app’s manifest file.
optional string required_platform_version = 5;
message AndroidStatus {
// JSON string of ARC status report.
optional string status_payload = 1;
// DroidGuard response obtained from DroidGuard server.
optional string droid_guard_info = 2;
// Report current active session (a user on one device) level status.
message SessionStatusReportRequest {
reserved 1, 2, 3, 6;
// If this is a kiosk session, this is the device local account ID.
optional string device_local_account_id = 4;
// Information about installed apps for this user on this device.
repeated AppStatus installed_apps = 5;
// Information about ARC status.
optional AndroidStatus android_status = 7;
// If this is a regular user session, this is the user's DMToken.
optional string user_dm_token = 8;
// Response from DMServer to update devices' status.
// It is possible that status report fails but policy request succeed. In such
// case, the DeviceStatusReportResponse will contain an error code and the
// device should re-send status report data in the next policy request. The
// device should re-send report data if policy request fails, even if
// DeviceStatusReportResponse contains no error code.
message DeviceStatusReportResponse {
optional int32 error_code = 1;
// Human readable error message for customer support purpose.
optional string error_message = 2;
// Response from DMServer to update user devices' status.
// It is possible that status report fails but policy request succeed. In such
// case, the SessionStatusReportResponse will contain an error code and the
// device should re-send status report data in the next policy request. The
// device should re-send report data if policy request fails, even if
// SessionStatusReportResponse contains no error code.
message SessionStatusReportResponse {
optional int32 error_code = 1;
// Human readable error message for customer support purpose.
optional string error_message = 2;
// Request from device to server to determine whether the device should
// go through enterprise enrollment. Unlike the other requests, this request is
// not authenticated.
message DeviceAutoEnrollmentRequest {
// SHA-256 hash of the device's serial number, mod |modulus|.
// Should always be present.
optional int64 remainder = 1;
// Modulus of the hash used by the client. Should always be present. This
// is the number of buckets the client thinks the server has. For now,
// it is a power of 2, but due to the strict constraint on how many serial
// numbers a bucket can contain, it may become non power of 2. If that
// happens, client-side needs to change its assumption.
optional int64 modulus = 2;
// Response from server to auto-enrollment detection request.
message DeviceAutoEnrollmentResponse {
// If this field is present, the other fields are ignored and the client
// should send a new DeviceAutoEnrollmentRequest with a new |remainder|
// computed using this new |modulus|. If this field is empty, the client's
// request was accepted.
// DMServer guarantees that if the modulus sent by client in
// DeviceAutoEnrollmentRequest matches server's expectation, this field
// is unset.
optional int64 expected_modulus = 1;
// List of hashes in the client's hash bucket. If the client's hash matches
// any in this list, the client device should do enterprise enrollment.
// If it matches none, enrollment should be optional.
// Each entry has exactly 256 bits (32 bytes).
repeated bytes hash = 2;
// Sent by the client to the server. The device management server keeps a
// mapping of device identifiers to device state. Devices query this table after
// hard reset in order recover state. This request is keyed just by the opaque
// server-backed state key; there is no further authentication.
message DeviceStateRetrievalRequest {
// Opaque, client-determined, unpredictable, stable and unique device
// identifier to retrieve state for. This field contains 32 bytes of data that
// looks essentially random to the server. It may be generated e.g. by running
// a concatenation of suitable device identifiers through a cryptographic hash
// algorithm such as SHA-256.
optional bytes server_backed_state_key = 1;
// Sent by the client to the server when in registered state to update the
// device-determined device state keys.
message DeviceStateKeyUpdateRequest {
// The client-determined state keys. To the server, these look like 32 bytes
// of random data. The client should generate these keys using a deterministic
// algorithm that takes stable device identifiers as an input and produces a
// key as the output, possibly by running the identifiers through a
// cryptographic hash function such as SHA-256.
repeated bytes server_backed_state_key = 1;
// Server to client message carrying the device state response. Because the
// request is not authenticated, the only protection against state extraction
// from server is the unpredictability of the server-backed state ID. Thus, the
// response should not contain any sensitive data. If the server doesn't know
// the requested identifier, it just return a message with restore_mode set to
message DeviceStateRetrievalResponse {
// Restorative action to take after device reset.
enum RestoreMode {
// No state restoration.
// Enterprise enrollment requested, but user may skip.
// Enterprise enrollment is enforced and cannot be skipped.
// The device has been disabled by its owner. The device will show a warning
// screen and prevent the user from proceeding further.
// The server-indicated restore mode.
optional RestoreMode restore_mode = 1 [default = RESTORE_MODE_NONE];
// Primary domain the device is associated with.
optional string management_domain = 2;
// State that is relevant only when the |restore_mode| is
optional DisabledState disabled_state = 3;
// Sent by the client to the server to pair the Host device with the Controller
// device. The HTTP request contains an end-user OAuth token and only succeeds
// if both Host and Controller devices belong to the end-user domain.
message DevicePairingRequest {
// The device ID of the Host device.
optional string host_device_id = 1;
// The device ID of the Controller device.
optional string controller_device_id = 2;
// Response from the server to the device pairing request.
message DevicePairingResponse {
// The client should check HTTP status code first. If HTTP status code is not
// 200 (e.g. 500 internal error), then it means the pairing fails. If HTTP
// status code is 200, then the client should check the status code within the
// response.
enum StatusCode {
// A generic failure code for pairing.
// The Host device cannot be found in the user's domain.
// The Controller device cannot be found in the user's domain.
// The Host device is deprovisioned.
// The Controller device is deprovisioned.
optional StatusCode status_code = 1 [default = FAILED];
// Sent by the client to the server to check if the devices are paired. The HTTP
// request contains controller service account OAuth token as well as the
// DMToken from the Host device.
message CheckDevicePairingRequest {
// The device ID of the Host device.
optional string host_device_id = 1;
// The device ID of the Controller device.
optional string controller_device_id = 2;
// Response from the server to the check device pairing request.
message CheckDevicePairingResponse {
// The client should check HTTP status code first. If HTTP status code is not
// 200 (e.g. 500 internal error), then it means the pairing status is unknown.
// If HTTP status code is 200, then the client should check the status code
// within the response.
enum StatusCode {
// The Host and Controller devices are not paired.
// The Host device cannot be found in the Host device domain.
// The Controller device cannot be found in the Host device domain.
// The Host device is deprovisioned.
// The Controller device is deprovisioned.
// Invalid controller identity.
optional StatusCode status_code = 1 [default = NOT_PAIRED];
// This protobuf defines a single remote command from server to client for
// execution.
message RemoteCommand {
enum Type {
// Simple echo command for testing, will be ignored in production code.
// Reboot the device.
// Take a screenshot.
// Set device volume.
// Force a refresh of device status (attributes and logs).
// The command type.
optional Type type = 1;
// An opaque unique identifier for the command. The client processes
// the commands in the order of the command list it receives.
optional int64 command_id = 2;
// The age of the command (in milliseconds) when it is sent from server to
// client, defined as current_server_time - command_generated_time.
optional int64 age_of_command = 3;
// Extra parameters for this command, expected to be a JSON string. The exact
// format of the JSON payload depends on the command type specified by the
// |type| field:
// |DEVICE_SCREENSHOT|: {"fileUploadUrl" : url_string}.
// |DEVICE_SET_VOLUME|: {"volume": volume_value}, where volume_value must be
// an integer between 0 and 100.
optional string payload = 4;
// This protobuf defines the execution result of a single remote command
// which will be sent back to the server.
message RemoteCommandResult {
enum ResultType {
RESULT_IGNORED = 0; // The command was ignored as obsolete.
RESULT_FAILURE = 1; // The command could not be executed.
RESULT_SUCCESS = 2; // The command was successfully executed.
// The result of the command.
optional ResultType result = 1;
// The opaque unique identifier of the command. This value is copied from the
// RemoteCommand protobuf that contained the command.
optional int64 command_id = 2;
// The timestamp representing time at which the command was executed, if the
// result is RESULT_SUCCESS. The timestamp is milliseconds since Epoch in UTC
// timezone (Java time).
optional int64 timestamp = 3;
// Extra information sent to server as result of execution, expected to be a
// JSON string.
optional string payload = 4;
message DeviceRemoteCommandRequest {
// The command ID of the last command received from the server until
// now. Omitted if no commands have been received yet.
optional int64 last_command_unique_id = 1;
// The execution results of previously fetched commands.
// The client should send back a command result whenever possible.
repeated RemoteCommandResult command_results = 2;
message DeviceRemoteCommandResponse {
// The queue of pending commands.
repeated RemoteCommand commands = 1;
// Sent by the client to the server to check if the current user is allowed
// to update attributes (asset id and location). The HTTP request contains an
// end-user OAuth token.
message DeviceAttributeUpdatePermissionRequest {
// Response from the server specifying whether the current user is allowed to
// update attributes (asset id and location).
message DeviceAttributeUpdatePermissionResponse {
enum ResultType {
optional ResultType result = 1;
// Sent by the client to the server to update device attributes (asset id and
// location). The HTTP request contains an end-user OAuth token.
message DeviceAttributeUpdateRequest {
// The user-generated asset identifier.
optional string asset_id = 1;
// The user input device location.
optional string location = 2;
// Response from the server to update device attributes (asset id and location).
message DeviceAttributeUpdateResponse {
enum ResultType {
optional ResultType result = 1;
// Sent by the client to server to update the mapping from GCM id to device_id
// on the server side.
message GcmIdUpdateRequest {
optional string gcm_id = 1;
// Response for GcmIdUpdateRequest, an empty message for now.
message GcmIdUpdateResponse {}
// Request from device to server to check for Android-for-Work service with
// DPC enforcement. Must be sent only for users who are not managed in Chrome
// OS.
// Provide user's OAuth token with your HTTP Request.
message CheckAndroidManagementRequest {}
// Response from server to device for check for Android-for-Work service with
// DPC enforcement request.
// SC_CONFLICT HTTP code is returned if DPC enforcement is required.
message CheckAndroidManagementResponse {}
// Request to register a new device (authenticated by enterprise enrollment
// certificate). See http://go/zero-touch-chrome for details.
// The response message will be the DeviceRegisterResponse.
message CertificateBasedDeviceRegisterRequest {
// Signed request to register with a certificate. The
// field contains a CertificateBasedDeviceRegistrationData with a nonce
// (as added by the Chrome OS cryptohome client) appended. The
// signed_request.signature field is a signature of the data field signed
// with the enrollment certificate's private key.
optional SignedData signed_request = 1;
message CertificateBasedDeviceRegistrationData {
enum CertificateType {
optional CertificateType certificate_type = 1;
// Device certificate in X.509 format.
// We use CertificateFactory.generateCertificate() call and
// the certificate provided must be DER-encoded and may be supplied in binary
// or printable (Base64) encoding. If the certificate is provided in Base64
// encoding, it must be bounded at the beginning by
// -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----, and must be bounded at the end by
// -----END CERTIFICATE-----.
optional bytes device_certificate = 2;
// regular device registration request
optional DeviceRegisterRequest device_register_request = 3;
// Gets an enrollment token to a managed Google Play account for using it with
// Active Directory. Sent when a new user logs in with Active Directory and
// opens Play Store for the first time.
message ActiveDirectoryEnrollPlayUserRequest {
// A server-provider identifier for the previously established SAML session.
// If left empty and SAML authentication is required,
// ActiveDirectoryEnrollPlayUserResponse.saml_parameters.auth_redirect_url
// will contain initial Redirect required to start the SAML flow.
optional string auth_session_id = 1;
// The result when a new user logs in to Play Store with Active Directory.
// 904 Arc Disabled HTTP error code is returned if the reason of the failure is
// that ARC is not enabled for the domain.
// 403 Forbidden HTTP error code is returned if the device can't get Managed
// Google Play accounts.
message ActiveDirectoryEnrollPlayUserResponse {
// The enrollment token which can be used to fetch a Managed Google Play
// account.
optional string enrollment_token = 1;
// The user id which identifies the user enrolled by this token. This user id
// is opaque to the client and is only used in the ActiveDirectoryPlayActivity
// requests.
optional string user_id = 2;
// If SAML authentication is required, SAML flow parameters are specified in
// this proto and both enrollment_token and user_id fields are left unset.
optional SamlParametersProto saml_parameters = 3;
message SamlParametersProto {
// Initial Redirect URL to start the SAML flow.
optional string auth_redirect_url = 1;
// Auth Session ID which the client is supposed to use in the subsequent
// DMServer request (to be sent after SAML flow completes).
optional string auth_session_id = 2;
// Reports that a managed Google Play account is used. This makes the garbage
// collection of accounts possible by reporting the ones which are still in use.
message ActiveDirectoryPlayActivityRequest {
// The user id received in ActiveDirectoryEnrollPlayUserResponse which
// identifies the user.
optional string user_id = 1;
// Response to the Play account activity request.
message ActiveDirectoryPlayActivityResponse {}
// Request to retrieve available device licenses. User auth token or auth
// cookie must be provided with DeviceManagementRequest when
// CheckDeviceLicenseRequest is being sent.
// See go/cdm-mixed-license-pool for more info
message CheckDeviceLicenseRequest {}
// Represents availability of a single license type.
message LicenseAvailability {
// License type.
optional LicenseType license_type = 1;
// Remaining available licenses (can be 0).
optional int32 available_licenses = 2;
// Response to a check device license request.
message CheckDeviceLicenseResponse {
enum LicenseSelectionMode {
// Should not happen, included for compatibility.
// User is allowed to choose license.
// Admin controls license selection preferences through management UI.
// Policy setting value for license selection mode.
optional LicenseSelectionMode license_selection_mode = 1;
// Provides available license counts for each purchased license type.
// This field would list each subscription for the domain even if all licenses
// have been used up (in which case available_licenses field is set to zero).
// If license_selection_mode == USER_SELECTION and license_availability
// contains more than one entry then device should display a screen asking
// user to choose license type and send selected license type value in the
// DeviceRegisterRequest.license_type field.
repeated LicenseAvailability license_availability = 2;
// Request from the DMAgent on the device to the DMServer. This is
// container for all requests from device to server. The overall HTTP
// request MUST be in the following format:
// * HTTP method is POST
// * Data mime type is application/x-protobuffer
// * See
// * HTTP parameters are (all required, all case sensitive):
// * request: MUST BE one of
// * api_authorization
// * cert_upload
// * check_device_pairing
// * device_pairing
// * device_state_retrieval
// * enterprise_check
// * ping
// * policy
// * register
// * status_upload
// * unregister
// * remote_commands
// * attribute_update_permission
// * attribute_update
// * gcm_id_update
// * check_android_management
// * certificate_based_register
// * active_directory_enroll_play_user
// * active_directory_play_activity
// * check_device_license
// * devicetype: MUST BE "1" for Android or "2" for Chrome OS.
// * apptype: MUST BE Android or Chrome.
// * deviceid: MUST BE no more than 64-char in [\x21-\x7E].
// * agent: MUST BE no more than 64-char long.
// * HTTP Authorization header MUST be in the following formats:
// * For register, ping, check_android_management and
// check_device_license requests
// Authorization: GoogleLogin auth=<auth cookie for Mobile Sync>
// * For unregister, policy, status, cert_upload, remote_commands,
// gcm_id_update, active_directory_enroll_play_user and
// active_directory_play_activity requests
// Authorization: GoogleDMToken token=<dm token from register>
// * The Authorization header isn't used for enterprise_check or for
// certificate_based_register requests, nor for register requests
// using OAuth. In the latter case, the OAuth token is passed in the
// "oauth" parameter.
// DeviceManagementRequest should only contain one request which matches the
// HTTP query parameter - request, as listed below. Other requests within the
// container will be ignored.
// cert_upload: cert_upload_request
// check_device_pairing: check_device_pairing_request
// device_pairing: device_pairing_request
// device_state_retrieval: device_state_retrieval_request
// enterprise_check: auto_enrollment_request
// ping: policy_request
// policy: policy_request
// register: register_request
// status: device_status_report_request or session_status_report_request
// unregister: unregister_request
// remote_commands: remote_command_request
// attribute_update_permission: device_attribute_update_permission_request
// attribute_update: device_attribute_update_request
// gcm_id_update: gcm_id_update_request
// check_android_management: check_android_management_request
// certificate_based_register: certificate_based_register_request
// active_directory_enroll_play_user:
// active_directory_enroll_play_user_request
// active_directory_play_activity: active_directory_play_activity_request
// check_device_license: check_device_license_request
message DeviceManagementRequest {
// Register request.
optional DeviceRegisterRequest register_request = 1;
// Unregister request.
optional DeviceUnregisterRequest unregister_request = 2;
// Policy request.
optional DevicePolicyRequest policy_request = 3;
// Update status.
optional DeviceStatusReportRequest device_status_report_request = 4;
optional SessionStatusReportRequest session_status_report_request = 5;
// Auto-enrollment detection.
optional DeviceAutoEnrollmentRequest auto_enrollment_request = 6;
// EMCert upload (for remote attestation)
optional DeviceCertUploadRequest cert_upload_request = 7;
// Request for OAuth2 authorization codes to access Google services.
optional DeviceServiceApiAccessRequest service_api_access_request = 8;
// Device-state retrieval.
optional DeviceStateRetrievalRequest device_state_retrieval_request = 9;
// Device state key update.
optional DeviceStateKeyUpdateRequest device_state_key_update_request = 10;
// Pair two devices.
optional DevicePairingRequest device_pairing_request = 11;
// Check if two devices are paired.
optional CheckDevicePairingRequest check_device_pairing_request = 12;
// Remote command fetching.
optional DeviceRemoteCommandRequest remote_command_request = 13;
// Check permission for updating device attribute.
optional DeviceAttributeUpdatePermissionRequest
device_attribute_update_permission_request = 14;
// Update device attribute.
optional DeviceAttributeUpdateRequest device_attribute_update_request
= 15;
// Update the GCM id to device_id mapping.
optional GcmIdUpdateRequest gcm_id_update_request = 16;
// Check if user is a managed Android-for-Work user with DPC enforcement.
optional CheckAndroidManagementRequest check_android_management_request = 17;
// Request to register with a registration certificate.
optional CertificateBasedDeviceRegisterRequest
certificate_based_register_request = 18;
// Gets an enrollment token to a Managed Google Play Account for using it with
// Active Directory.
optional ActiveDirectoryEnrollPlayUserRequest
active_directory_enroll_play_user_request = 19;
// Reports that a Play account is used.
optional ActiveDirectoryPlayActivityRequest
active_directory_play_activity_request = 20;
// Request device license information.
optional CheckDeviceLicenseRequest check_device_license_request = 21;
// Response from server to device.
// For release clients, DMServer returns errors using HTTP Status Code, so that
// clients only need to check one place for all error codes. It is also easier
// to perform log analysis and customer support since HTTP Status Code is easily
// visible in the logs.
// The following list defines the error code returned by this API:
// 200 OK: valid response is returned to client.
// 400 Bad Request: invalid argument.
// 401 Unauthorized: invalid auth cookie or DM token.
// 403 Forbidden: device management is not allowed.
// 404 Not Found: the request URL is invalid.
// 410 Device Not Found: the device id is not found.
// 491 Request Pending: the request is pending approval.
// 500 Internal Server Error: most likely a bug in DM server.
// 503 Service Unavailable: most likely a backend error.
// 902 Policy Not Found: the policy is not found.
// 903 Deprovisioned: the device has been deprovisioned.
// 904 Arc Disabled: ARC is not enabled on the domain.
message DeviceManagementResponse {
// TODO(hong): move error handling to HTTP level.
// Error code to client.
enum ErrorCode {
// Returned for register request when device management is not supported
// for the domain.
// Returned when the device is not found.
// Returned when passed in device management token doesn't match the token
// on server side.
// Returned when device registration is pending approval (if required).
// Returned when the policy is not found.
// Error code for this response.
// For responses to TT clients, this field MUST be set, since it WAS
// a required field. For special error code listed above, we return
// 200 in HTTP Status Code and set the real error code here.
// For release clients, we plan to move all error code to HTTP
// Status Code, so it is much easier for log analysis. If possible,
// we plan to remove this field once Chrome OS TT phase is over.
optional ErrorCode error = 1 [default = SUCCESS];
// Error message.
optional string error_message = 2;
// Register response
optional DeviceRegisterResponse register_response = 3;
// Unregister response
optional DeviceUnregisterResponse unregister_response = 4;
// Policy response.
optional DevicePolicyResponse policy_response = 5;
// Device status report response.
optional DeviceStatusReportResponse device_status_report_response = 6;
// Session status report response.
optional SessionStatusReportResponse session_status_report_response = 7;
// Auto-enrollment detection response.
optional DeviceAutoEnrollmentResponse auto_enrollment_response = 8;
// EMCert upload response.
optional DeviceCertUploadResponse cert_upload_response = 9;
// Response to OAuth2 authorization code request.
optional DeviceServiceApiAccessResponse service_api_access_response = 10;
// Device-state retrieval.
optional DeviceStateRetrievalResponse device_state_retrieval_response = 11;
// Response to device pairing request.
optional DevicePairingResponse device_pairing_response = 12;
// Response to check device pairing request.
optional CheckDevicePairingResponse check_device_pairing_response = 13;
// Response to remote command request.
optional DeviceRemoteCommandResponse remote_command_response = 14;
// Response to check device attribute update permission.
optional DeviceAttributeUpdatePermissionResponse
device_attribute_update_permission_response = 15;
// Response to update device attribute.
optional DeviceAttributeUpdateResponse device_attribute_update_response = 16;
// Response to GCM id update request.
optional GcmIdUpdateResponse gcm_id_update_response = 17;
// Response to check Android management request.
optional CheckAndroidManagementResponse
check_android_management_response = 18;
// Response to an Active Directory Play user enrollment request.
optional ActiveDirectoryEnrollPlayUserResponse
active_directory_enroll_play_user_response = 19;
// Response to a Play activity request.
optional ActiveDirectoryPlayActivityResponse
active_directory_play_activity_response = 20;
// Response to a check device license request.
optional CheckDeviceLicenseResponse check_device_license_response = 21;