blob: fc2610facc96a28d7f10d0949400d5b2865f5574 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "net/base/net_errors.h"
namespace content {
class NavigationHandle;
// A NavigationThrottle tracks and allows interaction with a navigation on the
// UI thread.
class CONTENT_EXPORT NavigationThrottle {
// Represents what a NavigationThrottle can decide to do to a navigation. Note
// that this enum is implicitly convertable to ThrottleCheckResult.
enum ThrottleAction {
FIRST = 0,
// The action proceeds. This can either mean the navigation continues (e.g.
// for WillStartRequest) or that the navigation fails (e.g. for
// WillFailRequest).
// Defers the navigation until the NavigationThrottle calls
// NavigationHandle::Resume or NavigationHandle::CancelDeferredRequest. If
// the NavigationHandle is destroyed while the navigation is deferred, the
// navigation will be canceled in the network stack.
// Cancels the navigation.
// Cancels the navigation and makes the requester of the navigation act
// like the request was never made.
// Blocks a navigation due to rules asserted before the request is made.
// This can only be returned from WillStartRequest and also from
// WillRedirectRequest when PlzNavigate is enabled. This will result in an
// default net_error code of net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT being loaded in
// the frame that is navigated.
// Blocks a navigation taking place in a subframe, and collapses the frame
// owner element in the parent document (i.e. removes it from the layout).
// This can only be returned from WillStartRequest, and also from
// WillRedirectRequest when PlzNavigate is enabled.
// Blocks a navigation due to rules asserted by a response (for instance,
// embedding restrictions like 'X-Frame-Options'). This result will only
// be returned from WillProcessResponse.
// ThrottleCheckResult, the return value for NavigationThrottle decision
// methods, is a ThrottleAction value with an attached net::Error and an
// optional attached error page HTML string.
// ThrottleCheckResult is implicitly convertible from ThrottleAction, allowing
// the following examples to work:
// ThrottleCheckResult WillStartRequest() override {
// // Uses default error for PROCEED (net::OK).
// return PROCEED;
// }
// ThrottleCheckResult WillStartRequest() override {
// // Uses default error for BLOCK_REQUEST (net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT).
// return BLOCK_REQUEST;
// }
// ThrottleCheckResult WillStartRequest() override {
// // Identical to previous example (net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT)
// return {BLOCK_REQUEST};
// }
// ThrottleCheckResult WillStartRequest() override {
// // Uses a custom error code of ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND.
// }
// ThrottleCheckResult WillStartRequest() override {
// // Uses a custom error code of ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND and an error page
// string.
// return {BLOCK_REQUEST,
// std::string("<html><body>Could not find.</body></html>")};
// }
class CONTENT_EXPORT ThrottleCheckResult {
// Construct with just a ThrottleAction, using the default net::Error for
// that action.
ThrottleCheckResult(ThrottleAction action);
// Construct with an action and error.
ThrottleCheckResult(ThrottleAction action, net::Error net_error_code);
// Construct with an action, error, and error page HTML.
ThrottleCheckResult(ThrottleAction action,
net::Error net_error_code,
base::Optional<std::string> error_page_content);
ThrottleCheckResult(const ThrottleCheckResult& other);
ThrottleAction action() const { return action_; }
net::Error net_error_code() const { return net_error_code_; }
const base::Optional<std::string>& error_page_content() {
return error_page_content_;
ThrottleAction action_;
net::Error net_error_code_;
base::Optional<std::string> error_page_content_;
NavigationThrottle(NavigationHandle* navigation_handle);
virtual ~NavigationThrottle();
// Called when a network request is about to be made for this navigation.
// The implementer is responsible for ensuring that the WebContents this
// throttle is associated with remain alive during the duration of this
// method. Failing to do so will result in use-after-free bugs. Should the
// implementer need to destroy the WebContents, it should return CANCEL,
// CANCEL_AND_IGNORE or DEFER and perform the destruction asynchronously.
virtual ThrottleCheckResult WillStartRequest();
// Called when a server redirect is received by the navigation.
// The implementer is responsible for ensuring that the WebContents this
// throttle is associated with remain alive during the duration of this
// method. Failing to do so will result in use-after-free bugs. Should the
// implementer need to destroy the WebContents, it should return CANCEL,
// CANCEL_AND_IGNORE or DEFER and perform the destruction asynchronously.
virtual ThrottleCheckResult WillRedirectRequest();
// Called when a request will fail.
// The implementer is responsible for ensuring that the WebContents this
// throttle is associated with remain alive during the duration of this
// method. Failing to do so will result in use-after-free bugs. Should the
// implementer need to destroy the WebContents, it should return CANCEL,
// CANCEL_AND_IGNORE or DEFER and perform the destruction asynchronously.
virtual ThrottleCheckResult WillFailRequest();
// Called when a response's metadata is available.
// For HTTP(S) responses, headers will be available.
// The implementer is responsible for ensuring that the WebContents this
// throttle is associated with remain alive during the duration of this
// method. Failing to do so will result in use-after-free bugs. Should the
// implementer need to destroy the WebContents, it should return CANCEL,
// CANCEL_AND_IGNORE, or BLOCK_RESPONSE and perform the destruction
// asynchronously.
virtual ThrottleCheckResult WillProcessResponse();
// Returns the name of the throttle for logging purposes. It must not return
// nullptr.
virtual const char* GetNameForLogging() = 0;
// The NavigationHandle that is tracking the information related to this
// navigation.
NavigationHandle* navigation_handle() const { return navigation_handle_; }
// Overrides the default Resume method and replaces it by |callback|. This
// should only be used in tests.
void set_resume_callback_for_testing(const base::RepeatingClosure& callback) {
resume_callback_ = callback;
// Overrides the default CancelDeferredNavigation method and replaces it by
// |callback|. This should only be used in tests.
void set_cancel_deferred_navigation_callback_for_testing(
const base::RepeatingCallback<void(ThrottleCheckResult)> callback) {
cancel_deferred_navigation_callback_ = callback;
// Resumes a navigation that was previously deferred by this
// NavigationThrottle.
// Note: this may lead to the deletion of the NavigationHandle and its
// associated NavigationThrottles, including this one.
virtual void Resume();
// Cancels a navigation that was previously deferred by this
// NavigationThrottle. |result|'s action should be equal to either:
// - NavigationThrottle::CANCEL,
// - NavigationThrottle::CANCEL_AND_IGNORE, or
// - NavigationThrottle::BLOCK_REQUEST_AND_COLLAPSE.
// Note: this may lead to the deletion of the NavigationHandle and its
// associated NavigationThrottles, including this one.
virtual void CancelDeferredNavigation(ThrottleCheckResult result);
NavigationHandle* navigation_handle_;
// Used in tests.
base::RepeatingClosure resume_callback_;
#if defined(UNIT_TEST)
// Test-only operator== to enable assertions like:
// EXPECT_EQ(NavigationThrottle::PROCEED, throttle->WillProcessResponse())
inline bool operator==(NavigationThrottle::ThrottleAction lhs,
const NavigationThrottle::ThrottleCheckResult& rhs) {
return lhs == rhs.action();
// Test-only operator!= to enable assertions like:
// EXPECT_NE(NavigationThrottle::PROCEED, throttle->WillProcessResponse())
inline bool operator!=(NavigationThrottle::ThrottleAction lhs,
const NavigationThrottle::ThrottleCheckResult& rhs) {
return lhs != rhs.action();
} // namespace content