blob: 1d1d5ad96a3e2112dc37b87f890aaf8b478ce7b3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/functional/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "components/sync/base/extensions_activity.h"
#include "components/sync/base/model_type.h"
#include "components/sync/service/model_type_controller.h"
class PrefService;
namespace signin {
class IdentityManager;
namespace trusted_vault {
class TrustedVaultClient;
namespace syncer {
struct LocalDataDescription;
class SyncApiComponentFactory;
class SyncInvalidationsService;
class SyncService;
class TrustedVaultAutoUpgradeSyntheticFieldTrialGroup;
// Interface for clients of the Sync API to plumb through necessary dependent
// components. This interface is purely for abstracting dependencies, and
// should not contain any non-trivial functional logic.
// Note: on some platforms, getters might return nullptr. Callers are expected
// to handle these scenarios gracefully.
class SyncClient {
SyncClient() = default;
SyncClient(const SyncClient&) = delete;
SyncClient& operator=(const SyncClient&) = delete;
virtual ~SyncClient() = default;
// Returns the current profile's preference service.
virtual PrefService* GetPrefService() = 0;
virtual signin::IdentityManager* GetIdentityManager() = 0;
// Returns the path to the folder used for storing the local sync database.
// It is only used when sync is running against a local backend.
virtual base::FilePath GetLocalSyncBackendFolder() = 0;
// Returns a vector with all supported datatypes and their controllers.
virtual ModelTypeController::TypeVector CreateModelTypeControllers(
SyncService* sync_service) = 0;
virtual SyncInvalidationsService* GetSyncInvalidationsService() = 0;
virtual trusted_vault::TrustedVaultClient* GetTrustedVaultClient() = 0;
virtual scoped_refptr<ExtensionsActivity> GetExtensionsActivity() = 0;
// Returns the current SyncApiComponentFactory instance.
virtual SyncApiComponentFactory* GetSyncApiComponentFactory() = 0;
// Returns whether custom passphrase is allowed for the current user.
virtual bool IsCustomPassphraseAllowed() = 0;
// Notifies the client that local sync metadata in preferences has been
// cleared.
// TODO( Replace this mechanism with a more universal one,
// e.g. using SyncServiceObserver.
virtual void OnLocalSyncTransportDataCleared() = 0;
// Necessary but not sufficient condition for password sync to be enabled,
// i.e. it influences the value of SyncUserSettings::GetSelectedTypes().
// TODO( Remove this and SetPasswordSyncAllowedChangeCb()
// below when the local UPM migration is gone.
virtual bool IsPasswordSyncAllowed() = 0;
// Causes `cb` to be invoked whenever the value of IsPasswordSyncAllowed()
// changes. Spurious invocations can occur too. This method must be called at
// most once.
virtual void SetPasswordSyncAllowedChangeCb(
const base::RepeatingClosure& cb) = 0;
// Queries the count and description/preview of existing local data for
// `types` data types. This is an asynchronous method which returns the result
// via the callback `callback` once the information for all the data types in
// `types` is available.
// Note: Only data types that are enabled and support this functionality are
// part of the response.
// TODO( Mark as pure virtual once all implementations
// have overridden this.
virtual void GetLocalDataDescriptions(
ModelTypeSet types,
base::OnceCallback<void(std::map<ModelType, LocalDataDescription>)>
// Requests the client to move all local data to account for `types` data
// types. This is an asynchronous method which moves the local data for all
// `types` to the account store locally. Upload to the server will happen as
// part of the regular commit process, and is NOT part of this method.
// TODO( Mark as pure virtual once all implementations
// have overridden this.
virtual void TriggerLocalDataMigration(ModelTypeSet types);
// Registers synthetic field trials corresponding to autoupgrading users to
// trusted vault passphrase type. `group` must be valid. Must be invoked at
// most once.
virtual void RegisterTrustedVaultAutoUpgradeSyntheticFieldTrial(
const TrustedVaultAutoUpgradeSyntheticFieldTrialGroup& group) = 0;
} // namespace syncer