blob: c7a295022da7b25ae540624f90082a7ab5dfd50d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/sequence_checker.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "build/chromeos_buildflags.h"
#include "components/prefs/pref_change_registrar.h"
#include "components/prefs/pref_member.h"
#include "components/sync/base/passphrase_enums.h"
#include "components/sync/base/user_selectable_type.h"
#include "components/sync/protocol/nigori_specifics.pb.h"
class PrefRegistrySimple;
class PrefService;
class PrefValueMap;
namespace signin {
class GaiaIdHash;
} // namespace signin
namespace syncer {
class SyncPrefObserver {
virtual void OnSyncManagedPrefChange(bool is_sync_managed) = 0;
virtual void OnFirstSetupCompletePrefChange(
bool is_initial_sync_feature_setup_complete) = 0;
// Called when any of the prefs related to the user's selected data types has
// changed.
virtual void OnSelectedTypesPrefChange() = 0;
virtual ~SyncPrefObserver();
// SyncPrefs is a helper class that manages getting, setting, and persisting
// global sync preferences. It is not thread-safe, and lives on the UI thread.
class SyncPrefs {
enum class SyncAccountState {
kNotSignedIn = 0,
// In transport mode.
kSignedInNotSyncing = 1,
kSyncing = 2
// |pref_service| must not be null and must outlive this object.
explicit SyncPrefs(PrefService* pref_service);
SyncPrefs(const SyncPrefs&) = delete;
SyncPrefs& operator=(const SyncPrefs&) = delete;
static void RegisterProfilePrefs(PrefRegistrySimple* registry);
void AddObserver(SyncPrefObserver* sync_pref_observer);
void RemoveObserver(SyncPrefObserver* sync_pref_observer);
// Getters and setters for global sync prefs.
// First-Setup-Complete is conceptually similar to the user's consent to
// enable sync-the-feature.
bool IsInitialSyncFeatureSetupComplete() const;
// Returns true if the user is considered explicitly signed in to the browser.
// Returns false if the user is signed out or implicilty signed in (through
// Dice).
bool IsExplicitBrowserSignin() const;
// ChromeOS Ash, IsInitialSyncFeatureSetupComplete() always returns true.
void SetInitialSyncFeatureSetupComplete();
void ClearInitialSyncFeatureSetupComplete();
// Whether the "Sync everything" toggle is enabled. This flag only has an
// effect if Sync-the-feature is enabled. Note that even if this is true, some
// types may be disabled e.g. due to enterprise policy.
bool HasKeepEverythingSynced() const;
// Returns the set of types that the user has selected to be synced.
// This is only used for syncing users and takes HasKeepEverythingSynced()
// into account (i.e. returns "all types").
// If some types are force-disabled by policy, they will not be included.
UserSelectableTypeSet GetSelectedTypesForSyncingUser() const;
// Returns the set of types for the given gaia_id_hash for sign-in users.
// If some types are force-disabled by policy, they will not be included.
// Note: this is used for signed-in not syncing users.
UserSelectableTypeSet GetSelectedTypesForAccount(
const signin::GaiaIdHash& gaia_id_hash) const;
// Returns whether `type` is "managed" i.e. controlled by enterprise policy.
bool IsTypeManagedByPolicy(UserSelectableType type) const;
// Returns whether `type` is "managed" i.e. controlled by a custodian (i.e.
// parent/guardian of a child account).
bool IsTypeManagedByCustodian(UserSelectableType type) const;
// Returns true if the type is disabled; that was either set by a user
// choice, or when a policy enforces disabling the type. Otherwise, returns
// false if no value exists for the type pref (default), or if it is enabled.
// Note: this method checks the actual pref value even if there is a policy
// applied on the type.
bool IsTypeDisabledByUserForAccount(const UserSelectableType type,
const signin::GaiaIdHash& gaia_id_hash);
// On Desktop, kPasswords isn't considered "selected" by default in transport
// mode. This method returns how many accounts selected (enabled) the type.
int GetNumberOfAccountsWithPasswordsSelected() const;
// Sets the selection state for all |registered_types| and "keep everything
// synced" flag.
// |keep_everything_synced| indicates that all current and future types
// should be synced. If this is set to true, then GetSelectedTypes() will
// always return UserSelectableTypeSet::All(), even if not all of them are
// registered or individually marked as selected.
// Changes are still made to the individual selectable type prefs even if
// |keep_everything_synced| is true, but won't be visible until it's set to
// false.
void SetSelectedTypesForSyncingUser(bool keep_everything_synced,
UserSelectableTypeSet registered_types,
UserSelectableTypeSet selected_types);
// Used to set user's selected types prefs in Sync-the-transport mode.
// Note: this is used for signed-in not syncing users.
void SetSelectedTypeForAccount(UserSelectableType type,
bool is_type_on,
const signin::GaiaIdHash& gaia_id_hash);
// Used to clear per account prefs for all users *except* the ones in the
// passed-in |available_gaia_ids|.
void KeepAccountSettingsPrefsOnlyForUsers(
const std::vector<signin::GaiaIdHash>& available_gaia_ids);
// Functions to deal with the Ash-specific state where sync-the-feature is
// disabled because the user reset sync via dashboard.
bool IsSyncFeatureDisabledViaDashboard() const;
void SetSyncFeatureDisabledViaDashboard();
void ClearSyncFeatureDisabledViaDashboard();
// Chrome OS provides a separate settings UI surface for sync of OS types,
// including a separate "Sync All" toggle for OS types.
bool IsSyncAllOsTypesEnabled() const;
UserSelectableOsTypeSet GetSelectedOsTypes() const;
bool IsOsTypeManagedByPolicy(UserSelectableOsType type) const;
void SetSelectedOsTypes(bool sync_all_os_types,
UserSelectableOsTypeSet registered_types,
UserSelectableOsTypeSet selected_types);
// Maps |type| to its corresponding preference name.
static const char* GetPrefNameForOsTypeForTesting(UserSelectableOsType type);
// Sets |type| as disabled in the given |policy_prefs|, which should
// correspond to the "managed" (aka policy-controlled) pref store.
static void SetOsTypeDisabledByPolicy(PrefValueMap* policy_prefs,
UserSelectableOsType type);
bool IsAppsSyncEnabledByOs() const;
void SetAppsSyncEnabledByOs(bool apps_sync_enabled);
// Whether Sync is disabled on the client for all profiles and accounts.
bool IsSyncClientDisabledByPolicy() const;
// Maps |type| to its corresponding preference name.
static const char* GetPrefNameForTypeForTesting(UserSelectableType type);
// Sets |type| as disabled in the given |policy_prefs|, which should
// correspond to the "managed" (aka policy-controlled) pref store.
static void SetTypeDisabledByPolicy(PrefValueMap* policy_prefs,
UserSelectableType type);
// Sets |type| as disabled in the given |supervised_user_prefs|, which should
// correspond to the custodian-controlled pref store (i.e. controlled by
// parent/guardian of a child account).
static void SetTypeDisabledByCustodian(PrefValueMap* supervised_user_prefs,
UserSelectableType type);
// Gets the local sync backend enabled state.
bool IsLocalSyncEnabled() const;
// The user's passphrase type, determined the first time the engine is
// successfully initialized.
std::optional<PassphraseType> GetCachedPassphraseType() const;
void SetCachedPassphraseType(PassphraseType passphrase_type);
void ClearCachedPassphraseType();
// The user's AutoUpgradeDebugInfo, determined the first time the engine is
// successfully initialized.
GetCachedTrustedVaultAutoUpgradeDebugInfo() const;
void SetCachedTrustedVaultAutoUpgradeDebugInfo(
const sync_pb::NigoriSpecifics::AutoUpgradeDebugInfo&
void ClearCachedTrustedVaultAutoUpgradeDebugInfo();
// The encryption bootstrap token is used for explicit passphrase users
// (usually custom passphrase) and represents a user-entered passphrase.
// TODO( ClearAllEncryptionBootstrapTokens is only needed
// to clear the gaia-keyed pref on signout for syncing users. It should be
// removed only when kMigrateSyncingUserToSignedIn is fully rolled-out.
void ClearAllEncryptionBootstrapTokens();
// The encryption bootstrap token per account. Used for explicit passphrase
// users (usually custom passphrase) and represents a user-entered passphrase.
std::string GetEncryptionBootstrapTokenForAccount(
const signin::GaiaIdHash& gaia_id_hash) const;
void SetEncryptionBootstrapTokenForAccount(
const std::string& token,
const signin::GaiaIdHash& gaia_id_hash);
void ClearEncryptionBootstrapTokenForAccount(
const signin::GaiaIdHash& gaia_id_hash);
// Muting mechanism for passphrase prompts, used on Android.
int GetPassphrasePromptMutedProductVersion() const;
void SetPassphrasePromptMutedProductVersion(int major_version);
void ClearPassphrasePromptMutedProductVersion();
// Before signed-in non-syncing users were migrated to per-account "selected
// type" prefs (, an iOS user might have disabled the global
// passwords pref via a toggle. If so, this function makes sure the new
// per-account setting is also disabled.
// Does nothing for signed-out or syncing users.
void MaybeMigratePasswordsToPerAccountPref(
SyncAccountState account_state,
const signin::GaiaIdHash& gaia_id_hash);
// Migrates any user settings for pre-existing signed-in users, for the
// feature `kReplaceSyncPromosWithSignInPromos`. For signed-out users or
// syncing users, no migration is necessary - this also covers new users (or
// more precisely, new profiles).
// This should be called early during browser startup.
// Returns whether the migration ran, i.e. whether any user settings were set.
// On iOS this must run after MaybeMigratePasswordsToPerAccountPref().
bool MaybeMigratePrefsForSyncToSigninPart1(
SyncAccountState account_state,
const signin::GaiaIdHash& gaia_id_hash);
// Second part of the above migration, which depends on the user's passphrase
// type, which isn't known yet during browser startup. This should be called
// as soon as the passphrase type is known, and will only do any migration if
// the above method has flagged that it's necessary.
// Returns whether the migration ran, i.e. whether any user settings were set.
bool MaybeMigratePrefsForSyncToSigninPart2(
const signin::GaiaIdHash& gaia_id_hash,
bool is_using_explicit_passphrase);
// Migrates kSyncEncryptionBootstrapToken to the gaia-keyed pref, for the
// feature `kSyncRememberCustomPassphraseAfterSignout`. This should be called
// early during browser startup.
// TODO( Clean up the migration logic and the old pref.
void MaybeMigrateCustomPassphrasePref(const signin::GaiaIdHash& gaia_id_hash);
// Should be called when Sync gets disabled / the user signs out. Clears any
// temporary state from the above migration.
void MarkPartialSyncToSigninMigrationFullyDone();
// Setting to false causes GetSelectedTypesForSyncingUser() and
// GetSelectedTypesForAccount() to not include passwords, no matter the
// underlying user settings.
// TODO( Remove this when local UPM migration is gone.
void SetPasswordSyncAllowed(bool allowed);
static void MigrateAutofillWalletImportEnabledPref(PrefService* pref_service);
// Copies the global versions of the selected-types prefs (used for syncing
// users) to the per-account prefs for the given `gaia_id_hash` (used for
// signed-in non-syncing users). To be used when an existing syncing user is
// migrated to signed-in.
static void MigrateGlobalDataTypePrefsToAccount(
PrefService* pref_service,
const signin::GaiaIdHash& gaia_id_hash);
static void RegisterTypeSelectedPref(PrefRegistrySimple* prefs,
UserSelectableType type);
static const char* GetPrefNameForType(UserSelectableType type);
static const char* GetPrefNameForOsType(UserSelectableOsType type);
static bool IsTypeSupportedInTransportMode(UserSelectableType type);
void OnSyncManagedPrefChanged();
void OnSelectedTypesPrefChanged(const std::string& pref_name);
void OnFirstSetupCompletePrefChange();
void KeepAccountSettingsPrefsOnlyForUsers(
const std::vector<signin::GaiaIdHash>& available_gaia_ids,
const char* pref_path);
// Never null.
const raw_ptr<PrefService> pref_service_;
base::ObserverList<SyncPrefObserver>::Unchecked sync_pref_observers_;
// The preference that controls whether sync is under control by
// configuration management (aka policy).
BooleanPrefMember pref_sync_managed_;
PrefChangeRegistrar pref_change_registrar_;
bool batch_updating_selected_types_ = false;
bool password_sync_allowed_ = true;
BooleanPrefMember pref_initial_sync_feature_setup_complete_;
// Caches the value of the kEnableLocalSyncBackend pref to avoid it flipping
// during the lifetime of the service.
const bool local_sync_enabled_;
} // namespace syncer