blob: e5527c1d9c33b85726ff8d09ac32d2d76de4a787 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/functional/callback.h"
#include "base/location.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/scoped_observation.h"
#include "base/sequence_checker.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "components/signin/public/identity_manager/identity_manager.h"
#include "components/sync/base/model_type.h"
#include "components/sync/engine/configure_reason.h"
#include "components/sync/engine/cycle/sync_cycle_snapshot.h"
#include "components/sync/engine/events/protocol_event_observer.h"
#include "components/sync/engine/net/http_post_provider_factory.h"
#include "components/sync/engine/shutdown_reason.h"
#include "components/sync/engine/sync_engine.h"
#include "components/sync/engine/sync_engine_host.h"
#include "components/sync/service/data_type_manager.h"
#include "components/sync/service/data_type_manager_observer.h"
#include "components/sync/service/data_type_status_table.h"
#include "components/sync/service/model_type_controller.h"
#include "components/sync/service/sync_client.h"
#include "components/sync/service/sync_prefs.h"
#include "components/sync/service/sync_service.h"
#include "components/sync/service/sync_service_crypto.h"
#include "components/sync/service/sync_stopped_reporter.h"
#include "components/sync/service/sync_user_settings_impl.h"
#include "components/version_info/channel.h"
#include "google_apis/gaia/gaia_auth_util.h"
#include "google_apis/gaia/google_service_auth_error.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
class SyncServiceAndroidBridge;
namespace network {
class NetworkConnectionTracker;
class SharedURLLoaderFactory;
} // namespace network
namespace syncer {
class BackendMigrator;
class SyncAuthManager;
class SyncFeatureStatusForMigrationsRecorder;
class SyncPrefsPolicyHandler;
// Look at the SyncService interface for information on how to use this class.
// You should not need to know about SyncServiceImpl directly.
class SyncServiceImpl : public SyncService,
public SyncEngineHost,
public SyncPrefObserver,
public DataTypeManagerObserver,
public SyncServiceCrypto::Delegate,
public SyncUserSettingsImpl::Delegate,
public signin::IdentityManager::Observer {
// Bundles the arguments for SyncServiceImpl construction. This is a
// movable struct. Because of the non-POD data members, it needs out-of-line
// constructors, so in particular the move constructor needs to be
// explicitly defined.
struct InitParams {
InitParams(const InitParams&) = delete;
InitParams& operator=(const InitParams&) = delete;
InitParams(InitParams&& other);
std::unique_ptr<SyncClient> sync_client;
// TODO(treib): Remove this and instead retrieve it via
// SyncClient::GetIdentityManager (but mind LocalSync).
raw_ptr<signin::IdentityManager> identity_manager = nullptr;
scoped_refptr<network::SharedURLLoaderFactory> url_loader_factory;
raw_ptr<network::NetworkConnectionTracker> network_connection_tracker =
version_info::Channel channel = version_info::Channel::UNKNOWN;
std::string debug_identifier;
bool sync_poll_immediately_on_every_startup = false;
explicit SyncServiceImpl(InitParams init_params);
SyncServiceImpl(const SyncServiceImpl&) = delete;
SyncServiceImpl& operator=(const SyncServiceImpl&) = delete;
~SyncServiceImpl() override;
// Initializes the object. This must be called at most once, and
// immediately after an object of this class is constructed.
void Initialize();
// SyncService implementation
base::android::ScopedJavaLocalRef<jobject> GetJavaObject() override;
void SetSyncFeatureRequested() override;
SyncUserSettings* GetUserSettings() override;
const SyncUserSettings* GetUserSettings() const override;
DisableReasonSet GetDisableReasons() const override;
TransportState GetTransportState() const override;
UserActionableError GetUserActionableError() const override;
bool IsLocalSyncEnabled() const override;
CoreAccountInfo GetAccountInfo() const override;
bool HasSyncConsent() const override;
GoogleServiceAuthError GetAuthError() const override;
base::Time GetAuthErrorTime() const override;
bool RequiresClientUpgrade() const override;
std::unique_ptr<SyncSetupInProgressHandle> GetSetupInProgressHandle()
bool IsSetupInProgress() const override;
ModelTypeSet GetPreferredDataTypes() const override;
ModelTypeSet GetActiveDataTypes() const override;
ModelTypeSet GetTypesWithPendingDownloadForInitialSync() const override;
void StopAndClear() override;
void OnDataTypeRequestsSyncStartup(ModelType type) override;
void TriggerRefresh(const ModelTypeSet& types) override;
void DataTypePreconditionChanged(ModelType type) override;
void SetInvalidationsForSessionsEnabled(bool enabled) override;
bool SupportsExplicitPassphrasePlatformClient() override;
void SendExplicitPassphraseToPlatformClient() override;
void AddObserver(SyncServiceObserver* observer) override;
void RemoveObserver(SyncServiceObserver* observer) override;
bool HasObserver(const SyncServiceObserver* observer) const override;
SyncTokenStatus GetSyncTokenStatusForDebugging() const override;
bool QueryDetailedSyncStatusForDebugging(SyncStatus* result) const override;
base::Time GetLastSyncedTimeForDebugging() const override;
SyncCycleSnapshot GetLastCycleSnapshotForDebugging() const override;
base::Value::List GetTypeStatusMapForDebugging() const override;
void GetEntityCountsForDebugging(
base::RepeatingCallback<void(const TypeEntitiesCount&)> callback)
const override;
const GURL& GetSyncServiceUrlForDebugging() const override;
std::string GetUnrecoverableErrorMessageForDebugging() const override;
base::Location GetUnrecoverableErrorLocationForDebugging() const override;
void AddProtocolEventObserver(ProtocolEventObserver* observer) override;
void RemoveProtocolEventObserver(ProtocolEventObserver* observer) override;
void GetAllNodesForDebugging(
base::OnceCallback<void(base::Value::List)> callback) override;
ModelTypeDownloadStatus GetDownloadStatusFor(ModelType type) const override;
void RecordReasonIfWaitingForUpdates(
ModelType type,
const std::string& histogram_name) const override;
void GetTypesWithUnsyncedData(
ModelTypeSet requested_types,
base::OnceCallback<void(ModelTypeSet)> callback) const override;
void GetLocalDataDescriptions(
ModelTypeSet types,
base::OnceCallback<void(std::map<ModelType, LocalDataDescription>)>
callback) override;
void TriggerLocalDataMigration(ModelTypeSet types) override;
// SyncEngineHost implementation.
void OnEngineInitialized(bool success,
bool is_first_time_sync_configure) override;
void OnSyncCycleCompleted(const SyncCycleSnapshot& snapshot) override;
void OnProtocolEvent(const ProtocolEvent& event) override;
void OnConnectionStatusChange(ConnectionStatus status) override;
void OnMigrationNeededForTypes(ModelTypeSet types) override;
void OnActionableProtocolError(const SyncProtocolError& error) override;
void OnBackedOffTypesChanged() override;
void OnInvalidationStatusChanged() override;
void OnNewInvalidatedDataTypes() override;
// DataTypeManagerObserver implementation.
void OnConfigureDone(const DataTypeManager::ConfigureResult& result) override;
void OnConfigureStart() override;
// SyncServiceCrypto::Delegate implementation.
void CryptoStateChanged() override;
void CryptoRequiredUserActionChanged() override;
void ReconfigureDataTypesDueToCrypto() override;
void PassphraseTypeChanged(PassphraseType passphrase_type) override;
std::optional<PassphraseType> GetPassphraseType() const override;
void SetEncryptionBootstrapToken(const std::string& bootstrap_token) override;
std::string GetEncryptionBootstrapToken() const override;
// SyncUserSettingsImpl::Delegate implementation.
bool IsCustomPassphraseAllowed() const override;
SyncPrefs::SyncAccountState GetSyncAccountStateForPrefs() const override;
CoreAccountInfo GetSyncAccountInfoForPrefs() const override;
// IdentityManager::Observer implementation.
void OnAccountsCookieDeletedByUserAction() override;
void OnAccountsInCookieUpdated(
const signin::AccountsInCookieJarInfo& accounts_in_cookie_jar_info,
const GoogleServiceAuthError& error) override;
// Similar to above but with a callback that will be invoked on completion.
void OnAccountsInCookieUpdatedWithCallback(
const signin::AccountsInCookieJarInfo& accounts_in_cookie_jar_info,
base::OnceClosure callback);
// Returns true if currently signed in account is not present in the list of
// accounts from cookie jar.
bool HasCookieJarMismatch(
const std::vector<gaia::ListedAccount>& cookie_jar_accounts);
// SyncPrefObserver implementation.
void OnSyncManagedPrefChange(bool is_sync_managed) override;
void OnFirstSetupCompletePrefChange(
bool is_initial_sync_feature_setup_complete) override;
void OnSelectedTypesPrefChange() override;
// KeyedService implementation. This must be called exactly
// once (before this object is destroyed).
void Shutdown() override;
// Returns whether or not the underlying sync engine has made any
// local changes to items that have not yet been synced with the
// server.
void HasUnsyncedItemsForTest(base::OnceCallback<void(bool)> cb) const;
// Used by MigrationWatcher. May return null.
BackendMigrator* GetBackendMigratorForTest();
// Used by tests to inspect interaction with the access token fetcher.
bool IsRetryingAccessTokenFetchForTest() const;
// Used by tests to inspect the OAuth2 access tokens used by PSS.
std::string GetAccessTokenForTest() const;
// Overrides the callback used to create network connections.
// TODO( Inject this in the ctor instead. As it is, it's
// possible that the real callback was already used before the test had a
// chance to call this.
void OverrideNetworkForTest(const CreateHttpPostProviderFactory&
ModelTypeSet GetRegisteredDataTypesForTest() const;
bool HasAnyDatatypeErrorForTest(ModelTypeSet types) const;
void GetThrottledDataTypesForTest(
base::OnceCallback<void(ModelTypeSet)> cb) const;
// Some tests rely on injecting calls to the encryption observer.
SyncEncryptionHandler::Observer* GetEncryptionObserverForTest();
SyncClient* GetSyncClientForTest();
// Simulates data type error reported by the bridge.
void ReportDataTypeErrorForTest(ModelType type);
enum UnrecoverableErrorReason {
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
// LINT.IfChange(SyncResetEngineReason)
enum class ResetEngineReason {
kShutdown = 0,
kUnrecoverableError = 1,
kDisabledAccount = 2,
// kRequestedPrefChange = 3,
kStopAndClear = 4,
// kSetSyncAllowedByPlatform = 5,
kCredentialsChanged = 6,
kResetLocalData = 7,
kMaxValue = kResetLocalData
// LINT.ThenChange(/tools/metrics/histograms/metadata/sync/enums.xml:SyncResetEngineReason)
// static
ShutdownReason ShutdownReasonForResetEngineReason(
ResetEngineReason reset_reason);
// Records UMA histograms related to download status during browser startup.
class DownloadStatusRecorder : public SyncServiceObserver {
DownloadStatusRecorder(SyncServiceImpl* sync_service,
base::OnceClosure on_finished_callback,
ModelTypeSet data_types_to_track);
DownloadStatusRecorder(const DownloadStatusRecorder&) = delete;
DownloadStatusRecorder& operator=(const DownloadStatusRecorder&) = delete;
~DownloadStatusRecorder() override;
// SyncServiceObserver implementation.
void OnStateChanged(SyncService* service) override;
void OnSyncShutdown(SyncService* service) override;
void OnTimeout();
raw_ptr<SyncServiceImpl> sync_service_ = nullptr;
// Set on browser startup to report metrics related to sync configuration.
base::OneShotTimer startup_metrics_timer_;
// Used to notify once all the browser startup related histograms are
// recorded.
base::OnceClosure on_finished_callback_;
// Used to track data types they are in kWaitingForUpdates download status
// during browser startup. Used for metrics only.
ModelTypeSet data_types_to_track_;
// Callbacks for SyncAuthManager.
void AccountStateChanged();
void CredentialsChanged();
bool IsEngineAllowedToRun() const;
// Reconfigures the data type manager with the latest enabled types.
// Note: Does not initialize the engine if it is not already initialized.
// If a Sync setup is currently in progress (i.e. a settings UI is open), then
// the reconfiguration will only happen if |bypass_setup_in_progress_check| is
// set to true.
void ReconfigureDatatypeManager(bool bypass_setup_in_progress_check);
// Helper to install and configure a data type manager.
void ConfigureDataTypeManager(ConfigureReason reason);
bool UseTransportOnlyMode() const;
// Returns the set of data types that are supported in principle, possibly
// influenced by command-line options.
ModelTypeSet GetRegisteredDataTypes() const;
// Returns the ModelTypes allowed in transport-only mode (i.e. those that are
// not tied to sync-the-feature).
ModelTypeSet GetModelTypesForTransportOnlyMode() const;
void UpdateDataTypesForInvalidations();
// Shuts down and destroys the engine. |reset_reason| specifies the reason for
// the shutdown, and dictates if sync metadata should be kept or not.
// If the engine is still allowed to run (per IsEngineAllowedToRun()), it will
// soon start up again (possibly in transport-only mode).
std::unique_ptr<SyncEngine> ResetEngine(ResetEngineReason reset_reason);
// Helper for OnUnrecoverableError.
void OnUnrecoverableErrorImpl(const base::Location& from_here,
const std::string& message,
UnrecoverableErrorReason reason);
// Puts the engine's sync scheduler into NORMAL mode.
// Called when configuration is complete.
void StartSyncingWithServer();
// Notify all observers that a change has occurred.
void NotifyObservers();
void NotifySyncCycleCompleted();
void NotifyShutdown();
void ClearUnrecoverableError();
// Posts a task to create the sync engine, if IsEngineAllowedToRun() is true
// and there is no engine yet (no-op otherwise). This method posts a task so
// callers can set up other state as necessary before the engine starts.
void TryStart();
// The actual synchronous implementation of TryStart().
void TryStartImpl();
// Whether sync has been authenticated with an account ID.
bool IsSignedIn() const;
// Tell the sync server that this client has disabled sync.
void RemoveClientFromServer() const;
// Records per type histograms for estimated memory usage and number of
// entities.
void RecordMemoryUsageAndCountsHistograms();
// True if setup has been completed at least once and is not in progress.
bool CanConfigureDataTypes(bool bypass_setup_in_progress_check) const;
// Called when a SetupInProgressHandle issued by this instance is destroyed.
void OnSetupInProgressHandleDestroyed();
// Records (or may record) histograms related to trusted vault passphrase
// type.
void MaybeRecordTrustedVaultHistograms();
// Clean up download status recorder.
void OnDownloadStatusRecorderFinished();
// Returns current download status for `type`. Records a histogram if the data
// type is waiting for updates and `waiting_for_updates_histogram_name` is not
// empty.
ModelTypeDownloadStatus GetDownloadStatusForImpl(
ModelType type,
const std::string& waiting_for_updates_histogram_name) const;
void OnPasswordSyncAllowedChanged();
// Updates PrefService (SyncPrefs) to cache the last known value for trusted
// vault AutoUpgradeDebugInfo. It also notifies SyncClient.
void CacheTrustedVaultDebugInfoToPrefsFromEngine();
// Exercises SyncClient to register synthetic field trials for trusted vault
// passphrase type.
void RegisterTrustedVaultSyntheticFieldTrialsIfNecessary();
// This profile's SyncClient, which abstracts away non-Sync dependencies and
// the Sync API component factory.
const std::unique_ptr<SyncClient> sync_client_;
// The class that handles getting, setting, and persisting sync preferences.
SyncPrefs sync_prefs_;
// The class that updates SyncPrefs when a policy is applied.
std::unique_ptr<SyncPrefsPolicyHandler> sync_prefs_policy_handler_;
// Encapsulates user signin - used to set/get the user's authenticated
// email address and sign-out upon error.
// May be null (if local Sync is enabled).
const raw_ptr<signin::IdentityManager> identity_manager_;
// The user-configurable knobs. Non-null between Initialize() and Shutdown().
std::unique_ptr<SyncUserSettingsImpl> user_settings_;
// Handles tracking of the authenticated account and acquiring access tokens.
// Only null after Shutdown().
std::unique_ptr<SyncAuthManager> auth_manager_;
const version_info::Channel channel_;
// An identifier representing this instance for debugging purposes.
const std::string debug_identifier_;
// This specifies where to find the sync server.
const GURL sync_service_url_;
// A utility object containing logic and state relating to encryption.
SyncServiceCrypto crypto_;
// Our asynchronous engine to communicate with sync components living on
// other threads.
std::unique_ptr<SyncEngine> engine_;
// Used to ensure that certain operations are performed on the sequence that
// this object was created on.
// Cache of the last SyncCycleSnapshot received from the sync engine.
SyncCycleSnapshot last_snapshot_;
// The URL loader factory for the sync.
scoped_refptr<network::SharedURLLoaderFactory> url_loader_factory_;
// The global NetworkConnectionTracker instance.
const raw_ptr<network::NetworkConnectionTracker> network_connection_tracker_;
// Indicates if this is the first time sync is being configured.
// This is set to true if last synced time is not set at the time of
// OnEngineInitialized().
bool is_first_time_sync_configure_ = false;
// Number of UIs currently configuring the Sync service. When this number
// is decremented back to zero, Sync setup is marked no longer in progress.
int outstanding_setup_in_progress_handles_ = 0;
// Set when sync receives STOP_SYNC_FOR_DISABLED_ACCOUNT error from server.
// Prevents SyncServiceImpl from starting engine till browser restarted
// or user signed out.
bool sync_disabled_by_admin_ = false;
// Information describing an unrecoverable error.
std::optional<UnrecoverableErrorReason> unrecoverable_error_reason_ =
std::string unrecoverable_error_message_;
base::Location unrecoverable_error_location_;
// Manages the start and stop of the data types.
std::unique_ptr<DataTypeManager> data_type_manager_;
// Note: This is an Optional so that we can control its destruction - in
// particular, to trigger the "check_empty" test in Shutdown().
std::unique_ptr<BackendMigrator> migrator_;
// This is the last |SyncProtocolError| we received from the server that had
// an action set on it.
SyncProtocolError last_actionable_error_;
// Tracks the set of failed data types (those that encounter an error
// or must delay loading for some reason).
DataTypeStatusTable::TypeErrorMap data_type_error_map_;
// List of available data type controllers.
ModelTypeController::TypeMap model_type_controllers_;
CreateHttpPostProviderFactory create_http_post_provider_factory_cb_;
std::unique_ptr<SyncStoppedReporter> sync_stopped_reporter_;
// Used for UMA to determine whether TrustedVaultErrorShownOnStartup
// histogram needs to recorded. Set to false iff histogram was already
// recorded or trusted vault passphrase type wasn't used on startup.
bool should_record_trusted_vault_error_shown_on_startup_ = true;
// Whether or not SyncClient was exercised to register synthetic field trials
// related to trusted vault passphrase.
bool trusted_vault_auto_upgrade_synthetic_field_trial_registered_ = false;
const bool sync_poll_immediately_on_every_startup_;
// Whether we want to receive invalidations for the SESSIONS data type. This
// is typically false on Android (to save network traffic), but true on all
// other platforms.
bool sessions_invalidations_enabled_ = !BUILDFLAG(IS_ANDROID);
// Set if/when Initialize() schedules a deferred task to start the engine.
// Cleared on the first start attempt, regardless of success and who triggered
// that attempt (the posted task or a new TryStart()).
base::Time deferring_first_start_since_;
// Used to track download status changes during browser startup.
std::unique_ptr<DownloadStatusRecorder> download_status_recorder_;
std::unique_ptr<SyncFeatureStatusForMigrationsRecorder> sync_status_recorder_;
base::ScopedObservation<SyncPrefs, SyncPrefObserver> sync_prefs_observation_{
// Manage and fetch the java object that wraps this SyncService on
// android.
std::unique_ptr<SyncServiceAndroidBridge> sync_service_android_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<SyncServiceImpl> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace syncer