blob: 1f7aec7b5ceef022eebdaa6ac9b8b74aac863e5c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "ash/accessibility/magnifier/partial_magnification_controller.h"
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "ash/fast_ink/laser/laser_pointer_controller.h"
#include "ash/marker/marker_controller.h"
#include "ash/projector/model/projector_ui_model.h"
#include "ash/public/cpp/projector/projector_session.h"
#include "base/scoped_observation.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkColor.h"
#include "ui/views/widget/unique_widget_ptr.h"
namespace ash {
class ProjectorControllerImpl;
class ProjectorBarView;
// The controller in charge of UI.
class ASH_EXPORT ProjectorUiController
: public LaserPointerObserver,
public MarkerObserver,
public ProjectorSessionObserver,
public PartialMagnificationController::Observer {
explicit ProjectorUiController(ProjectorControllerImpl* projector_controller);
ProjectorUiController(const ProjectorUiController&) = delete;
ProjectorUiController& operator=(const ProjectorUiController&) = delete;
~ProjectorUiController() override;
// Show Projector toolbar. Virtual for testing.
virtual void ShowToolbar();
// Close Projector toolbar. Virtual for testing.
virtual void CloseToolbar();
// Invoked when closed caption button is pressed. Virtual for testing.
virtual void SetCaptionBubbleState(bool enabled);
// Invoked when key idea is marked to show a toast. Virtual for testing.
virtual void OnKeyIdeaMarked();
// Invoked when laser pointer button is pressed. Virtual for testing.
virtual void OnLaserPointerPressed();
// Invoked when marker button is pressed. Virtual for testing.
virtual void OnMarkerPressed();
// Invoked when the clear all markers button is pressed. Virtual for testing.
virtual void OnClearAllMarkersPressed();
// Invoked when the undo marker button is pressed. Virtual for testing.
virtual void OnUndoPressed();
// Invoked when transcription is available for rendering. Virtual for testing.
virtual void OnTranscription(const std::string& transcription, bool is_final);
// Invoked when the selfie cam button is pressed. Virtual for testing.
virtual void OnSelfieCamPressed(bool enabled);
// Invoked when the recording started or stopped. Virtual for testing.
virtual void OnRecordingStateChanged(bool started);
// Called when marker ink color changes.
virtual void OnChangeMarkerColorPressed(SkColor new_color);
// Notifies the ProjectorControllerImpl and ProjectorBarView when the caption
// bubble model's state changes.
void OnCaptionBubbleModelStateChanged(bool visible);
// Invoked when magnification is set to be enabled or not. Virtual for
// testing.
virtual void OnMagnifierButtonPressed(bool enabled);
bool IsToolbarVisible() const;
bool IsCaptionBubbleModelOpen() const;
ProjectorUiModel* model() { return &model_; }
ProjectorBarView* projector_bar_view() { return projector_bar_view_; }
class CaptionBubbleController;
// Reset tools, including resetting the state in model, closing the sub
// widgets, etc.
void ResetTools();
// LaserPointerObserver:
void OnLaserPointerStateChanged(bool enabled) override;
// MarkerObserver:
void OnMarkerStateChanged(bool enabled) override;
// ProjectorSessionObserver:
void OnProjectorSessionActiveStateChanged(bool active) override;
// PartialMagnificationController::OnPartialMagnificationStateChanged:
void OnPartialMagnificationStateChanged(bool enabled) override;
ProjectorUiModel model_;
views::UniqueWidgetPtr projector_bar_widget_;
ProjectorBarView* projector_bar_view_ = nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<CaptionBubbleController> caption_bubble_;
ProjectorControllerImpl* projector_controller_ = nullptr;
base::ScopedObservation<LaserPointerController, LaserPointerObserver>
base::ScopedObservation<MarkerController, MarkerObserver>
base::ScopedObservation<ProjectorSession, ProjectorSessionObserver>
} // namespace ash