blob: 2f2ecdd20128bf0ab7739876f4bae636ddaceed9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "cc/cc_export.h"
#include "cc/document_transition/document_transition_shared_element_id.h"
#include "components/viz/common/quads/compositor_frame_transition_directive.h"
#include "components/viz/common/quads/compositor_render_pass.h"
namespace cc {
// This class represents a document transition request. It is constructed in
// Blink with an intent of translating this request into a viz directive for the
// transition to occur.
class CC_EXPORT DocumentTransitionRequest {
using Effect = viz::CompositorFrameTransitionDirective::Effect;
// Creates a Type::kPrepare type of request.
static std::unique_ptr<DocumentTransitionRequest> CreatePrepare(
Effect effect,
uint32_t document_tag,
uint32_t shared_element_count,
base::OnceClosure commit_callback);
// Creates a Type::kSave type of request.
static std::unique_ptr<DocumentTransitionRequest> CreateStart(
uint32_t document_tag,
uint32_t shared_element_count,
base::OnceClosure commit_callback);
DocumentTransitionRequest(DocumentTransitionRequest&) = delete;
DocumentTransitionRequest& operator=(DocumentTransitionRequest&) = delete;
// The callback is run when the request is sufficiently processed for us to be
// able to begin the next step in the animation. In other words, when this
// callback is invoked it can resolve a script promise that is gating this
// step.
base::OnceClosure TakeFinishedCallback() {
return std::move(commit_callback_);
// This constructs a viz directive. Note that repeated calls to this function
// would create a new sequence id for the directive, which means it would be
// processed again by viz.
viz::CompositorFrameTransitionDirective ConstructDirective(
const std::map<DocumentTransitionSharedElementId,
shared_element_render_pass_id_map) const;
// Returns the sequence id for this request.
uint32_t sequence_id() const { return sequence_id_; }
// Testing / debugging functionality.
std::string ToString() const;
using Type = viz::CompositorFrameTransitionDirective::Type;
DocumentTransitionRequest(Effect effect,
uint32_t document_tag,
uint32_t shared_element_count,
base::OnceClosure commit_callback);
explicit DocumentTransitionRequest(uint32_t document_tag,
uint32_t shared_element_count,
base::OnceClosure commit_callback);
const Type type_;
const Effect effect_ = Effect::kNone;
const uint32_t document_tag_;
const uint32_t shared_element_count_;
base::OnceClosure commit_callback_;
const uint32_t sequence_id_;
static uint32_t s_next_sequence_id_;
} // namespace cc