blob: dbf40a50d2e4a505a8a70fd6b4408ff6b0373624 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/search_engines/template_url_parser.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "components/search_engines/search_terms_data.h"
#include "components/search_engines/template_url.h"
#include "services/data_decoder/public/cpp/data_decoder.h"
#include "services/data_decoder/public/cpp/safe_xml_parser.h"
#include "services/data_decoder/public/mojom/xml_parser.mojom.h"
#include "ui/gfx/favicon_size.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
#include "url/url_constants.h"
namespace {
// Defines for element names of the OSD document:
const char kURLElement[] = "Url";
const char kParamElement[] = "Param";
const char kShortNameElement[] = "ShortName";
const char kImageElement[] = "Image";
const char kOpenSearchDescriptionElement[] = "OpenSearchDescription";
const char kFirefoxSearchDescriptionElement[] = "SearchPlugin";
const char kInputEncodingElement[] = "InputEncoding";
const char kAliasElement[] = "Alias";
// Various XML attributes used.
const char kURLTypeAttribute[] = "type";
const char kURLTemplateAttribute[] = "template";
const char kImageTypeAttribute[] = "type";
const char kImageWidthAttribute[] = "width";
const char kImageHeightAttribute[] = "height";
const char kParamNameAttribute[] = "name";
const char kParamValueAttribute[] = "value";
const char kParamMethodAttribute[] = "method";
// Mime type for search results.
const char kHTMLType[] = "text/html";
// Mime type for as you type suggestions.
const char kSuggestionType[] = "application/x-suggestions+json";
// Returns true if input_encoding contains a valid input encoding string. This
// doesn't verify that we have a valid encoding for the string, just that the
// string contains characters that constitute a valid input encoding.
bool IsValidEncodingString(const std::string& input_encoding) {
if (input_encoding.empty())
return false;
if (!base::IsAsciiAlpha(input_encoding[0]))
return false;
for (size_t i = 1, max = input_encoding.size(); i < max; ++i) {
char c = input_encoding[i];
if (!base::IsAsciiAlpha(c) && !base::IsAsciiDigit(c) &&
c != '.' && c != '_' && c != '-') {
return false;
return true;
void AppendParamToQuery(const std::string& key,
const std::string& value,
std::string* query) {
if (!query->empty())
if (!key.empty()) {
// Returns true if |url| is empty or is a valid URL with a scheme of HTTP[S].
bool IsHTTPRef(const std::string& url) {
if (url.empty())
return true;
GURL gurl(url);
return gurl.is_valid() && (gurl.SchemeIs(url::kHttpScheme) ||
// SafeTemplateURLParser takes the output of the data_decoder service's
// XmlParser and extracts the data from the search description into a
// TemplateURL.
class SafeTemplateURLParser {
enum Method {
// Key/value of a Param node.
using Param = std::pair<std::string, std::string>;
const SearchTermsData* search_terms_data,
const TemplateURLParser::ParameterFilter& parameter_filter,
TemplateURLParser::ParseCallback callback)
: search_terms_data_(search_terms_data),
callback_(std::move(callback)) {}
SafeTemplateURLParser(const SafeTemplateURLParser&) = delete;
SafeTemplateURLParser& operator=(const SafeTemplateURLParser&) = delete;
// Parse callback for DataDecoder::ParseXml(). This calls the callback
// passed to the constructor upon completion.
void OnXmlParseComplete(
data_decoder::DataDecoder::ValueOrError value_or_error);
void ParseURLs(const std::vector<const base::Value*>& urls);
void ParseImages(const std::vector<const base::Value*>& images);
void ParseEncodings(const std::vector<const base::Value*>& encodings);
void ParseAliases(const std::vector<const base::Value*>& aliases);
std::unique_ptr<TemplateURL> FinalizeTemplateURL();
// Returns all child elements of |elem| named |tag|, which are searched
// for using the XML qualified namespaces in |namespaces_|.
bool GetChildElementsByTag(const base::Value& elem,
const std::string& tag,
std::vector<const base::Value*>* children);
// Data that gets updated as we parse, and is converted to a TemplateURL by
// FinalizeTemplateURL().
TemplateURLData data_;
// The HTTP methods used.
Method method_ = GET;
Method suggestion_method_ = GET;
// If true, the user has set a keyword and we should use it. Otherwise,
// we generate a keyword based on the URL.
bool has_custom_keyword_ = false;
// Whether we should derive the image from the URL (when images are data
// URLs).
bool derive_image_from_url_ = false;
// The XML namespaces that were declared on the root element. These are used
// to search for tags by name in GetChildElementsByTag(). Will always contain
// at least one element, if only the empty string.
std::vector<std::string> namespaces_;
const SearchTermsData* search_terms_data_;
TemplateURLParser::ParameterFilter parameter_filter_;
TemplateURLParser::ParseCallback callback_;
void SafeTemplateURLParser::OnXmlParseComplete(
data_decoder::DataDecoder::ValueOrError value_or_error) {
if (value_or_error.error) {
DLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to parse XML: " << *value_or_error.error;
const base::Value& root = *value_or_error.value;
// Get the namespaces used in the XML document, which will be used
// to access nodes by tag name in GetChildElementsByTag().
if (const base::Value* namespaces =
root.FindDictKey(data_decoder::mojom::XmlParser::kNamespacesKey)) {
for (const auto& item : namespaces->DictItems()) {
if (namespaces_.empty())
std::string root_tag;
if (!data_decoder::GetXmlElementTagName(root, &root_tag) ||
(root_tag != kOpenSearchDescriptionElement &&
root_tag != kFirefoxSearchDescriptionElement)) {
DLOG(ERROR) << "Unexpected root tag: " << root_tag;
// The only required element is the URL.
std::vector<const base::Value*> urls;
if (!GetChildElementsByTag(root, kURLElement, &urls)) {
std::vector<const base::Value*> images;
if (GetChildElementsByTag(root, kImageElement, &images))
std::vector<const base::Value*> encodings;
if (GetChildElementsByTag(root, kInputEncodingElement, &encodings))
std::vector<const base::Value*> aliases;
if (GetChildElementsByTag(root, kAliasElement, &aliases))
std::vector<const base::Value*> short_names;
if (GetChildElementsByTag(root, kShortNameElement, &short_names)) {
std::string name;
if (data_decoder::GetXmlElementText(*short_names.back(), &name))
void SafeTemplateURLParser::ParseURLs(
const std::vector<const base::Value*>& urls) {
for (auto* url : urls) {
std::string template_url =
data_decoder::GetXmlElementAttribute(*url, kURLTemplateAttribute);
std::string type =
data_decoder::GetXmlElementAttribute(*url, kURLTypeAttribute);
bool is_post = base::LowerCaseEqualsASCII(
data_decoder::GetXmlElementAttribute(*url, kParamMethodAttribute),
bool is_html_url = (type == kHTMLType);
bool is_suggest_url = (type == kSuggestionType);
if (is_html_url && !template_url.empty()) {
is_suggest_url = false;
if (is_post)
method_ = POST;
} else if (is_suggest_url) {
data_.suggestions_url = template_url;
if (is_post)
suggestion_method_ = POST;
std::vector<Param> extra_params;
std::vector<const base::Value*> params;
GetChildElementsByTag(*url, kParamElement, &params);
for (auto* param : params) {
std::string key =
data_decoder::GetXmlElementAttribute(*param, kParamNameAttribute);
std::string value =
data_decoder::GetXmlElementAttribute(*param, kParamValueAttribute);
if (!key.empty() &&
(parameter_filter_.is_null() || parameter_filter_.Run(key, value))) {
extra_params.push_back(Param(key, value));
if (!parameter_filter_.is_null() || !extra_params.empty()) {
GURL url(is_suggest_url ? data_.suggestions_url : data_.url());
if (!url.is_valid())
// If there is a parameter filter, parse the existing URL and remove any
// unwanted parameter.
std::string new_query;
bool modified = false;
if (!parameter_filter_.is_null()) {
url::Component query = url.parsed_for_possibly_invalid_spec().query;
url::Component key, value;
const char* url_spec = url.spec().c_str();
while (url::ExtractQueryKeyValue(url_spec, &query, &key, &value)) {
std::string key_str(url_spec, key.begin, key.len);
std::string value_str(url_spec, value.begin, value.len);
if (parameter_filter_.Run(key_str, value_str)) {
AppendParamToQuery(key_str, value_str, &new_query);
} else {
modified = true;
if (!modified)
new_query = url.query();
// Add the extra parameters if any.
if (!extra_params.empty()) {
modified = true;
for (const auto& iter : extra_params)
AppendParamToQuery(iter.first, iter.second, &new_query);
if (modified) {
GURL::Replacements repl;
url = url.ReplaceComponents(repl);
if (is_suggest_url)
data_.suggestions_url = url.spec();
else if (url.is_valid())
void SafeTemplateURLParser::ParseImages(
const std::vector<const base::Value*>& images) {
for (auto* image : images) {
std::string url_string;
if (!data_decoder::GetXmlElementText(*image, &url_string))
std::string type =
data_decoder::GetXmlElementAttribute(*image, kImageTypeAttribute);
int width = 0;
int height = 0;
data_decoder::GetXmlElementAttribute(*image, kImageWidthAttribute),
data_decoder::GetXmlElementAttribute(*image, kImageHeightAttribute),
bool image_is_valid_for_favicon =
(width == gfx::kFaviconSize) && (height == gfx::kFaviconSize) &&
((type == "image/x-icon") || (type == "image/"));
GURL image_url(url_string);
if (image_url.SchemeIs(url::kDataScheme)) {
// TODO(jcampan): bug 1169256: when dealing with data URL, we need to
// decode the data URL in the renderer. For now, we'll just point to the
// favicon from the URL.
derive_image_from_url_ = true;
} else if (image_is_valid_for_favicon && image_url.is_valid() &&
(image_url.SchemeIs(url::kHttpScheme) ||
image_url.SchemeIs(url::kHttpsScheme))) {
data_.favicon_url = image_url;
image_is_valid_for_favicon = false;
void SafeTemplateURLParser::ParseEncodings(
const std::vector<const base::Value*>& encodings) {
for (auto* encoding : encodings) {
std::string encoding_value;
if (data_decoder::GetXmlElementText(*encoding, &encoding_value)) {
if (IsValidEncodingString(encoding_value))
void SafeTemplateURLParser::ParseAliases(
const std::vector<const base::Value*>& aliases) {
for (auto* alias : aliases) {
std::string alias_value;
if (data_decoder::GetXmlElementText(*alias, &alias_value)) {
has_custom_keyword_ = true;
std::unique_ptr<TemplateURL> SafeTemplateURLParser::FinalizeTemplateURL() {
// TODO( Support engines that use POST.
if (method_ == POST || !IsHTTPRef(data_.url()) ||
!IsHTTPRef(data_.suggestions_url)) {
DLOG(ERROR) << "POST URLs are not supported";
return nullptr;
if (suggestion_method_ == POST)
// If the image was a data URL, use the favicon from the search URL instead.
// (see the TODO in ParseImages()).
GURL search_url(data_.url());
if (derive_image_from_url_ && data_.favicon_url.is_empty())
data_.favicon_url = TemplateURL::GenerateFaviconURL(search_url);
// Generate a keyword for this search engine if a custom one was not present
// in the imported data.
if (!has_custom_keyword_)
// If the OSDD omits or has an empty short name, use the keyword.
if (data_.short_name().empty())
// Bail if the search URL is empty or if either TemplateURLRef is invalid.
std::unique_ptr<TemplateURL> template_url =
if (template_url->url().empty() ||
!template_url->url_ref().IsValid(*search_terms_data_) ||
(!template_url->suggestions_url().empty() &&
!template_url->suggestions_url_ref().IsValid(*search_terms_data_))) {
DLOG(ERROR) << "Template URL is not valid";
return nullptr;
return template_url;
bool SafeTemplateURLParser::GetChildElementsByTag(
const base::Value& elem,
const std::string& tag,
std::vector<const base::Value*>* children) {
bool result = false;
for (const auto& ns : namespaces_) {
std::string name = data_decoder::GetXmlQualifiedName(ns, tag);
result |=
data_decoder::GetAllXmlElementChildrenWithTag(elem, name, children);
return result;
} // namespace
// TemplateURLParser ----------------------------------------------------------
// static
void TemplateURLParser::Parse(const SearchTermsData* search_terms_data,
const std::string& data,
const ParameterFilter& parameter_filter,
ParseCallback completion_callback) {
auto safe_parser = std::make_unique<SafeTemplateURLParser>(
search_terms_data, parameter_filter, std::move(completion_callback));
data, base::BindOnce(&SafeTemplateURLParser::OnXmlParseComplete,
// static
void TemplateURLParser::ParseWithDataDecoder(
data_decoder::DataDecoder* data_decoder,
const SearchTermsData* search_terms_data,
const std::string& data,
const ParameterFilter& parameter_filter,
ParseCallback completion_callback) {
auto safe_parser = std::make_unique<SafeTemplateURLParser>(
search_terms_data, parameter_filter, std::move(completion_callback));
data, base::BindOnce(&SafeTemplateURLParser::OnXmlParseComplete,