blob: b05ef1ef2c24b43e97864ab11543afcfbe7335fb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/viz/common/switches.h"
#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "components/viz/common/constants.h"
namespace switches {
// Screen width is useful for debugging. Shipping implementations should detect
// this.
const char kDeJellyScreenWidth[] = "de-jelly-screen-width";
// The default number of the BeginFrames to wait to activate a surface with
// dependencies.
const char kDeadlineToSynchronizeSurfaces[] =
// Disables begin frame limiting in both cc scheduler and display scheduler.
// Also implies --disable-gpu-vsync (see //ui/gl/gl_switches.h).
const char kDisableFrameRateLimit[] = "disable-frame-rate-limit";
// Sets the number of max pending frames in the GL buffer queue to 1.
const char kDoubleBufferCompositing[] = "double-buffer-compositing";
// Experimental de-jelly support.
const char kEnableDeJelly[] = "enable-de-jelly";
// Enable compositing individual elements via hardware overlays when
// permitted by device.
// Setting the flag to "single-fullscreen" will try to promote a single
// fullscreen overlay and use it as main framebuffer where possible.
const char kEnableHardwareOverlays[] = "enable-hardware-overlays";
// Enables inspecting Viz Display Compositor objects. Default port is 9229.
// For local inspection use chrome://inspect#other
const char kEnableVizDevTools[] = "enable-viz-devtools";
// Enables hit-test debug logging.
const char kEnableVizHitTestDebug[] = "enable-viz-hit-test-debug";
// Effectively disables pipelining of compositor frame production stages by
// waiting for each stage to finish before completing a frame.
const char kRunAllCompositorStagesBeforeDraw[] =
// Adds a DebugBorderDrawQuad to the top of the root RenderPass showing the
// damage rect after surface aggregation. Note that when enabled this feature
// sets the entire output rect as damaged after adding the quad to highlight the
// real damage rect, which could hide damage rect problems.
const char kShowAggregatedDamage[] = "show-aggregated-damage";
// Show debug borders for DC layers - red for overlays and blue for underlays.
// The debug borders are offset from the layer rect by a few pixels for clarity.
const char kShowDCLayerDebugBorders[] = "show-dc-layer-debug-borders";
base::Optional<uint32_t> GetDeadlineToSynchronizeSurfaces() {
base::CommandLine* command_line = base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess();
if (command_line->HasSwitch(switches::kRunAllCompositorStagesBeforeDraw)) {
// In full-pipeline mode, surface deadlines should always be unlimited.
return base::nullopt;
std::string deadline_to_synchronize_surfaces_string =
if (deadline_to_synchronize_surfaces_string.empty())
return viz::kDefaultActivationDeadlineInFrames;
uint32_t activation_deadline_in_frames;
if (!base::StringToUint(deadline_to_synchronize_surfaces_string,
&activation_deadline_in_frames)) {
return base::nullopt;
return activation_deadline_in_frames;
} // namespace switches