blob: 680a9a16330986c1cb399678af194e9fc2a52d91 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "net/base/net_export.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
#include "url/origin.h"
namespace net {
// Represents which origins are to be considered first-party for a given
// context (e.g. frame). There may be none.
// The currently implemented policy is that two valid URLs would be considered
// the same party if either:
// 1) They both have non-empty and equal registrable domains or hostnames/IPs.
// 2) They both have empty hostnames and equal schemes.
// Invalid URLs are not first party to anything.
// TODO(morlovich): It may make sense to require scheme to match in case (1)
// too, where the notion of matching makes http/https/ws/wss equivalent, but
// all other schemes are distinct.
// This should wait until SiteForCookies type is used everywhere relevant, so
// any changes are consistent.
class NET_EXPORT SiteForCookies {
// Matches nothing.
SiteForCookies(const SiteForCookies& other);
SiteForCookies(SiteForCookies&& other);
SiteForCookies& operator=(const SiteForCookies& other);
SiteForCookies& operator=(SiteForCookies&& other);
// Tries to construct an instance from (potentially untrusted) values of
// scheme() and registrable_domain() that got received over an RPC.
// Returns whether successful or not. Doesn't touch |*out| if false is
// returned. This returning |true| does not mean that whoever sent the values
// did not lie, merely that they are well-formed.
static bool FromWire(const std::string& scheme,
const std::string& registrable_domain,
SiteForCookies* out);
// If the origin is opaque, returns SiteForCookies that matches nothing.
// If it's not, returns one that matches URLs which are considered to be
// same-party as URLs from |origin|.
static SiteForCookies FromOrigin(const url::Origin& origin);
// Equivalent to FromOrigin(url::Origin::Create(url)).
static SiteForCookies FromUrl(const GURL& url);
std::string ToDebugString() const;
// Returns true if |url| should be considered first-party to the context
// |this| represents.
bool IsFirstParty(const GURL& url) const;
// Returns true if |other.IsFirstParty()| is true for exactly the same URLs
// as |this->IsFirstParty| (potentially none).
bool IsEquivalent(const SiteForCookies& other) const;
// Returns a URL that's first party to this SiteForCookies (an empty URL if
// none) --- that is, it has the property that
// site_for_cookies.IsEquivalent(
// SiteForCookies::FromUrl(site_for_cookies.RepresentativeUrl()));
// The convention used here (empty for nothing) is equivalent to that
// used before SiteForCookies existed as a type; this method is mostly
// meant to help incrementally migrate towards the type. New code probably
// should not need this.
GURL RepresentativeUrl() const;
// Guaranteed to be lowercase.
const std::string& scheme() const { return scheme_; }
const std::string& registrable_domain() const { return registrable_domain_; }
// Returns true if this SiteForCookies matches nothing.
bool IsNull() const { return scheme_.empty(); }
SiteForCookies(const std::string& scheme, const std::string& host);
// These should be canonicalized appropriately by GURL/url::Origin.
// An empty |scheme_| means that this matches nothing.
std::string scheme_;
// Represents which host or family of hosts this represents.
// This is usually an eTLD+1 when one exists, but lacking that it may be
// just the bare hostname or IP, or an empty string if this represents
// something like file:///
std::string registrable_domain_;
} // namespace net