blob: c58a348be118b745e5a1501a9326bdc563d7bf38 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <iosfwd>
#include <string>
#include "base/hash/hash.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace media_router {
// URL schemes used by Presentation URLs for Cast and DIAL.
constexpr char kCastPresentationUrlScheme[] = "cast";
constexpr char kCastDialPresentationUrlScheme[] = "cast-dial";
constexpr char kDialPresentationUrlScheme[] = "dial";
constexpr char kRemotePlaybackPresentationUrlScheme[] = "remote-playback";
// URL prefix used by legacy Cast presentations.
constexpr char kLegacyCastPresentationUrlPrefix[] =
// Strings used in presentation IDs by the Cast SDK implementation.
// TODO(takumif): Move them out of this file, since they are not directly
// related to MediaSource.
// This value must be the same as |chrome.cast.AUTO_JOIN_PRESENTATION_ID| in the
// component extension.
constexpr char kAutoJoinPresentationId[] = "auto-join";
// This value must be the same as |chrome.cast.PRESENTATION_ID_PREFIX| in the
// component extension.
constexpr char kCastPresentationIdPrefix[] = "cast-session_";
// Returns true if |url| represents a legacy Cast presentation URL, i.e., it
// starts with |kLegacyCastPresentationUrlPrefix|.
bool IsLegacyCastPresentationUrl(const GURL& url);
// Returns true if |url| is a valid presentation URL.
bool IsValidPresentationUrl(const GURL& url);
// Returns true if |presentation_id| is an ID used by auto-join requests.
bool IsAutoJoinPresentationId(const std::string& presentation_id);
class MediaSource {
using Id = std::string;
explicit MediaSource(const MediaSource::Id& id);
explicit MediaSource(const GURL& presentation_url);
// Gets the ID of the media source.
const Id& id() const { return id_; }
// If MediaSource is created from a URL, return the URL; otherwise return an
// empty GURL.
const GURL& url() const { return url_; }
// Returns true if two MediaSource objects use the same media ID.
bool operator==(const MediaSource& other) const { return id_ ==; }
bool operator<(const MediaSource& other) const { return id_ <; }
// Hash operator for hash containers.
struct Hash {
uint32_t operator()(const MediaSource& source) const {
return base::FastHash(;
// Protocol-specific media source object creation.
// Returns MediaSource URI depending on the type of source.
static MediaSource ForTab(int tab_id);
static MediaSource ForTabContentRemoting(int tab_id);
static MediaSource ForPresentationUrl(const GURL& presentation_url);
// Creates a media source for a specific desktop.
static MediaSource ForDesktop(const std::string& desktop_media_id);
// Creates a media source representing "the" desktop. When possible, prefer
// the form with an argument instead. This type of source is used to
// represent using a desktop as a media source at a point where, in the case
// of multiple desktops, the actual desktop to use cannot be determined.
// Before a route can be created using the source, the desktop picker must be
// invoked to choose a specific desktop.
// TODO( See if this method can be removed after the
// extension-based Cast MRP is removed.
static MediaSource ForDesktop();
// Returns true if source outputs its content via mirroring.
bool IsDesktopMirroringSource() const;
bool IsTabMirroringSource() const;
bool IsMirroringSource() const;
// Returns true if this is represents a Cast Presentation URL.
bool IsCastPresentationUrl() const;
// Parses the ID and returns the SessionTabHelper tab ID referencing a source
// tab. Returns a non-positive value on error.
int TabId() const;
// When this source was created by ForDesktop(string), returns a stream ID
// suitable for passing to
// content::DesktopStreamsRegistry::RequestMediaForStreamId(). Otherwise
// returns base::nullopt.
base::Optional<std::string> DesktopStreamId() const;
// Checks that this is a parseable URN and is of a known type.
// Does not deeper protocol-level syntax checks.
bool IsValid() const;
// Returns true this source outputs its content via DIAL.
// TODO( Move this to in-browser DIAL/Cast MRP when we have
// one.
bool IsDialSource() const;
// Returns empty string if this source is not DIAL media source, or is not a
// valid DIAL media source.
std::string AppNameFromDialSource() const;
MediaSource::Id id_;
GURL url_;
// Only for debug logging. This operator is defined inline so it doesn't add
// any code in release builds. (Omitting the definition entirely when NDEBUG is
// defined causes linker errors on Android.)
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream,
const MediaSource& source) {
return stream << "MediaSource[" << << "]";
} // namespace media_router