blob: 7e13894ad00113b03d8271d8383b1cb47a35f658 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/devtools/serialize_host_descriptions.h"
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/values.h"
#include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
using ::testing::Optional;
using ::testing::UnorderedElementsAre;
namespace {
HostDescriptionNode GetNodeWithLabel(const char* name, int label) {
HostDescriptionNode node = {name, std::string(),
node.representation.SetIntKey("label", label);
return node;
// Returns the list of children of |arg|.
absl::optional<base::Value::List> GetChildren(const base::Value& arg) {
const base::Value::Dict& dict = arg.GetDict();
const base::Value* children = dict.Find("children");
if (!children)
return absl::nullopt;
EXPECT_EQ(base::Value::Type::LIST, children->type());
return children->GetList().Clone();
// Checks that |arg| is a description of a node with label |l|.
bool CheckLabel(const base::Value& arg, int l) {
const base::Value::Dict& dict = arg.GetDict();
absl::optional<int> result = dict.FindInt("label");
if (!result)
return false;
return l == *result;
// Matches every |arg| with label |label| and checks that it has no children.
MATCHER_P(EmptyNode, label, "") {
if (!CheckLabel(arg, label))
return false;
EXPECT_EQ(GetChildren(arg), absl::nullopt);
return true;
} // namespace
TEST(SerializeHostDescriptionTest, Empty) {
base::Value::List result =
SerializeHostDescriptions(std::vector<HostDescriptionNode>(), "123");
EXPECT_THAT(result, ::testing::IsEmpty());
// Test serializing a forest of stubs (no edges).
TEST(SerializeHostDescriptionTest, Stubs) {
std::vector<HostDescriptionNode> nodes;
nodes.emplace_back(GetNodeWithLabel("1", 1));
nodes.emplace_back(GetNodeWithLabel("2", 2));
nodes.emplace_back(GetNodeWithLabel("3", 3));
base::Value::List result =
SerializeHostDescriptions(std::move(nodes), "children");
UnorderedElementsAre(EmptyNode(1), EmptyNode(2), EmptyNode(3)));
// Test handling multiple nodes sharing the same name.
TEST(SerializeHostDescriptionTest, SameNames) {
std::vector<HostDescriptionNode> nodes;
nodes.emplace_back(GetNodeWithLabel("A", 1));
nodes.emplace_back(GetNodeWithLabel("A", 2));
nodes.emplace_back(GetNodeWithLabel("A", 3));
nodes.emplace_back(GetNodeWithLabel("B", 4));
nodes.emplace_back(GetNodeWithLabel("C", 5));
base::Value::List result =
SerializeHostDescriptions(std::move(nodes), "children");
// Only the first node called "A", and both nodes "B" and "C" should be
// returned.
UnorderedElementsAre(EmptyNode(1), EmptyNode(4), EmptyNode(5)));
// Test serializing a small forest, of this structure:
// 5 -- 2 -- 4
// 0 -- 6
// \ 1
// \ 3
namespace {
// Matchers for non-empty nodes specifically in this test:
MATCHER(Node2, "") {
if (!CheckLabel(arg, 2))
return false;
EXPECT_THAT(GetChildren(arg), Optional(UnorderedElementsAre(EmptyNode(4))));
return true;
MATCHER(Node5, "") {
if (!CheckLabel(arg, 5))
return false;
EXPECT_THAT(GetChildren(arg), Optional(UnorderedElementsAre(Node2())));
return true;
MATCHER(Node0, "") {
if (!CheckLabel(arg, 0))
return false;
EXPECT_THAT(GetChildren(arg), Optional(UnorderedElementsAre(
EmptyNode(1), EmptyNode(3), EmptyNode(6))));
return true;
} // namespace
TEST(SerializeHostDescriptionTest, Forest) {
std::vector<HostDescriptionNode> nodes(7);
const char* kNames[] = {"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6"};
for (size_t i = 0; i < 7; ++i) {
nodes[i] = GetNodeWithLabel(kNames[i], i);
nodes[2].parent_name = "5";
nodes[4].parent_name = "2";
nodes[6].parent_name = "0";
nodes[1].parent_name = "0";
nodes[3].parent_name = "0";
base::Value::List result =
SerializeHostDescriptions(std::move(nodes), "children");
EXPECT_THAT(result, UnorderedElementsAre(Node0(), Node5()));