blob: c912b4b6afe0ed323f3bc94fc57f54435a5f455c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/scoped_observation.h"
#include "chrome/browser/fast_checkout/fast_checkout_accessibility_service.h"
#include "chrome/browser/fast_checkout/fast_checkout_capabilities_fetcher.h"
#include "chrome/browser/fast_checkout/fast_checkout_client.h"
#include "chrome/browser/fast_checkout/fast_checkout_enums.h"
#include "chrome/browser/fast_checkout/fast_checkout_personal_data_helper.h"
#include "chrome/browser/fast_checkout/fast_checkout_trigger_validator.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/fast_checkout/fast_checkout_controller_impl.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/data_model/autofill_profile.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/payments/full_card_request.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/personal_data_manager.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_contents.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_contents_user_data.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace autofill {
class LogManager;
class FastCheckoutClientImpl
: public content::WebContentsUserData<FastCheckoutClientImpl>,
public FastCheckoutClient,
public FastCheckoutControllerImpl::Delegate,
public autofill::PersonalDataManagerObserver,
public autofill::AutofillManager::Observer,
public autofill::payments::FullCardRequest::ResultDelegate {
~FastCheckoutClientImpl() override;
FastCheckoutClientImpl(const FastCheckoutClientImpl&) = delete;
FastCheckoutClientImpl& operator=(const FastCheckoutClientImpl&) = delete;
// FastCheckoutClient:
bool TryToStart(
const GURL& url,
const autofill::FormData& form,
const autofill::FormFieldData& field,
base::WeakPtr<autofill::AutofillManager> autofill_manager) override;
// The parameter `allow_further_runs` is ignored if the UI is not currently
// showing.
void Stop(bool allow_further_runs) override;
bool IsRunning() const override;
bool IsShowing() const override;
void OnNavigation(const GURL& url, bool is_cart_or_checkout_url) override;
bool IsSupported(const autofill::FormData& form,
const autofill::FormFieldData& field,
const autofill::AutofillManager& autofill_manager) override;
bool IsNotShownYet() const override;
// FastCheckoutControllerImpl::Delegate:
void OnOptionsSelected(
std::unique_ptr<autofill::AutofillProfile> selected_profile,
std::unique_ptr<autofill::CreditCard> selected_credit_card) override;
void OnDismiss() override;
// autofill::AutofillManager::Observer:
void OnAfterLoadedServerPredictions(
autofill::AutofillManager& manager) override;
void OnAfterDidFillAutofillFormData(autofill::AutofillManager& manager,
autofill::FormGlobalId form_id) override;
// Is owned by a `ContentAutofillDriver` instance and its lifecycle thus is
// dependent on the one of `RenderFrameHost`.
void OnAutofillManagerDestroyed(autofill::AutofillManager& manager) override;
// Is called on navigation and resets its internal state.
void OnAutofillManagerReset(autofill::AutofillManager& manager) override;
// autofill::payments::FullCardRequest::ResultDelegate:
void OnFullCardRequestSucceeded(
const autofill::payments::FullCardRequest& full_card_request,
const autofill::CreditCard& card,
const std::u16string& cvc) override;
void OnFullCardRequestFailed(
autofill::CreditCard::RecordType card_type,
autofill::payments::FullCardRequest::FailureType failure_type) override;
// Filling state of a form during a run.
enum class FillingState {
// Form was not attempted to be filled.
kNotFilled = 0,
// Autofill was invoked on the form but this clas was not notified about the
// form being filled.
kFilling = 1,
// This form has been filled.
kFilled = 2
explicit FastCheckoutClientImpl(content::WebContents* web_contents);
// Creates the UI controller.
virtual std::unique_ptr<FastCheckoutController>
friend class content::WebContentsUserData<FastCheckoutClientImpl>;
friend class FastCheckoutClientImplTest;
// From autofill::PersonalDataManagerObserver.
void OnPersonalDataChanged() override;
// Called whenever the surface gets hidden (regardless of the cause). Informs
// the Delegate that the surface is now hidden.
void OnHidden();
// Registers when a run is complete.
void OnRunComplete(FastCheckoutRunOutcome run_outcome,
bool allow_further_runs = true);
// Displays the bottom sheet UI. If the underlying autofill data is updated,
// the method is called again to refresh the information displayed in the UI.
void ShowFastCheckoutUI();
// Turns keyboard suppression on and off.
void SetShouldSuppressKeyboard(bool suppress);
// Returns the Autofill log manager if available.
autofill::LogManager* GetAutofillLogManager() const;
// Logs `message` to chrome://autofill-internals.
void LogAutofillInternals(std::string message) const;
// Populates map with forms to fill at the beginning of the run.
void SetFormsToFill();
// Returns `true` if all forms in `forms_to_fill_` have
// `FillingState::kFilled`.
bool AllFormsAreFilled() const;
// Returns `true` if the ongoing run is in filling mode. That means if
// `is_running_ == true`, there are unfilled `forms_to_fill_` and selections
// of Autofill profile and credit card are present.
bool IsFilling() const;
// Populates `form_filling_states_` according to the forms cache of
// `AutofillManager` and `form_signatures_to_fill_`.
void SetFormFillingStates();
// Returns `true` if `form` is an unfilled form of type `expected_form_type`.
// Also sets initial filling state in `form_filling_states_`.
bool ShouldFillForm(const autofill::FormStructure& form,
autofill::FormType expected_form_type) const;
// Will be called when reparse has been triggered in all frames.
void OnTriggerReparseFinished(bool success);
// Tries to fill all unfilled forms cached by `autofill_manager_` if they are
// part of the ongoing run's funnel.
void TryToFillForms();
// Updates filling states of forms in `forms_to_fill_` on form filled
// notification.
void UpdateFillingStates();
// Makes accessibility announcements for when a form was filled.
void A11yAnnounce(autofill::FormSignature form_signature,
bool is_credit_card_form);
// Returns a pointer to the autofill profile corresponding to
// `selected_autofill_profile_guid_`. Stops the run if it's a `nullptr`.
autofill::AutofillProfile* GetSelectedAutofillProfile();
// Returns a pointer to the credit card corresponding to
// `selected_credit_card_id_`. Stops the run if it's a `nullptr`.
autofill::CreditCard* GetSelectedCreditCard();
// Fills credit card form via the `autofill_manager_` and handles internal
// state.
void FillCreditCardForm(const autofill::FormStructure& form,
const autofill::FormFieldData& field,
const autofill::CreditCard& credit_card,
const std::u16string& cvc);
// Same as Stop() but does not require `IsShowing() == true` for
// `allow_further_runs == false` to have any effect. The `IsShowing()` guard
// is currently required because of uncontrolled `HideFastCheckout()` calls
// in `BrowserAutofillManager::OnHidePopupImpl()`.
// TODO( remove `HideFastCheckout()` call from
// `BrowserAutofillManger` by introducing a new `AutofillManager::Observer`
// methods pair, then remove this method in favor of `Stop()`.
void InternalStop(bool allow_further_runs);
// Triggers reparse with a delay of `kSleepBetweenTriggerReparseCalls`.
// Reparsing updates the forms cache `autofill_manager_->form_structures()`
// with current data from the renderer, eventually calling
// `OnAfterLoadedServerPredictions()` if there were any updates. This is
// necessary e.g. for the case when a form has been cached when it was not
// visible to the user and became visible in the meantime.
base::OneShotTimer reparse_timer_;
// Stops the run after timeout.
base::OneShotTimer timeout_timer_;
// The `ChromeAutofillClient` instance attached to the same `WebContents`.
raw_ptr<autofill::AutofillClient> autofill_client_ = nullptr;
// The `AutofillManager` instance invoking the fast checkout run. Note that
// `this` class generally outlives `AutofillManager`.
base::WeakPtr<autofill::AutofillManager> autofill_manager_;
// Weak reference to the `FastCheckoutCapabilitiesFetcher` instance attached
// to `this` web content's browser context.
raw_ptr<FastCheckoutCapabilitiesFetcher> fetcher_ = nullptr;
// Fast Checkout UI Controller. Responsible for showing the bottomsheet and
// handling user selections.
std::unique_ptr<FastCheckoutController> fast_checkout_controller_;
// Helper class providing information about address profiles and credit cards.
std::unique_ptr<FastCheckoutPersonalDataHelper> personal_data_helper_;
// Checks whether a run should be permitted or not.
std::unique_ptr<FastCheckoutTriggerValidator> trigger_validator_;
// Makes a11y announcements.
std::unique_ptr<FastCheckoutAccessibilityService> accessibility_service_;
// True if a run is ongoing; used to avoid multiple runs in parallel.
bool is_running_ = false;
// Autofill profile selected by the user in the bottomsheet.
absl::optional<std::string> selected_autofill_profile_guid_;
// Credit card selected by the user in the bottomsheet.
absl::optional<std::string> selected_credit_card_id_;
// Specifis whether the selected credit card is local or a server card.
bool selected_credit_card_is_local_ = true;
// The origin for which `TryToStart()` was triggered.
url::Origin origin_;
// Maps forms to fill during the run to their filling state.
base::flat_map<std::pair<autofill::FormSignature, autofill::FormType>,
// Signatures of forms the run intends to fill as retrieved from the
// `FastCheckoutCapabilitiesFetcher`.
base::flat_set<autofill::FormSignature> form_signatures_to_fill_;
// The current state of the bottomsheet.
FastCheckoutUIState fast_checkout_ui_state_ =
// Identifier of the credit card form to be filled once the CVC popup is
// fulfilled.
absl::optional<autofill::FormGlobalId> credit_card_form_global_id_;
// Hash of the unique run ID used for metrics.
int64_t run_id_ = 0;
// content::WebContentsUserData:
base::WeakPtrFactory<FastCheckoutClientImpl> weak_ptr_factory_{this};