blob: 7ca7f209af50f831373b90f6c46780b811220a8d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
class Profile;
namespace extensions {
class Extension;
} // namespace extensions
// Utility functions for lacros extensions or extension apps.
namespace lacros_extensions_util {
// Returns true if |extension| is an extension based app supported in Lacros,
// which include platform apps and hosted apps.
bool IsExtensionApp(const extensions::Extension* extension);
// Returns the extension pointer for |extension_id| in |profile|, or null if
// nonexistent.
const extensions::Extension* MaybeGetExtension(Profile* profile,
const std::string& extension_id);
// Returns a muxed id that consists of the profile base name joined to the
// extension id.
std::string MuxId(const Profile* profile,
const extensions::Extension* extension);
// Takes |muxed_id| and extracts the corresponding Profile* and Extension*. On
// success, returns true and populates variables |output_profile| and
// |output_extension|. We pass a Profile** and an Extension** instead of
// Profile*& and Extension*& for clarity -- the root problem is that Profiles
// and Extensions are always passed by raw pointer to begin with.
bool DemuxId(const std::string& muxed_id,
Profile** output_profile,
const extensions::Extension** output_extension);
// Same as DemuxId(), but requires the Extension* to be a v2 platform app.
bool DemuxPlatformAppId(const std::string& muxed_id,
Profile** output_profile,
const extensions::Extension** output_extension);
} // namespace lacros_extensions_util