blob: 5a9139585d9fd74797882671fd4422e546a55a7f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/ukm/test_ukm_recorder.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/metrics/metrics_hashes.h"
#include "base/task_scheduler/post_task.h"
#include "base/threading/sequenced_task_runner_handle.h"
#include "components/ukm/ukm_source.h"
#include "services/metrics/public/cpp/delegating_ukm_recorder.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
namespace ukm {
namespace {
// Merge the data from |in| to |out|.
void MergeEntry(const mojom::UkmEntry* in, mojom::UkmEntry* out) {
if (out->event_hash) {
EXPECT_EQ(out->source_id, in->source_id);
EXPECT_EQ(out->event_hash, in->event_hash);
} else {
out->event_hash = in->event_hash;
out->source_id = in->source_id;
for (const auto& metric : in->metrics) {
// Provides a single merged ukm::mojom::UkmEntry proto that contains all metrics
// from the given |entries|. |entries| must be non-empty, and all |entries| must
// have the same |source_id| and |event_hash|.
mojom::UkmEntryPtr GetMergedEntry(
const std::vector<const mojom::UkmEntry*>& entries) {
mojom::UkmEntryPtr merged_entry = mojom::UkmEntry::New();
for (const auto* entry : entries) {
MergeEntry(entry, merged_entry.get());
return merged_entry;
std::vector<int64_t> GetValuesForMetric(const mojom::UkmEntry* entry,
const char* metric_name) {
std::vector<int64_t> values;
const uint64_t metric_hash = base::HashMetricName(metric_name);
for (const auto& metric : entry->metrics) {
if (metric->metric_hash == metric_hash)
return values;
} // namespace
TestUkmRecorder::TestUkmRecorder() {
TestUkmRecorder::~TestUkmRecorder() {
bool TestUkmRecorder::ShouldRestrictToWhitelistedSourceIds() const {
// In tests, we want to record all source ids (not just hose that are
// whitelisted).
return false;
std::set<ukm::SourceId> TestUkmRecorder::GetSourceIds() const {
std::set<ukm::SourceId> result;
for (const auto& kv : sources()) {
for (const auto& it : entries()) {
return result;
const UkmSource* TestUkmRecorder::GetSourceForUrl(const char* url) const {
for (const auto& kv : sources()) {
if (kv.second->url() == url)
return kv.second.get();
return nullptr;
std::vector<const UkmSource*> TestUkmRecorder::GetSourcesForUrl(
const char* url) const {
std::vector<const UkmSource*> matching_sources;
for (const auto& kv : sources()) {
if (kv.second->url() == url)
return matching_sources;
const UkmSource* TestUkmRecorder::GetSourceForSourceId(
SourceId source_id) const {
const UkmSource* source = nullptr;
for (const auto& kv : sources()) {
if (kv.second->id() == source_id) {
DCHECK_EQ(nullptr, source);
source = kv.second.get();
return source;
const mojom::UkmEntry* TestUkmRecorder::GetEntry(size_t entry_num) const {
DCHECK_LT(entry_num, entries().size());
return entries()[entry_num].get();
const mojom::UkmEntry* TestUkmRecorder::GetEntryForEntryName(
const char* entry_name) const {
for (const auto& it : entries()) {
if (it->event_hash == base::HashMetricName(entry_name))
return it.get();
return nullptr;
std::vector<const mojom::UkmEntry*> TestUkmRecorder::GetEntriesByName(
base::StringPiece entry_name) const {
uint64_t hash = base::HashMetricName(entry_name);
std::vector<const mojom::UkmEntry*> result;
for (const auto& it : entries()) {
if (it->event_hash == hash)
return result;
std::map<ukm::SourceId, mojom::UkmEntryPtr>
TestUkmRecorder::GetMergedEntriesByName(base::StringPiece entry_name) const {
uint64_t hash = base::HashMetricName(entry_name);
std::map<ukm::SourceId, mojom::UkmEntryPtr> result;
for (const auto& it : entries()) {
if (it->event_hash != hash)
mojom::UkmEntryPtr& entry_ptr = result[it->source_id];
if (!entry_ptr)
entry_ptr = mojom::UkmEntry::New();
MergeEntry(it.get(), entry_ptr.get());
return result;
// static
bool TestUkmRecorder::EntryHasMetric(const mojom::UkmEntry* entry,
base::StringPiece metric_name) {
return FindMetric(entry, metric_name) != nullptr;
void TestUkmRecorder::ExpectEntrySourceHasUrl(const mojom::UkmEntry* entry,
const GURL& url) const {
const UkmSource* src = GetSourceForSourceId(entry->source_id);
if (src == nullptr) {
FAIL() << "Entry source id has no associated Source.";
EXPECT_EQ(src->url(), url);
// static
const int64_t* TestUkmRecorder::GetEntryMetric(const mojom::UkmEntry* entry,
base::StringPiece metric_name) {
const mojom::UkmMetric* metric = FindMetric(entry, metric_name);
return metric ? &metric->value : nullptr;
// static
void TestUkmRecorder::ExpectEntryMetric(const mojom::UkmEntry* entry,
base::StringPiece metric_name,
int64_t expected_value) {
const mojom::UkmMetric* metric = FindMetric(entry, metric_name);
if (metric == nullptr) {
FAIL() << "Failed to find metric for event: " << metric_name;
EXPECT_EQ(metric->value, expected_value) << " for metric:" << metric_name;
// static
const mojom::UkmMetric* TestUkmRecorder::FindMetric(
const mojom::UkmEntry* entry,
base::StringPiece metric_name) {
uint64_t hash = base::HashMetricName(metric_name);
for (const auto& metric : entry->metrics) {
if (metric->metric_hash == hash)
return metric.get();
return nullptr;
std::vector<const mojom::UkmEntry*> TestUkmRecorder::GetEntriesForSourceID(
SourceId source_id,
const char* event_name) const {
const uint64_t event_hash = base::HashMetricName(event_name);
std::vector<const mojom::UkmEntry*> entries;
for (size_t i = 0; i < entries_count(); ++i) {
const mojom::UkmEntry* entry = GetEntry(i);
if (entry->source_id == source_id && entry->event_hash == event_hash) {
return entries;
mojom::UkmEntryPtr TestUkmRecorder::GetMergedEntryForSourceID(
SourceId source_id,
const char* event_name) const {
mojom::UkmEntryPtr entry =
GetMergedEntry(GetEntriesForSourceID(source_id, event_name));
EXPECT_EQ(source_id, entry->source_id);
EXPECT_EQ(base::HashMetricName(event_name), entry->event_hash);
return entry;
bool TestUkmRecorder::HasEntry(const UkmSource& source,
const char* event_name) const {
return CountEntries(source, event_name) > 0;
int TestUkmRecorder::CountEntries(const UkmSource& source,
const char* event_name) const {
return GetEntriesForSourceID(, event_name).size();
void TestUkmRecorder::ExpectEntry(
const UkmSource& source,
const char* event_name,
const std::vector<std::pair<const char*, int64_t>>& expected_metrics)
const {
// Produce a sorted view of the expected metrics, since order is not
// significant.
std::vector<std::pair<uint64_t, int64_t>> sorted_expected_metrics;
std::transform(expected_metrics.begin(), expected_metrics.end(),
[](const std::pair<const char*, int64_t>& metric) {
return std::make_pair(base::HashMetricName(metric.first),
std::sort(sorted_expected_metrics.begin(), sorted_expected_metrics.end());
std::vector<const mojom::UkmEntry*> candidate_entries =
GetEntriesForSourceID(, event_name);
// Produce a view of each matching entry's metrics that can be compared with
// sorted_expected_metrics.
std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<uint64_t, int64_t>>> candidate_metrics;
candidate_entries.begin(), candidate_entries.end(),
[](const mojom::UkmEntry* candidate_entry) {
std::vector<std::pair<uint64_t, int64_t>> metrics;
candidate_entry->metrics.begin(), candidate_entry->metrics.end(),
std::back_inserter(metrics), [](const mojom::UkmMetricPtr& metric) {
return std::make_pair(metric->metric_hash, metric->value);
std::sort(metrics.begin(), metrics.end());
return metrics;
if (std::find(candidate_metrics.begin(), candidate_metrics.end(),
sorted_expected_metrics) == candidate_metrics.end()) {
FAIL() << "Failed to find metrics for event: " << event_name;
int TestUkmRecorder::CountMetricsForEventName(const UkmSource& source,
const char* event_name) const {
mojom::UkmEntryPtr entry = GetMergedEntryForSourceID(, event_name);
return entry.get() ? entry->metrics.size() : 0;
bool TestUkmRecorder::HasMetric(const UkmSource& source,
const char* event_name,
const char* metric_name) const {
return CountMetrics(source, event_name, metric_name) > 0;
int TestUkmRecorder::CountMetrics(const UkmSource& source,
const char* event_name,
const char* metric_name) const {
mojom::UkmEntryPtr entry = GetMergedEntryForSourceID(, event_name);
return GetValuesForMetric(entry.get(), metric_name).size();
void TestUkmRecorder::ExpectMetric(const UkmSource& source,
const char* event_name,
const char* metric_name,
int64_t expected_value) const {
ExpectMetrics(source, event_name, metric_name, {expected_value});
void TestUkmRecorder::ExpectMetrics(
const UkmSource& source,
const char* event_name,
const char* metric_name,
const std::vector<int64_t>& expected_values) const {
mojom::UkmEntryPtr entry = GetMergedEntryForSourceID(, event_name);
// Make sure both vectors are sorted before comparing, since order is not
// significant.
std::vector<int64_t> sorted_expected_values(expected_values);
std::sort(sorted_expected_values.begin(), sorted_expected_values.end());
std::vector<int64_t> actual_values =
GetValuesForMetric(entry.get(), metric_name);
std::sort(actual_values.begin(), actual_values.end());
EXPECT_EQ(actual_values, sorted_expected_values)
<< "Failed to find expected_values for metric: " << metric_name;
std::vector<int64_t> TestUkmRecorder::GetMetricValues(
ukm::SourceId source_id,
const char* event_name,
const char* metric_name) const {
mojom::UkmEntryPtr entry = GetMergedEntryForSourceID(source_id, event_name);
return GetValuesForMetric(entry.get(), metric_name);
std::vector<int64_t> TestUkmRecorder::GetMetrics(
const UkmSource& source,
const char* event_name,
const char* metric_name) const {
return GetMetricValues(, event_name, metric_name);
TestAutoSetUkmRecorder::TestAutoSetUkmRecorder() : self_ptr_factory_(this) {
TestAutoSetUkmRecorder::~TestAutoSetUkmRecorder() {
} // namespace ukm