blob: 4c09ea81d1311b09bc99922306da1c75dead7890 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.base.library_loader;
import org.chromium.base.Log;
import org.chromium.base.annotations.JniIgnoreNatives;
import org.chromium.base.metrics.RecordHistogram;
import javax.annotation.concurrent.GuardedBy;
* Provides a concrete implementation of the Chromium Linker.
* This Linker implementation uses the Android M and later system linker to map Chrome and call
* |JNI_OnLoad()|.
* For more on the operations performed by the Linker, see {@link Linker}.
class ModernLinker extends Linker {
// Log tag for this class.
private static final String TAG = "ModernLinker";
ModernLinker() {}
void loadLibraryImplLocked(String library, boolean isFixedAddressPermitted) {
// We expect to load monochrome, if it's not the case, log.
if (!"monochrome".equals(library) || DEBUG) {
Log.i(TAG, "loadLibraryImpl: %s, %b", library, isFixedAddressPermitted);
assert mState == State.INITIALIZED; // Only one successful call.
String libFilePath = System.mapLibraryName(library);
boolean loadNoRelro = !isFixedAddressPermitted;
boolean provideRelro = isFixedAddressPermitted && mInBrowserProcess;
long loadAddress = isFixedAddressPermitted ? mBaseLoadAddress : 0;
if (loadNoRelro) {
// Cannot use System.loadLibrary(), as the library name is transformed (adding the "lib"
// prefix and ".so" suffix), making the name incorrect.
boolean ok = nativeLoadLibraryNoRelros(libFilePath);
if (!ok) resetAndThrow("Cannot load without relro sharing");
mState = State.DONE;
} else if (provideRelro) {
// Running in the browser process, with a fixed load address, hence having
// enough address space for shared RELRO to operate. Create the shared RELRO, and
// store it.
LibInfo libInfo = new LibInfo();
libInfo.mLibFilePath = libFilePath;
if (!nativeLoadLibrary(
libFilePath, loadAddress, libInfo, true /* spawnRelroRegion */)) {
Log.e(TAG, "Unable to load with ModernLinker, using the system linker instead");
libInfo.mRelroFd = -1;
mLibInfo = libInfo;
Log.d(TAG, "Successfully spawned RELRO: mLoadAddress=%d, mLoadSize=%d",
mLibInfo.mLoadAddress, mLibInfo.mLoadSize);
// Next state is still to provide relro (even if we don't have any), as child processes
// would wait for them.
} else {
// Running in a child process, also with a fixed load address that is suitable for
// shared RELRO.
Log.d(TAG, "Received mLibInfo: mLoadAddress=%d, mLoadSize=%d", mLibInfo.mLoadAddress,
// Two LibInfo objects are used: |mLibInfo| that brings the RELRO FD, and a temporary
// LibInfo to load the library. Before replacing the library's RELRO with the one from
// |mLibInfo|, the two objects are compared to make sure the memory ranges and the
// contents match.
LibInfo libInfoForLoad = new LibInfo();
assert libFilePath.equals(mLibInfo.mLibFilePath);
if (!nativeLoadLibrary(
libFilePath, loadAddress, libInfoForLoad, false /* spawnRelroRegion */)) {
resetAndThrow(String.format("Unable to load library: %s", libFilePath));
assert libInfoForLoad.mRelroFd == -1;
mLibInfo = null;
mState = State.DONE;
// Load the library a second time, in order to keep using lazy JNI registration. When
// loading the library with the Chromium linker, ART doesn't know about our library, so
// cannot resolve JNI methods lazily. Loading the library a second time makes sure it
// knows about us.
// This is not wasteful though, as libraries are reference-counted, and as a consequence the
// library is not really loaded a second time, and we keep relocation sharing.
try {
} catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError e) {
throw new UnsatisfiedLinkError(
"Unable to load the library a second time with the system linker");
// Record whether using shared relocations succeeded, only when an attempt was made.
if (!loadNoRelro && !provideRelro) {
int status = nativeGetRelroSharingResult();
assert status != RelroSharingStatus.NOT_ATTEMPTED;
"ChromiumAndroidLinker.RelroSharingStatus", status, RelroSharingStatus.COUNT);
private void resetAndThrow(String message) {
mState = State.INITIALIZED;
Log.e(TAG, message);
throw new UnsatisfiedLinkError(message);
private static native boolean nativeLoadLibraryNoRelros(String dlopenExtPath);
private static native boolean nativeLoadLibrary(
String dlopenExtPath, long loadAddress, LibInfo libInfo, boolean spawnRelroRegion);
private static native boolean nativeUseRelros(LibInfo libInfo);
private static native int nativeGetRelroSharingResult();