blob: cdc5735d8abf0faab6f8764f3083722965180146 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/password_manager/core/browser/android_affiliation/affiliation_utils.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <ostream>
#include "base/base64.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "components/url_formatter/elide_url.h"
#include "net/base/escape.h"
#include "url/third_party/mozilla/url_parse.h"
#include "url/url_canon_stdstring.h"
namespace password_manager {
namespace {
// The scheme used for identifying Android applications.
const char kAndroidAppScheme[] = "android";
// Returns a StringPiece corresponding to |component| in |uri|, or the empty
// string in case there is no such component.
base::StringPiece ComponentString(const std::string& uri,
const url::Component& component) {
if (!component.is_valid())
return base::StringPiece();
return base::StringPiece(uri.c_str() + component.begin, component.len);
// Returns true if the passed ASCII |input| string contains nothing else than
// alphanumeric characters and those in |other_characters|.
bool ContainsOnlyAlphanumericAnd(const base::StringPiece& input,
const base::StringPiece& other_characters) {
for (char c : input) {
if (!base::IsAsciiAlpha(c) && !base::IsAsciiDigit(c) &&
other_characters.find(c) == base::StringPiece::npos)
return false;
return true;
// Canonicalizes a Web facet URI, and returns true if canonicalization was
// successful and produced a valid URI.
bool CanonicalizeWebFacetURI(const std::string& input_uri,
const url::Parsed& input_parsed,
std::string* canonical_uri) {
url::Parsed canonical_parsed;
url::StdStringCanonOutput canonical_output(canonical_uri);
bool canonicalization_succeeded = url::CanonicalizeStandardURL(
input_uri.c_str(), input_uri.size(), input_parsed,
&canonical_output, &canonical_parsed);
if (canonicalization_succeeded && &&
!canonical_parsed.username.is_valid() &&
!canonical_parsed.password.is_valid() &&
ComponentString(*canonical_uri, canonical_parsed.path) == "/" &&
!canonical_parsed.query.is_valid() && !canonical_parsed.ref.is_valid()) {
// Get rid of the trailing slash added by url::CanonicalizeStandardURL().
DCHECK_EQ((size_t)canonical_parsed.path.begin, canonical_uri->size() - 1);
return true;
return false;
// Adds padding until the length of the base64-encoded |data| becomes a multiple
// of 4, and returns true if the thusly obtained |data| is now correctly padded,
// i.e., there are at most 2 padding characters ('=') at the very end.
bool CanonicalizeBase64Padding(std::string* data) {
while (data->size() % 4u != 0u)
size_t first_padding = data->find_first_of('=');
return first_padding == std::string::npos ||
(data->size() - first_padding <= 2u &&
data->find_first_not_of('=', first_padding) == std::string::npos);
// Canonicalizes the username component in an Android facet URI (containing the
// certificate hash), and returns true if canonicalization was successful and
// produced a valid non-empty component.
bool CanonicalizeHashComponent(const base::StringPiece& input_hash,
url::CanonOutput* canonical_output) {
// Characters other than alphanumeric that are used in the "URL and filename
// safe" base64 alphabet; plus the padding ('=').
const char kBase64NonAlphanumericChars[] = "-_=";
std::string base64_encoded_hash = net::UnescapeBinaryURLComponent(input_hash);
if (!base64_encoded_hash.empty() &&
CanonicalizeBase64Padding(&base64_encoded_hash) &&
kBase64NonAlphanumericChars)) {
return true;
return false;
// Canonicalizes the host component in an Android facet URI (containing the
// package name), and returns true if canonicalization was successful and
// produced a valid non-empty component.
bool CanonicalizePackageNameComponent(
const base::StringPiece& input_package_name,
url::CanonOutput* canonical_output) {
// Characters other than alphanumeric that are permitted in the package names.
const char kPackageNameNonAlphanumericChars[] = "._";
std::string package_name =
// TODO(engedy): We might want to use a regex to check this more throughly.
if (!package_name.empty() &&
kPackageNameNonAlphanumericChars)) {
canonical_output->Append(, package_name.size());
return true;
return false;
// Canonicalizes an Android facet URI, and returns true if canonicalization was
// successful and produced a valid URI.
bool CanonicalizeAndroidFacetURI(const std::string& input_uri,
const url::Parsed& input_parsed,
std::string* canonical_uri) {
url::StdStringCanonOutput canonical_output(canonical_uri);
url::Component unused;
bool success = url::CanonicalizeScheme(
input_uri.c_str(), input_parsed.scheme, &canonical_output, &unused);
// We cannot use url::CanonicalizeUserInfo as that would percent encode the
// base64 padding characters ('=').
success &= CanonicalizeHashComponent(
ComponentString(input_uri, input_parsed.username), &canonical_output);
// We cannot use url::CanonicalizeHost as that would convert the package name
// to lower case, but the package name is case sensitive.
success &= CanonicalizePackageNameComponent(
ComponentString(input_uri,, &canonical_output);
return success && !input_parsed.password.is_nonempty() &&
(!input_parsed.path.is_nonempty() ||
ComponentString(input_uri, input_parsed.path) == "/") &&
!input_parsed.port.is_nonempty() && !input_parsed.query.is_valid() &&
// Computes the canonicalized form of |uri| into |canonical_uri|, and returns
// true if canonicalization was successful and produced a valid URI.
bool ParseAndCanonicalizeFacetURI(const std::string& input_uri,
std::string* canonical_uri) {
canonical_uri->reserve(input_uri.size() + 32);
url::Parsed input_parsed;
url::ParseStandardURL(input_uri.c_str(), input_uri.size(), &input_parsed);
base::StringPiece scheme = ComponentString(input_uri, input_parsed.scheme);
if (base::LowerCaseEqualsASCII(scheme, url::kHttpsScheme)) {
return CanonicalizeWebFacetURI(input_uri, input_parsed, canonical_uri);
} else if (base::LowerCaseEqualsASCII(scheme, kAndroidAppScheme)) {
return CanonicalizeAndroidFacetURI(input_uri, input_parsed, canonical_uri);
return false;
// Extracts and sorts the facet URIs of the given affiliated facets. This is
// used to determine whether two equivalence classes are equal.
std::vector<FacetURI> ExtractAndSortFacetURIs(const AffiliatedFacets& facets) {
std::vector<FacetURI> uris;
std::transform(facets.begin(), facets.end(), std::back_inserter(uris),
[](const Facet& facet) { return facet.uri; });
std::sort(uris.begin(), uris.end());
return uris;
} // namespace
// FacetURI -------------------------------------------------------------------
FacetURI::FacetURI() = default;
// static
FacetURI FacetURI::FromPotentiallyInvalidSpec(const std::string& spec) {
std::string canonical_spec;
bool is_valid = ParseAndCanonicalizeFacetURI(spec, &canonical_spec);
return FacetURI(canonical_spec, is_valid);
// static
FacetURI FacetURI::FromCanonicalSpec(const std::string& canonical_spec) {
return FacetURI(canonical_spec, true);
bool FacetURI::operator==(const FacetURI& other) const {
DCHECK(is_empty() || is_valid());
DCHECK(other.is_empty() || other.is_valid());
return canonical_spec_ == other.canonical_spec_;
bool FacetURI::operator!=(const FacetURI& other) const {
DCHECK(is_empty() || is_valid());
DCHECK(other.is_empty() || other.is_valid());
return canonical_spec_ != other.canonical_spec_;
bool FacetURI::operator<(const FacetURI& other) const {
DCHECK(is_empty() || is_valid());
DCHECK(other.is_empty() || other.is_valid());
return canonical_spec_ < other.canonical_spec_;
bool FacetURI::operator>(const FacetURI& other) const {
DCHECK(is_empty() || is_valid());
DCHECK(other.is_empty() || other.is_valid());
return canonical_spec_ > other.canonical_spec_;
bool FacetURI::IsValidWebFacetURI() const {
return scheme() == url::kHttpsScheme;
bool FacetURI::IsValidAndroidFacetURI() const {
return scheme() == kAndroidAppScheme;
std::string FacetURI::scheme() const {
return is_valid()
? ComponentString(canonical_spec_, parsed_.scheme).as_string()
: "";
std::string FacetURI::android_package_name() const {
if (!IsValidAndroidFacetURI())
return "";
return ComponentString(canonical_spec_,;
FacetURI::FacetURI(const std::string& canonical_spec, bool is_valid)
: is_valid_(is_valid), canonical_spec_(canonical_spec) {
// TODO(engedy): Refactor code in order to avoid to avoid parsing the URL
// twice.
url::ParseStandardURL(canonical_spec_.c_str(), canonical_spec_.size(),
// AffiliatedFacetsWithUpdateTime ---------------------------------------------
AffiliatedFacetsWithUpdateTime::AffiliatedFacetsWithUpdateTime() = default;
const AffiliatedFacetsWithUpdateTime& other) = default;
AffiliatedFacetsWithUpdateTime&& other) = default;
AffiliatedFacetsWithUpdateTime& AffiliatedFacetsWithUpdateTime::operator=(
const AffiliatedFacetsWithUpdateTime& other) = default;
AffiliatedFacetsWithUpdateTime& AffiliatedFacetsWithUpdateTime::operator=(
AffiliatedFacetsWithUpdateTime&& other) = default;
AffiliatedFacetsWithUpdateTime::~AffiliatedFacetsWithUpdateTime() = default;
// Helpers --------------------------------------------------------------------
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const FacetURI& facet_uri) {
return os << facet_uri.potentially_invalid_spec();
bool operator==(const FacetBrandingInfo& lhs, const FacetBrandingInfo& rhs) {
return std::tie(, lhs.icon_url) == std::tie(, rhs.icon_url);
bool operator!=(const FacetBrandingInfo& lhs, const FacetBrandingInfo& rhs) {
return !(lhs == rhs);
bool operator==(const Facet& lhs, const Facet& rhs) {
return std::tie(lhs.uri, lhs.branding_info) ==
std::tie(rhs.uri, rhs.branding_info);
bool operator!=(const Facet& lhs, const Facet& rhs) {
return !(lhs == rhs);
bool AreEquivalenceClassesEqual(const AffiliatedFacets& a,
const AffiliatedFacets& b) {
return a.size() == b.size() &&
ExtractAndSortFacetURIs(a) == ExtractAndSortFacetURIs(b);
bool IsValidAndroidFacetURI(const std::string& url) {
FacetURI facet = FacetURI::FromPotentiallyInvalidSpec(url);
return facet.IsValidAndroidFacetURI();
} // namespace password_manager