blob: 2586670e4834a77e8d3573c3ff504af4bf17b8bb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "base/types/strong_alias.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/common/language_code.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/common/mojom/autofill_types.mojom.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/common/password_generation_util.h"
#include "components/password_manager/core/browser/credentials_filter.h"
#include "components/password_manager/core/browser/hsts_query.h"
#include "components/password_manager/core/browser/http_auth_manager.h"
#include "components/password_manager/core/browser/leak_detection_dialog_utils.h"
#include "components/password_manager/core/browser/manage_passwords_referrer.h"
#include "components/password_manager/core/browser/password_manager.h"
#include "components/password_manager/core/browser/password_manager_metrics_util.h"
#include "components/password_manager/core/browser/password_reuse_detector.h"
#include "components/password_manager/core/browser/password_store.h"
#include "components/safe_browsing/buildflags.h"
#include "net/cert/cert_status_flags.h"
#include "services/metrics/public/cpp/ukm_recorder.h"
class PrefService;
namespace autofill {
class AutofillDownloadManager;
class LogManager;
} // namespace autofill
namespace favicon {
class FaviconService;
namespace network {
class SharedURLLoaderFactory;
} // namespace network
namespace signin {
class IdentityManager;
} // namespace signin
namespace signin_metrics {
enum class AccessPoint;
enum class ReauthAccessPoint;
} // namespace signin_metrics
namespace url {
class Origin;
class GURL;
namespace safe_browsing {
class PasswordProtectionService;
namespace password_manager {
class FieldInfoManager;
class PasswordFeatureManager;
class BiometricAuthenticator;
class PasswordFormManagerForUI;
class PasswordManagerDriver;
class PasswordManagerMetricsRecorder;
class HttpAuthManager;
class PasswordRequirementsService;
class PasswordStore;
struct PasswordForm;
enum SyncState {
// Sync is disabled but the user is signed in and opted in to passwords
// account storage.
// An abstraction of operations that depend on the embedders (e.g. Chrome)
// environment.
class PasswordManagerClient {
using CredentialsCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(const PasswordForm*)>;
using ReauthSucceeded = base::StrongAlias<class ReauthSucceededTag, bool>;
PasswordManagerClient() = default;
virtual ~PasswordManagerClient() = default;
// Is saving new data for password autofill and filling of saved data enabled
// for the current profile and page? For example, saving is disabled in
// Incognito mode. |url| describes the URL to save the password for. It is not
// necessary the URL of the current page but can be a URL of a proxy or the
// page that hosted the form.
virtual bool IsSavingAndFillingEnabled(const GURL& url) const;
// Checks if filling is enabled on the current page. Filling is disabled in
// the presence of SSL errors on a page. |url| describes the URL to fill the
// password for. It is not necessary the URL of the current page but can be a
// URL of a proxy or subframe.
// TODO( This method's name is misleading as it also
// determines whether saving prompts should be shown.
virtual bool IsFillingEnabled(const GURL& url) const;
// Checks if manual filling fallback is enabled for the page that has |url|
// address.
virtual bool IsFillingFallbackEnabled(const GURL& url) const;
// Informs the embedder of a password form that can be saved or updated in
// password store if the user allows it. The embedder is not required to
// prompt the user if it decides that this form doesn't need to be saved or
// updated. Returns true if the prompt was indeed displayed.
// There are 3 different cases when |update_password| == true:
// 1.A change password form was submitted and the user has only one stored
// credential. Then form_to_save.GetPendingCredentials() should correspond to
// the unique element from |form_to_save.best_matches_|.
// 2.A change password form was submitted and the user has more than one
// stored credential. Then we shouldn't expect anything from
// form_to_save.GetPendingCredentials() except correct origin, since we don't
// know which credentials should be updated.
// 3.A sign-in password form was submitted with a password different from
// the stored one. In this case form_to_save.IsPasswordOverridden() == true
// and form_to_save.GetPendingCredentials() should correspond to the
// credential that was overidden.
virtual bool PromptUserToSaveOrUpdatePassword(
std::unique_ptr<PasswordFormManagerForUI> form_to_save,
bool is_update) = 0;
// Informs the embedder that the user can move the given |form_to_move| to
// their account store.
virtual void PromptUserToMovePasswordToAccount(
std::unique_ptr<PasswordFormManagerForUI> form_to_move) = 0;
// Informs the embedder that the user started typing a password and a password
// prompt should be available on click on the omnibox icon.
virtual void ShowManualFallbackForSaving(
std::unique_ptr<PasswordFormManagerForUI> form_to_save,
bool has_generated_password,
bool is_update) = 0;
// Informs the embedder that the user cleared the password field and the
// fallback for password saving should be not available.
virtual void HideManualFallbackForSaving() = 0;
// Informs the embedder that the focus changed to a different input in the
// same frame (e.g. tabbed from email to password field).
virtual void FocusedInputChanged(
PasswordManagerDriver* driver,
autofill::mojom::FocusedFieldType focused_field_type) = 0;
// Informs the embedder of a password forms that the user should choose from.
// Returns true if the prompt is indeed displayed. If the prompt is not
// displayed, returns false and does not call |callback|.
// |callback| should be invoked with the chosen form.
virtual bool PromptUserToChooseCredentials(
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<PasswordForm>> local_forms,
const url::Origin& origin,
CredentialsCallback callback) = 0;
// Indicates if re-auth with the device is needed before filling passwords.
// Currently only used by iOS.
virtual bool RequiresReauthToFill();
// Instructs the client to show the Touch To Fill UI.
virtual void ShowTouchToFill(PasswordManagerDriver* driver);
// Informs `PasswordReuseDetectionManager` about reused passwords selected
// from the AllPasswordsBottomSheet.
virtual void OnPasswordSelected(const base::string16& text);
// Returns a pointer to a BiometricAuthenticator. Might be null if
// BiometricAuthentication is not available for a given platform.
virtual BiometricAuthenticator* GetBiometricAuthenticator();
// Informs the embedder that the user has requested to generate a
// password in the focused password field.
virtual void GeneratePassword(
autofill::password_generation::PasswordGenerationType type);
// Informs the embedder that automatic signing in just happened. The form
// returned to the site is |local_forms[0]|. |local_forms| contains all the
// local credentials for the site. |origin| is a URL of the site the user was
// auto signed in to.
virtual void NotifyUserAutoSignin(
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<PasswordForm>> local_forms,
const url::Origin& origin) = 0;
// Inform the embedder that automatic signin would have happened if the user
// had been through the first-run experience to ensure their opt-in. |form|
// contains the PasswordForm that would have been delivered.
virtual void NotifyUserCouldBeAutoSignedIn(
std::unique_ptr<PasswordForm> form) = 0;
// Inform the embedder that the user signed in with a saved credential.
// |submitted_manager| contains the form used and allows to move credentials.
virtual void NotifySuccessfulLoginWithExistingPassword(
submitted_manager) = 0;
// Inform the embedder that the site called 'store()'.
virtual void NotifyStorePasswordCalled() = 0;
// Update the CredentialCache used to display fetched credentials in the UI.
// Currently only implemented on Android.
virtual void UpdateCredentialCache(
const url::Origin& origin,
const std::vector<const PasswordForm*>& best_matches,
bool is_blacklisted);
// Called when a password is saved in an automated fashion. Embedder may
// inform the user that this save has occurred.
virtual void AutomaticPasswordSave(
std::unique_ptr<PasswordFormManagerForUI> saved_form_manager) = 0;
// Called when a password is autofilled. |best_matches| contains the
// PasswordForm into which a password was filled: the client may choose to
// save this to the PasswordStore, for example. |origin| is the origin of the
// form into which a password was filled. |federated_matches| are the stored
// federated matches relevant to the filled form, this argument may be null.
// They are never filled, but might be needed in the UI, for example. Default
// implementation is a noop.
virtual void PasswordWasAutofilled(
const std::vector<const PasswordForm*>& best_matches,
const url::Origin& origin,
const std::vector<const PasswordForm*>* federated_matches);
// Sends username/password from |preferred_match| for filling in the http auth
// prompt.
virtual void AutofillHttpAuth(const PasswordForm& preferred_match,
const PasswordFormManagerForUI* form_manager);
// Informs the embedder that user credentials were leaked.
virtual void NotifyUserCredentialsWereLeaked(
CredentialLeakType leak_type,
CompromisedSitesCount saved_sites,
const GURL& origin,
const base::string16& username);
// Requests a reauth for the primary account with |access_point| representing
// where the reauth was triggered.
// Triggers the |reauth_callback| with ReauthSucceeded(true) if
// reauthentication succeeded.
virtual void TriggerReauthForPrimaryAccount(
signin_metrics::ReauthAccessPoint access_point,
base::OnceCallback<void(ReauthSucceeded)> reauth_callback);
// Redirects the user to a sign-in in a new tab. |access_point| is used for
// metrics recording and represents where the sign-in was triggered.
virtual void TriggerSignIn(signin_metrics::AccessPoint access_point);
// Gets prefs associated with this embedder.
virtual PrefService* GetPrefs() const = 0;
// Returns the profile PasswordStore associated with this instance.
virtual PasswordStore* GetProfilePasswordStore() const = 0;
// Returns the account PasswordStore associated with this instance.
virtual PasswordStore* GetAccountPasswordStore() const = 0;
// Reports whether and how passwords are synced in the embedder. The default
// implementation always returns NOT_SYNCING.
virtual SyncState GetPasswordSyncState() const;
// Returns true if last navigation page had HTTP error i.e 5XX or 4XX
virtual bool WasLastNavigationHTTPError() const;
// Returns true if a credential leak dialog was shown. Used by Autofill
// Assistance to verify a password change intent. TODO(b/151391231): At the
// moment, password change scripts don't need validation, but it may change.
// If it doesn't change, remove this method and related code.
virtual bool WasCredentialLeakDialogShown() const;
// Obtains the cert status for the main frame.
virtual net::CertStatus GetMainFrameCertStatus() const;
// Shows the dialog where the user can accept or decline the global autosignin
// setting as a first run experience.
virtual void PromptUserToEnableAutosignin();
// If this browsing session should not be persisted.
virtual bool IsIncognito() const;
// Returns the PasswordManager associated with this client. The non-const
// version calls the const one.
PasswordManager* GetPasswordManager();
virtual const PasswordManager* GetPasswordManager() const;
// Returns the PasswordFeatureManager associated with this client. The
// non-const version calls the const one.
PasswordFeatureManager* GetPasswordFeatureManager();
virtual const PasswordFeatureManager* GetPasswordFeatureManager() const;
// Returns the HttpAuthManager associated with this client.
virtual HttpAuthManager* GetHttpAuthManager();
// Returns the AutofillDownloadManager for votes uploading.
virtual autofill::AutofillDownloadManager* GetAutofillDownloadManager();
// Returns true if the main frame URL has a secure origin.
virtual bool IsCommittedMainFrameSecure() const;
// Returns the committed main frame URL.
virtual const GURL& GetLastCommittedURL() const = 0;
// Returns last committed origin of the main frame.
virtual url::Origin GetLastCommittedOrigin() const = 0;
// Use this to filter credentials before handling them in password manager.
virtual const CredentialsFilter* GetStoreResultFilter() const = 0;
// Returns a LogManager instance.
virtual const autofill::LogManager* GetLogManager() const;
// Record that we saw a password field on this page.
virtual void AnnotateNavigationEntry(bool has_password_field);
// Returns the current best guess as to the page's display language.
virtual autofill::LanguageCode GetPageLanguage() const;
// Return the PasswordProtectionService associated with this instance.
virtual safe_browsing::PasswordProtectionService*
GetPasswordProtectionService() const = 0;
// Checks the safe browsing reputation of the webpage when the
// user focuses on a username/password field. This is used for reporting
// only, and won't trigger a warning.
virtual void CheckSafeBrowsingReputation(const GURL& form_action,
const GURL& frame_url) = 0;
// Checks the safe browsing reputation of the webpage where password reuse
// happens. This is called by the PasswordReuseDetectionManager when a
// protected password is typed on the wrong domain. This may trigger a
// warning dialog if it looks like the page is phishy.
// The |username| is the user name of the reused password. The user name
// can be an email or a username for a non-GAIA or saved-password reuse. No
// validation has been done on it.
virtual void CheckProtectedPasswordEntry(
metrics_util::PasswordType reused_password_type,
const std::string& username,
const std::vector<MatchingReusedCredential>& matching_reused_credentials,
bool password_field_exists) = 0;
// Records a Chrome Sync event that GAIA password reuse was detected.
virtual void LogPasswordReuseDetectedEvent() = 0;
// Gets a ukm::SourceId that is associated with the WebContents object
// and its last committed main frame navigation.
virtual ukm::SourceId GetUkmSourceId() = 0;
// Gets a metrics recorder for the currently committed navigation.
// As PasswordManagerMetricsRecorder submits metrics on destruction, a new
// instance will be returned for each committed navigation. A caller must not
// hold on to the pointer. This method returns a nullptr if the client
// does not support metrics recording.
virtual PasswordManagerMetricsRecorder* GetMetricsRecorder() = 0;
// Gets the PasswordRequirementsService associated with the client. It is
// valid that this method returns a nullptr if the PasswordRequirementsService
// has not been implemented for a specific platform or the context is an
// incognito context. Callers should guard against this.
virtual PasswordRequirementsService* GetPasswordRequirementsService();
// Returns the favicon service used to retrieve icons for an origin.
virtual favicon::FaviconService* GetFaviconService();
// Returns the identity manager for profile.
virtual signin::IdentityManager* GetIdentityManager() = 0;
// Returns a pointer to the URLLoaderFactory owned by the storage partition of
// the current profile.
virtual scoped_refptr<network::SharedURLLoaderFactory>
GetURLLoaderFactory() = 0;
// Returns a pointer to the NetworkContext owned by the storage partition of
// the current profile.
virtual network::mojom::NetworkContext* GetNetworkContext() const;
// Whether the primary account of the current profile is under Advanced
// Protection - a type of Google Account that helps protect our most at-risk
// users.
virtual bool IsUnderAdvancedProtection() const;
// Causes all live PasswordFormManager objects to query the password store
// again. Results in updating the fill information on the page.
virtual void UpdateFormManagers() {}
// Causes a navigation to the manage passwords page.
virtual void NavigateToManagePasswordsPage(ManagePasswordsReferrer referrer) {
virtual bool IsIsolationForPasswordSitesEnabled() const = 0;
// Returns true if the current page is to the new tab page.
virtual bool IsNewTabPage() const = 0;
// Returns a FieldInfoManager associated with the current profile.
virtual FieldInfoManager* GetFieldInfoManager() const = 0;
// Returns if the Autofill Assistant UI is shown.
virtual bool IsAutofillAssistantUIVisible() const = 0;
} // namespace password_manager