blob: 028c28b2b5b76ce9fcd615f11c4d7f5ca308e5d8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <iosfwd>
#include <vector>
#include "base/feature_list.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "components/password_manager/core/browser/origin_credential_store.h"
#include "components/password_manager/core/browser/password_form.h"
#include "components/password_manager/core/browser/password_hash_data.h"
#include "components/password_manager/core/browser/password_reuse_detector_consumer.h"
#include "components/password_manager/core/browser/password_store.h"
#include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace password_manager {
// This template allows creating methods with signature conforming to
// TestingFactory of the appropriate platform instance of KeyedServiceFactory.
// Context is the browser context prescribed by TestingFactory. Store is the
// PasswordStore version needed in the tests which use this method.
template <class Context, class Store>
scoped_refptr<RefcountedKeyedService> BuildPasswordStore(Context* context) {
scoped_refptr<password_manager::PasswordStore> store(new Store);
if (!store->Init(nullptr))
return nullptr;
return store;
// As above, but allows passing parameters to the to-be-created store. The
// parameters are specified *before* context so that they can be bound (as in
// base::BindRepeating(&BuildPasswordStoreWithArgs<...>, my_arg)), leaving
// |context| as a free parameter for TestingFactory.
template <class Context, class Store, typename... Args>
scoped_refptr<RefcountedKeyedService> BuildPasswordStoreWithArgs(
Args... args,
Context* context) {
scoped_refptr<password_manager::PasswordStore> store(
new Store(std::forward<Args>(args)...));
if (!store->Init(nullptr))
return nullptr;
return store;
// Struct used for creation of PasswordForms from static arrays of data.
// Note: This is only meant to be used in unit test.
struct PasswordFormData {
const PasswordForm::Scheme scheme;
const char* signon_realm;
const char* origin;
const char* action;
const wchar_t* submit_element;
const wchar_t* username_element;
const wchar_t* password_element;
const wchar_t* username_value; // Set to NULL for a blacklist entry.
const wchar_t* password_value;
const double last_usage_time;
const double creation_time;
// Creates and returns a new PasswordForm built from |form_data|.
std::unique_ptr<PasswordForm> PasswordFormFromData(
const PasswordFormData& form_data);
// Like PasswordFormFromData(), but also fills arbitrary values into fields not
// specified by |form_data|. This may be useful e.g. for tests looking to
// verify the handling of these fields. If |use_federated_login| is true, this
// function will set the form's |federation_origin|.
std::unique_ptr<PasswordForm> FillPasswordFormWithData(
const PasswordFormData& form_data,
bool use_federated_login = false);
// Creates a new vector entry. Callers are expected to call .get() to get a raw
// pointer to the underlying PasswordForm.
std::unique_ptr<PasswordForm> CreateEntry(const std::string& username,
const std::string& password,
const GURL& origin_url,
bool is_psl_match,
bool is_affiliation_based_match);
// Checks whether the PasswordForms pointed to in |actual_values| are in some
// permutation pairwise equal to those in |expectations|. Returns true in case
// of a perfect match; otherwise returns false and writes details of mismatches
// in human readable format to |mismatch_output| unless it is null.
// Note: |expectations| should be a const ref, but needs to be a const pointer,
// because GMock tried to copy the reference by value.
bool ContainsEqualPasswordFormsUnordered(
const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<PasswordForm>>& expectations,
const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<PasswordForm>>& actual_values,
std::ostream* mismatch_output);
MATCHER_P(UnorderedPasswordFormElementsAre, expectations, "") {
return ContainsEqualPasswordFormsUnordered(*expectations, arg,
class MockPasswordStoreObserver : public PasswordStore::Observer {
~MockPasswordStoreObserver() override;
MOCK_METHOD1(OnLoginsChanged, void(const PasswordStoreChangeList& changes));
class MockPasswordReuseDetectorConsumer : public PasswordReuseDetectorConsumer {
~MockPasswordReuseDetectorConsumer() override;
const std::vector<MatchingReusedCredential>&,
// Matcher class used to compare PasswordHashData in tests.
class PasswordHashDataMatcher
: public ::testing::MatcherInterface<base::Optional<PasswordHashData>> {
explicit PasswordHashDataMatcher(base::Optional<PasswordHashData> expected);
~PasswordHashDataMatcher() override = default;
// ::testing::MatcherInterface overrides
bool MatchAndExplain(base::Optional<PasswordHashData> hash_data,
::testing::MatchResultListener* listener) const override;
void DescribeTo(::std::ostream* os) const override;
void DescribeNegationTo(::std::ostream* os) const override;
const base::Optional<PasswordHashData> expected_;
::testing::Matcher<base::Optional<PasswordHashData>> Matches(
base::Optional<PasswordHashData> expected);
} // namespace password_manager