blob: a39b738ba029e8f689690ec30a9ec06f55436603 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/views/accessibility/view_ax_platform_node_delegate.h"
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/containers/adapters.h"
#include "base/lazy_instance.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_task_runner_handle.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_action_data.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_role_properties.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_tree_data.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/platform/ax_platform_node.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/platform/ax_platform_node_base.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/platform/ax_unique_id.h"
#include "ui/base/layout.h"
#include "ui/events/event_utils.h"
#include "ui/views/accessibility/view_accessibility_utils.h"
#include "ui/views/controls/native/native_view_host.h"
#include "ui/views/view.h"
#include "ui/views/widget/widget.h"
#include "ui/views/widget/widget_delegate.h"
namespace views {
namespace {
// Information required to fire a delayed accessibility event.
struct QueuedEvent {
QueuedEvent(ax::mojom::Event type, int32_t node_id)
: type(type), node_id(node_id) {}
ax::mojom::Event type;
int32_t node_id;
base::LazyInstance<std::vector<QueuedEvent>>::Leaky g_event_queue =
bool g_is_queueing_events = false;
bool IsAccessibilityFocusableWhenEnabled(View* view) {
return view->GetFocusBehavior() != View::FocusBehavior::NEVER &&
// Used to determine if a View should be ignored by accessibility clients by
// being a non-keyboard-focusable child of a keyboard-focusable ancestor. E.g.,
// LabelButtons contain Labels, but a11y should just show that there's a button.
bool IsViewUnfocusableDescendantOfFocusableAncestor(View* view) {
if (IsAccessibilityFocusableWhenEnabled(view))
return false;
while (view->parent()) {
view = view->parent();
if (IsAccessibilityFocusableWhenEnabled(view))
return true;
return false;
ui::AXPlatformNode* FromNativeWindow(gfx::NativeWindow native_window) {
Widget* widget = Widget::GetWidgetForNativeWindow(native_window);
if (!widget)
return nullptr;
View* view = widget->GetRootView();
if (!view)
return nullptr;
gfx::NativeViewAccessible native_view_accessible =
if (!native_view_accessible)
return nullptr;
return ui::AXPlatformNode::FromNativeViewAccessible(native_view_accessible);
ui::AXPlatformNode* PlatformNodeFromNodeID(int32_t id) {
// Note: For Views, node IDs and unique IDs are the same - but that isn't
// necessarily true for all AXPlatformNodes.
return ui::AXPlatformNodeBase::GetFromUniqueId(id);
void FireEvent(QueuedEvent event) {
ui::AXPlatformNode* node = PlatformNodeFromNodeID(event.node_id);
if (node)
void FlushQueue() {
for (QueuedEvent event : g_event_queue.Get())
g_is_queueing_events = false;
void PostFlushEventQueueTaskIfNecessary() {
if (!g_is_queueing_events) {
g_is_queueing_events = true;
base::OnceCallback<void()> cb = base::BindOnce(&FlushQueue);
base::ThreadTaskRunnerHandle::Get()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, std::move(cb));
} // namespace
ViewAXPlatformNodeDelegate::ChildWidgetsResult::ChildWidgetsResult() = default;
std::vector<Widget*> child_widgets,
bool is_tab_modal_showing)
: child_widgets(child_widgets),
is_tab_modal_showing(is_tab_modal_showing) {}
const ViewAXPlatformNodeDelegate::ChildWidgetsResult& other) = default;
ViewAXPlatformNodeDelegate::ChildWidgetsResult::~ChildWidgetsResult() = default;
const ViewAXPlatformNodeDelegate::ChildWidgetsResult& other) = default;
ViewAXPlatformNodeDelegate::ViewAXPlatformNodeDelegate(View* view)
: ViewAccessibility(view) {
ax_platform_node_ = ui::AXPlatformNode::Create(this);
static bool first_time = true;
if (first_time) {
first_time = false;
ViewAXPlatformNodeDelegate::~ViewAXPlatformNodeDelegate() {
if (ui::AXPlatformNode::GetPopupFocusOverride() ==
ax_platform_node_->GetNativeViewAccessible()) {
ax_platform_node_ = nullptr;
void ViewAXPlatformNodeDelegate::SetPopupFocusOverride() {
void ViewAXPlatformNodeDelegate::EndPopupFocusOverride() {
bool ViewAXPlatformNodeDelegate::IsFocusedForTesting() {
if (ui::AXPlatformNode::GetPopupFocusOverride())
return ui::AXPlatformNode::GetPopupFocusOverride() ==
return ViewAccessibility::IsFocusedForTesting();
gfx::NativeViewAccessible ViewAXPlatformNodeDelegate::GetNativeObject() const {
return ax_platform_node_->GetNativeViewAccessible();
void ViewAXPlatformNodeDelegate::NotifyAccessibilityEvent(
ax::mojom::Event event_type) {
if (accessibility_events_callback_)
accessibility_events_callback_.Run(this, event_type);
if (g_is_queueing_events) {
g_event_queue.Get().emplace_back(event_type, GetUniqueId());
// Some events have special handling.
switch (event_type) {
case ax::mojom::Event::kFocusAfterMenuClose: {
<< "Must call ViewAccessibility::EndPopupFocusOverride() as menu "
case ax::mojom::Event::kFocus: {
if (ui::AXPlatformNode::GetPopupFocusOverride()) {
<< "If the popup focus override is on, then the kFocus event must "
"match it. Most likely the popup has closed, but did not call "
"ViewAccessibility::EndPopupFocusOverride(), and focus has "
"now moved on.";
case ax::mojom::Event::kFocusContext: {
// A focus context event is intended to send a focus event and a delay
// before the next focus event. It makes sense to delay the entire next
// synchronous batch of next events so that ordering remains the same.
// Begin queueing subsequent events and flush queue asynchronously.
case ax::mojom::Event::kLiveRegionChanged: {
// Fire after a delay so that screen readers don't wipe it out when
// another user-generated event fires simultaneously.
g_event_queue.Get().emplace_back(event_type, GetUniqueId());
// Fire events here now that our internal state is up-to-date.
#if defined(OS_APPLE)
void ViewAXPlatformNodeDelegate::AnnounceText(const base::string16& text) {
void ViewAXPlatformNodeDelegate::FireFocusAfterMenuClose() {
ui::AXPlatformNodeBase* focused_node =
// Continue to drill down focused nodes to get to the "deepest" node that is
// focused, this is not necessarily a view. (It could be web content.)
while (focused_node) {
ui::AXPlatformNodeBase* deeper_focus = static_cast<ui::AXPlatformNodeBase*>(
if (!deeper_focus || deeper_focus == focused_node)
focused_node = deeper_focus;
if (focused_node) {
// callback used for testing
if (accessibility_events_callback_)
this, ax::mojom::Event::kFocusAfterMenuClose);
// ui::AXPlatformNodeDelegate
const ui::AXNodeData& ViewAXPlatformNodeDelegate::GetData() const {
// Clear the data, then populate it.
data_ = ui::AXNodeData();
// View::IsDrawn is true if a View is visible and all of its ancestors are
// visible too, since invisibility inherits.
// TODO(dmazzoni): Maybe consider moving this to ViewAccessibility?
// This will require ensuring that Chrome OS invalidates the whole
// subtree when a View changes its visibility state.
if (!view()->IsDrawn())
// Make sure this element is excluded from the a11y tree if there's a
// focusable parent. All keyboard focusable elements should be leaf nodes.
// Exceptions to this rule will themselves be accessibility focusable.
// TODO(dmazzoni): this code was added to support MacViews acccessibility,
// because we needed a way to mark a View as a leaf node in the
// accessibility tree. We need to replace this with a cross-platform
// solution that works for ChromeVox, too, and move it to ViewAccessibility.
if (IsViewUnfocusableDescendantOfFocusableAncestor(view()))
return data_;
int ViewAXPlatformNodeDelegate::GetChildCount() const {
// We do not call "IsLeaf" here because "AXPlatformNodeDelegateBase::IsLeaf"
// calls "GetChildCount", and this will result in an infinit loop.
if (ViewAccessibility::IsLeaf())
return 0;
// If present, virtual view children override any real children.
if (!virtual_children().empty()) {
// Ignored virtual views are not exposed in any accessibility platform APIs.
// Remove all ignored virtual view children and recursively replace them
// with their unignored children count.
int virtual_child_count = 0;
for (const std::unique_ptr<AXVirtualView>& virtual_child :
virtual_children()) {
if (virtual_child->IsIgnored()) {
virtual_child_count += virtual_child->GetChildCount();
} else {
// A virtual views subtree hides any real view children.
return virtual_child_count;
const ChildWidgetsResult child_widgets_result = GetChildWidgets();
if (child_widgets_result.is_tab_modal_showing) {
// In order to support the "read title (NVDAKey+T)" and "read window
// (NVDAKey+B)" commands in the NVDA screen reader, hide the rest of the UI
// from the accessibility tree when a modal dialog is showing.
DCHECK_EQ(child_widgets_result.child_widgets.size(), 1U);
return 1;
// Ignored views are not exposed in any accessibility platform APIs. Remove
// all ignored view children and recursively replace them with their unignored
// children count. This matches how AXPlatformNodeDelegate::GetChildCount()
// behaves for Web content.
int view_child_count = 0;
for (View* child : view()->children()) {
const ViewAccessibility& view_accessibility = child->GetViewAccessibility();
if (view_accessibility.IsIgnored()) {
const auto* child_view_delegate =
static_cast<const ViewAXPlatformNodeDelegate*>(&view_accessibility);
view_child_count += child_view_delegate->GetChildCount();
} else {
return view_child_count + int{child_widgets_result.child_widgets.size()};
gfx::NativeViewAccessible ViewAXPlatformNodeDelegate::ChildAtIndex(int index) {
DCHECK_GE(index, 0) << "|index| should be greater or equal to 0.";
DCHECK_LT(index, GetChildCount())
<< "|index| should be less than the unignored child count.";
if (IsLeaf())
return nullptr;
if (!virtual_children().empty()) {
// A virtual views subtree hides all the real view children.
for (const std::unique_ptr<AXVirtualView>& virtual_child :
virtual_children()) {
if (virtual_child->IsIgnored()) {
int virtual_child_count = virtual_child->GetChildCount();
if (index < virtual_child_count)
return virtual_child->ChildAtIndex(index);
index -= virtual_child_count;
} else {
if (index == 0)
return virtual_child->GetNativeObject();
DCHECK_GE(index, 0);
NOTREACHED() << "|index| should be less than the unignored child count.";
return nullptr;
// Our widget might have child widgets. If this is a root view, include those
// widgets in the list of the root view's children because this is the most
// opportune location in the accessibility tree to expose them.
const ChildWidgetsResult child_widgets_result = GetChildWidgets();
const std::vector<Widget*>& child_widgets =
// If a visible tab modal dialog is present, return the dialog's root view.
// This is in order to support the "read title (NVDAKey+T)" and "read window
// (NVDAKey+B)" commands in the NVDA screen reader. We need to hide the rest
// of the UI, other than the dialog, from the screen reader.
if (child_widgets_result.is_tab_modal_showing) {
DCHECK_EQ(index, 0);
DCHECK_EQ(child_widgets.size(), 1U);
return child_widgets[0]->GetRootView()->GetNativeViewAccessible();
for (View* child : view()->children()) {
ViewAccessibility& view_accessibility = child->GetViewAccessibility();
if (view_accessibility.IsIgnored()) {
auto* child_view_delegate =
int child_count = child_view_delegate->GetChildCount();
if (index < child_count)
return child_view_delegate->ChildAtIndex(index);
index -= child_count;
} else {
if (index == 0)
return view_accessibility.view()->GetNativeViewAccessible();
DCHECK_GE(index, 0);
if (index < int{child_widgets_result.child_widgets.size()})
return child_widgets[index]->GetRootView()->GetNativeViewAccessible();
NOTREACHED() << "|index| should be less than the unignored child count.";
return nullptr;
bool ViewAXPlatformNodeDelegate::HasModalDialog() const {
return GetChildWidgets().is_tab_modal_showing;
gfx::NativeViewAccessible ViewAXPlatformNodeDelegate::GetNSWindow() {
return nullptr;
gfx::NativeViewAccessible ViewAXPlatformNodeDelegate::GetNativeViewAccessible()
const {
// TODO(nektar): Make "GetNativeViewAccessible" const throughout the codebase.
return const_cast<ViewAXPlatformNodeDelegate*>(this)
ViewAXPlatformNodeDelegate::GetNativeViewAccessible() {
// The WebView class returns the BrowserAccessibility instance exposed by its
// WebContents child, not its own AXPlatformNode. This is done by overriding
// "GetNativeViewAccessible", so we can't simply call "GetNativeObject" here.
return view()->GetNativeViewAccessible();
gfx::NativeViewAccessible ViewAXPlatformNodeDelegate::GetParent() {
if (View* parent_view = view()->parent()) {
ViewAccessibility& view_accessibility = parent_view->GetViewAccessibility();
if (!view_accessibility.IsIgnored())
return parent_view->GetNativeViewAccessible();
auto* parent_view_delegate =
return parent_view_delegate->GetParent();
if (Widget* widget = view()->GetWidget()) {
Widget* top_widget = widget->GetTopLevelWidget();
if (top_widget && widget != top_widget && top_widget->GetRootView())
return top_widget->GetRootView()->GetNativeViewAccessible();
return nullptr;
bool ViewAXPlatformNodeDelegate::IsChildOfLeaf() const {
// Needed to prevent endless loops, see:
return false;
bool ViewAXPlatformNodeDelegate::IsLeaf() const {
return ViewAccessibility::IsLeaf() || AXPlatformNodeDelegateBase::IsLeaf();
bool ViewAXPlatformNodeDelegate::IsIgnored() const {
return ViewAccessibility::IsIgnored() || GetData().IsIgnored();
bool ViewAXPlatformNodeDelegate::IsFocused() const {
return GetFocus() == GetNativeObject();
bool ViewAXPlatformNodeDelegate::IsToplevelBrowserWindow() {
// Note: only used on Desktop Linux. Other platforms don't have an application
// node so this would never return true.
ui::AXNodeData data = GetData();
if (data.role != ax::mojom::Role::kWindow)
return false;
AXPlatformNodeDelegate* parent = GetParentDelegate();
return parent && parent->GetData().role == ax::mojom::Role::kApplication;
gfx::Rect ViewAXPlatformNodeDelegate::GetBoundsRect(
const ui::AXCoordinateSystem coordinate_system,
const ui::AXClippingBehavior clipping_behavior,
ui::AXOffscreenResult* offscreen_result) const {
switch (coordinate_system) {
case ui::AXCoordinateSystem::kScreenDIPs:
// We could optionally add clipping here if ever needed.
return view()->GetBoundsInScreen();
case ui::AXCoordinateSystem::kScreenPhysicalPixels:
case ui::AXCoordinateSystem::kRootFrame:
case ui::AXCoordinateSystem::kFrame:
return gfx::Rect();
gfx::NativeViewAccessible ViewAXPlatformNodeDelegate::HitTestSync(
int screen_physical_pixel_x,
int screen_physical_pixel_y) const {
if (!view() || !view()->GetWidget())
return nullptr;
if (IsLeaf())
return GetNativeViewAccessible();
gfx::NativeView native_view = view()->GetWidget()->GetNativeView();
float scale_factor = 1.0;
if (native_view) {
scale_factor = ui::GetScaleFactorForNativeView(native_view);
scale_factor = scale_factor <= 0 ? 1.0 : scale_factor;
int screen_dips_x = screen_physical_pixel_x / scale_factor;
int screen_dips_y = screen_physical_pixel_y / scale_factor;
// Search child widgets first, since they're on top in the z-order.
for (Widget* child_widget : GetChildWidgets().child_widgets) {
View* child_root_view = child_widget->GetRootView();
gfx::Point point(screen_dips_x, screen_dips_y);
View::ConvertPointFromScreen(child_root_view, &point);
if (child_root_view->HitTestPoint(point))
return child_root_view->GetNativeViewAccessible();
gfx::Point point(screen_dips_x, screen_dips_y);
View::ConvertPointFromScreen(view(), &point);
if (!view()->HitTestPoint(point))
return nullptr;
// Check if the point is within any of the virtual children of this view.
// AXVirtualView's HitTestSync is a recursive function that will return the
// deepest child, since it does not support relative bounds.
if (!virtual_children().empty()) {
// Search the greater indices first, since they're on top in the z-order.
for (const std::unique_ptr<AXVirtualView>& child :
base::Reversed(virtual_children())) {
gfx::NativeViewAccessible result =
child->HitTestSync(screen_physical_pixel_x, screen_physical_pixel_y);
if (result)
return result;
// If it's not inside any of our virtual children, it's inside this view.
return GetNativeViewAccessible();
// Check if the point is within any of the immediate children of this
// view. We don't have to search further because AXPlatformNode will
// do a recursive hit test if we return anything other than |this| or NULL.
View* v = view();
const auto is_point_in_child = [point, v](View* child) {
if (!child->GetVisible())
return false;
ui::AXNodeData child_data;
if (child_data.HasState(ax::mojom::State::kInvisible))
return false;
gfx::Point point_in_child_coords = point;
v->ConvertPointToTarget(v, child, &point_in_child_coords);
return child->HitTestPoint(point_in_child_coords);
const auto i = std::find_if(v->children().rbegin(), v->children().rend(),
// If it's not inside any of our children, it's inside this view.
return (i == v->children().rend()) ? GetNativeViewAccessible()
: (*i)->GetNativeViewAccessible();
gfx::NativeViewAccessible ViewAXPlatformNodeDelegate::GetFocus() const {
gfx::NativeViewAccessible focus_override =
if (focus_override)
return focus_override;
FocusManager* focus_manager = view()->GetFocusManager();
View* focused_view =
focus_manager ? focus_manager->GetFocusedView() : nullptr;
if (!focused_view)
return nullptr;
// The accessibility focus will be either on the |focused_view| or on one of
// its virtual children.
return focused_view->GetViewAccessibility().GetFocusedDescendant();
ui::AXPlatformNode* ViewAXPlatformNodeDelegate::GetFromNodeID(int32_t id) {
return PlatformNodeFromNodeID(id);
ui::AXPlatformNode* ViewAXPlatformNodeDelegate::GetFromTreeIDAndNodeID(
const ui::AXTreeID& ax_tree_id,
int32_t id) {
return nullptr;
bool ViewAXPlatformNodeDelegate::AccessibilityPerformAction(
const ui::AXActionData& data) {
return view()->HandleAccessibleAction(data);
bool ViewAXPlatformNodeDelegate::ShouldIgnoreHoveredStateForTesting() {
return false;
bool ViewAXPlatformNodeDelegate::IsOffscreen() const {
// TODO(katydek): need to implement.
return false;
base::string16 ViewAXPlatformNodeDelegate::GetAuthorUniqueId() const {
const View* v = view();
if (v) {
const int view_id = v->GetID();
if (view_id)
return base::WideToUTF16(L"view_") + base::NumberToString16(view_id);
return base::string16();
bool ViewAXPlatformNodeDelegate::IsMinimized() const {
Widget* widget = view()->GetWidget();
return widget && widget->IsMinimized();
const ui::AXUniqueId& ViewAXPlatformNodeDelegate::GetUniqueId() const {
return ViewAccessibility::GetUniqueId();
ViewAXPlatformNodeDelegate::GetTableHasColumnOrRowHeaderNode() const {
if (!GetAncestorTableView())
return false;
return !GetAncestorTableView()->visible_columns().empty();
std::vector<int32_t> ViewAXPlatformNodeDelegate::GetColHeaderNodeIds() const {
std::vector<int32_t> col_header_ids;
if (!virtual_children().empty()) {
for (const std::unique_ptr<AXVirtualView>& header_cell :
virtual_children().front()->children()) {
const ui::AXNodeData& header_data = header_cell->GetData();
if (header_data.role == ax::mojom::Role::kColumnHeader) {
return col_header_ids;
std::vector<int32_t> ViewAXPlatformNodeDelegate::GetColHeaderNodeIds(
int col_index) const {
std::vector<int32_t> columns = GetColHeaderNodeIds();
if (columns.size() <= size_t{col_index}) {
return {};
return {columns[col_index]};
base::Optional<int32_t> ViewAXPlatformNodeDelegate::GetCellId(
int row_index,
int col_index) const {
if (virtual_children().empty() || !GetAncestorTableView())
return base::nullopt;
AXVirtualView* ax_cell =
GetAncestorTableView()->GetVirtualAccessibilityCell(row_index, col_index);
if (!ax_cell)
return base::nullopt;
const ui::AXNodeData& cell_data = ax_cell->GetData();
if (cell_data.role == ax::mojom::Role::kCell)
return base::nullopt;
TableView* ViewAXPlatformNodeDelegate::GetAncestorTableView() const {
ui::AXNodeData data;
if (!ui::IsTableLike(data.role))
return nullptr;
return static_cast<TableView*>(view());
bool ViewAXPlatformNodeDelegate::IsOrderedSetItem() const {
const ui::AXNodeData& data = GetData();
return (view()->GetGroup() >= 0) ||
(data.HasIntAttribute(ax::mojom::IntAttribute::kPosInSet) &&
bool ViewAXPlatformNodeDelegate::IsOrderedSet() const {
return (view()->GetGroup() >= 0) ||
base::Optional<int> ViewAXPlatformNodeDelegate::GetPosInSet() const {
// Consider overridable attributes first.
const ui::AXNodeData& data = GetData();
if (data.HasIntAttribute(ax::mojom::IntAttribute::kPosInSet))
return data.GetIntAttribute(ax::mojom::IntAttribute::kPosInSet);
std::vector<View*> views_in_group;
if (views_in_group.empty())
return base::nullopt;
// Check this is in views_in_group; it may be removed if it is ignored.
auto found_view =
std::find(views_in_group.begin(), views_in_group.end(), view());
if (found_view == views_in_group.end())
return base::nullopt;
int posInSet = std::distance(views_in_group.begin(), found_view);
// posInSet is zero-based; users expect one-based, so increment.
return ++posInSet;
base::Optional<int> ViewAXPlatformNodeDelegate::GetSetSize() const {
// Consider overridable attributes first.
const ui::AXNodeData& data = GetData();
if (data.HasIntAttribute(ax::mojom::IntAttribute::kSetSize))
return data.GetIntAttribute(ax::mojom::IntAttribute::kSetSize);
std::vector<View*> views_in_group;
if (views_in_group.empty())
return base::nullopt;
// Check this is in views_in_group; it may be removed if it is ignored.
auto found_view =
std::find(views_in_group.begin(), views_in_group.end(), view());
if (found_view == views_in_group.end())
return base::nullopt;
return views_in_group.size();
void ViewAXPlatformNodeDelegate::GetViewsInGroupForSet(
std::vector<View*>* views_in_group) const {
const int group_id = view()->GetGroup();
if (group_id < 0)
View* view_to_check = view();
// If this view has a parent, check from the parent, to make sure we catch any
// siblings.
if (view()->parent())
view_to_check = view()->parent();
view_to_check->GetViewsInGroup(group_id, views_in_group);
// Remove any views that are ignored in the accessibility tree.
views_in_group->begin(), views_in_group->end(),
[](View* view) {
ViewAccessibility& view_accessibility =
return view_accessibility.IsIgnored();
ViewAXPlatformNodeDelegate::GetChildWidgets() const {
// This method is used to create a parent / child relationship between the
// root view and any child widgets. Child widgets should only be exposed as
// the direct children of the root view. A root view should appear as the only
// child of a widget.
Widget* widget = view()->GetWidget();
// Note that during window close, a Widget may exist in a state where it has
// no NativeView, but hasn't yet torn down its view hierarchy.
if (!widget || !widget->GetNativeView() || widget->GetRootView() != view())
return ChildWidgetsResult();
std::set<Widget*> owned_widgets;
Widget::GetAllOwnedWidgets(widget->GetNativeView(), &owned_widgets);
std::vector<Widget*> visible_widgets;
std::copy_if(owned_widgets.cbegin(), owned_widgets.cend(),
[](const Widget* child) { return child->IsVisible(); });
// Focused child widgets should take the place of the web page they cover in
// the accessibility tree.
const FocusManager* focus_manager = view()->GetFocusManager();
const View* focused_view =
focus_manager ? focus_manager->GetFocusedView() : nullptr;
const auto is_focused_child = [focused_view](Widget* child_widget) {
return ViewAccessibilityUtils::IsFocusedChildWidget(child_widget,
const auto i = std::find_if(visible_widgets.cbegin(), visible_widgets.cend(),
// In order to support the "read title (NVDAKey+T)" and "read window
// (NVDAKey+B)" commands in the NVDA screen reader, hide the rest of the UI
// from the accessibility tree when a modal dialog is showing.
if (i != visible_widgets.cend())
return ChildWidgetsResult({*i}, true /* is_tab_modal_showing */);
return ChildWidgetsResult(visible_widgets, false /* is_tab_modal_showing */);
} // namespace views