blob: 360fb32a0eebc75febc463de0dcadd9356d19005 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/assistant/ui/main_stage/ui_element_container_view.h"
#include <string>
#include "ash/assistant/model/assistant_interaction_model.h"
#include "ash/assistant/model/assistant_response.h"
#include "ash/assistant/model/ui/assistant_ui_element.h"
#include "ash/assistant/ui/assistant_ui_constants.h"
#include "ash/assistant/ui/assistant_view_delegate.h"
#include "ash/assistant/ui/assistant_view_ids.h"
#include "ash/assistant/ui/main_stage/animated_container_view.h"
#include "ash/assistant/ui/main_stage/assistant_ui_element_view.h"
#include "ash/assistant/ui/main_stage/assistant_ui_element_view_factory.h"
#include "ash/assistant/ui/main_stage/element_animator.h"
#include "ash/public/cpp/assistant/controller/assistant_interaction_controller.h"
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "cc/base/math_util.h"
#include "chromeos/services/assistant/public/cpp/features.h"
#include "ui/aura/window.h"
#include "ui/views/background.h"
#include "ui/views/border.h"
#include "ui/views/layout/box_layout.h"
namespace ash {
namespace {
// Appearance.
constexpr int kPaddingBottomDip = 8;
constexpr int kScrollIndicatorHeightDip = 1;
} // namespace
// UiElementContainerView ------------------------------------------------------
UiElementContainerView::UiElementContainerView(AssistantViewDelegate* delegate)
: AnimatedContainerView(delegate),
view_factory_(std::make_unique<AssistantUiElementViewFactory>(delegate)) {
UiElementContainerView::~UiElementContainerView() = default;
const char* UiElementContainerView::GetClassName() const {
return "UiElementContainerView";
gfx::Size UiElementContainerView::CalculatePreferredSize() const {
return gfx::Size(INT_MAX, GetHeightForWidth(INT_MAX));
int UiElementContainerView::GetHeightForWidth(int width) const {
return content_view()->GetHeightForWidth(width);
gfx::Size UiElementContainerView::GetMinimumSize() const {
// AssistantMainStage uses BoxLayout's flex property to grow/shrink
// UiElementContainerView to fill available space as needed. When height is
// shrunk to zero, as is temporarily the case during the initial container
// growth animation for the first Assistant response, UiElementContainerView
// will be laid out with zero width. We do not recover from this state until
// the next layout pass, which causes Assistant cards for the first response
// to be laid out with zero width. We work around this by imposing a minimum
// height restriction of 1 dip that is factored into BoxLayout's flex
// calculations to make sure that our width is never being set to zero.
return gfx::Size(INT_MAX, 1);
void UiElementContainerView::Layout() {
// Scroll indicator.
scroll_indicator_->SetBounds(0, height() - kScrollIndicatorHeightDip, width(),
void UiElementContainerView::OnContentsPreferredSizeChanged(
views::View* content_view) {
const int preferred_height = content_view->GetHeightForWidth(width());
content_view->SetSize(gfx::Size(width(), preferred_height));
void UiElementContainerView::InitLayout() {
// Content.
gfx::Insets(0, kUiElementHorizontalMarginDip, kPaddingBottomDip,
// Scroll indicator.
scroll_indicator_ = AddChildView(std::make_unique<views::View>());
// The scroll indicator paints to its own layer which is animated in/out using
// implicit animation settings.
// We cannot draw |scroll_indicator_| over Assistant cards due to issues w/
// layer ordering. Because |kScrollIndicatorHeightDip| is sufficiently small,
// we'll use an empty bottom border to reserve space for |scroll_indicator_|.
// When |scroll_indicator_| is not visible, this just adds a negligible amount
// of margin to the bottom of the content. Otherwise, |scroll_indicator_| will
// occupy this space.
SetBorder(views::CreateEmptyBorder(0, 0, kScrollIndicatorHeightDip, 0));
void UiElementContainerView::OnCommittedQueryChanged(
const AssistantQuery& query) {
// Scroll to the top to play nice with the transition animation.
ScrollToPosition(vertical_scroll_bar(), 0);
std::unique_ptr<ElementAnimator> UiElementContainerView::HandleUiElement(
const AssistantUiElement* ui_element) {
// Create a new view for the |ui_element|.
auto view = view_factory_->Create(ui_element);
// If the first UI element is a card, it has a unique margin requirement.
const bool is_card = ui_element->type() == AssistantUiElementType::kCard;
const bool is_first_ui_element = content_view()->children().empty();
if (is_card && is_first_ui_element) {
constexpr int kMarginTopDip = 24;
view->SetBorder(views::CreateEmptyBorder(kMarginTopDip, 0, 0, 0));
// Add the view to the hierarchy and prepare its animation layer for entry.
auto* view_ptr = content_view()->AddChildView(std::move(view));
// Return the animator that will be used to animate the view.
return view_ptr->CreateAnimator();
void UiElementContainerView::OnAllViewsAnimatedIn() {
const auto* response =
// Let screen reader read the query result. This includes the text response
// and the card fallback text, but webview result is not included. We don't
// read when there is TTS to avoid speaking over the server response.
if (!response->has_tts())
NotifyAccessibilityEvent(ax::mojom::Event::kAlert, true);
void UiElementContainerView::OnScrollBarUpdated(views::ScrollBar* scroll_bar,
int viewport_size,
int content_size,
int content_scroll_offset) {
if (scroll_bar != vertical_scroll_bar())
// When the vertical scroll bar is updated, we update our |scroll_indicator_|.
bool can_scroll = content_size > (content_scroll_offset + viewport_size);
void UiElementContainerView::OnScrollBarVisibilityChanged(
views::ScrollBar* scroll_bar,
bool is_visible) {
// When the vertical scroll bar is hidden, we need to update our
// |scroll_indicator_|. This may occur during a layout pass when the new
// content no longer requires a vertical scroll bar while the old content did.
if (scroll_bar == vertical_scroll_bar() && !is_visible)
void UiElementContainerView::UpdateScrollIndicator(bool can_scroll) {
const float target_opacity = can_scroll ? 1.f : 0.f;
ui::Layer* layer = scroll_indicator_->layer();
if (!cc::MathUtil::IsWithinEpsilon(layer->GetTargetOpacity(), target_opacity))
} // namespace ash