blob: 8f516e23871d59650f742adec0cc62784f1b2e71 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/multi_column_fragmentainer_group.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/column_balancer.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/fragmentation_context.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/layout_multi_column_set.h"
namespace blink {
// Limit the maximum column count, to prevent potential performance problems.
static const unsigned kColumnCountClampMax = 10000;
// Clamp "infinite" clips to a number of pixels that can be losslessly
// converted to and from floating point, to avoid loss of precision.
// Note that tables have something similar, see
// TableLayoutAlgorithm::kTableMaxWidth.
static const int kMulticolMaxClipPixels = 1000000;
const LayoutMultiColumnSet& column_set)
: column_set_(column_set) {}
bool MultiColumnFragmentainerGroup::IsFirstGroup() const {
return &column_set_.FirstFragmentainerGroup() == this;
bool MultiColumnFragmentainerGroup::IsLastGroup() const {
return &column_set_.LastFragmentainerGroup() == this;
LayoutSize MultiColumnFragmentainerGroup::OffsetFromColumnSet() const {
LayoutSize offset(LayoutUnit(), LogicalTop());
if (!column_set_.FlowThread()->IsHorizontalWritingMode())
return offset.TransposedSize();
return offset;
const {
return LogicalTop() + column_set_.LogicalTopFromMulticolContentEdge() +
LayoutUnit MultiColumnFragmentainerGroup::LogicalHeightInFlowThreadAt(
unsigned column_index) const {
LayoutUnit column_height = ColumnLogicalHeight();
LayoutUnit logical_top = LogicalTopInFlowThreadAt(column_index);
LayoutUnit logical_bottom = logical_top + column_height;
unsigned actual_count = ActualColumnCount();
if (column_index + 1 >= actual_count) {
// The last column may contain overflow content, if the actual column count
// was clamped, so using the column height won't do. This is also a way to
// stay within the bounds of the flow thread, if the last column happens to
// contain LESS than the other columns. We also need this clamping if we're
// given a column index *after* the last column. Height should obviously be
// 0 then. We may be called with a column index that's one entry past the
// end if we're dealing with zero-height content at the very end of the flow
// thread, and this location is at a column boundary.
if (column_index + 1 == actual_count)
logical_bottom = LogicalBottomInFlowThread();
logical_bottom = logical_top;
return (logical_bottom - logical_top).ClampNegativeToZero();
void MultiColumnFragmentainerGroup::ResetColumnHeight() {
max_logical_height_ = CalculateMaxColumnHeight();
LayoutMultiColumnFlowThread* flow_thread =
if (column_set_.HeightIsAuto()) {
FragmentationContext* enclosing_fragmentation_context =
if (enclosing_fragmentation_context &&
enclosing_fragmentation_context->IsFragmentainerLogicalHeightKnown()) {
// Set an initial height, based on the fragmentainer height in the outer
// fragmentation context, in order to tell how much content this
// MultiColumnFragmentainerGroup can hold, and when we need to append a
// new one.
is_logical_height_known_ = true;
logical_height_ = max_logical_height_;
// If the multicol container has a definite height, use it as the column
// height. This even applies when we are to balance the columns. We'll still
// use the definite height as an initial height, and lay out once at that
// column height. If it turns out that the content needs less than this
// height, we have to balance and shrink the height and lay out the columns
// over again.
if (LayoutUnit logical_height = flow_thread->ColumnHeightAvailable()) {
is_logical_height_known_ = true;
} else {
is_logical_height_known_ = false;
logical_height_ = LayoutUnit();
bool MultiColumnFragmentainerGroup::RecalculateColumnHeight(
LayoutMultiColumnSet& column_set) {
LayoutUnit old_column_height = logical_height_;
max_logical_height_ = CalculateMaxColumnHeight();
// Only the last row may have auto height, and thus be balanced. There are no
// good reasons to balance the preceding rows, and that could potentially lead
// to an insane number of layout passes as well.
if (IsLastGroup() && column_set.HeightIsAuto()) {
LayoutUnit new_column_height;
if (!column_set.IsInitialHeightCalculated()) {
// Initial balancing: Start with the lowest imaginable column height. Also
// calculate the height of the tallest piece of unbreakable content.
// Columns should never get any shorter than that (unless constrained by
// max-height). Propagate this to our containing column set, in case there
// is an outer multicol container that also needs to balance. After having
// calculated the initial column height, the multicol container needs
// another layout pass with the column height that we just calculated.
InitialColumnHeightFinder initial_height_finder(
column_set, LogicalTopInFlowThread(), LogicalBottomInFlowThread());
new_column_height = initial_height_finder.InitialMinimalBalancedHeight();
} else {
// Rebalancing: After having laid out again, we'll need to rebalance if
// the height wasn't enough and we're allowed to stretch it, and then
// re-lay out. There are further details on the column balancing
// machinery in ColumnBalancer and its derivates.
new_column_height = RebalanceColumnHeightIfNeeded();
} else {
// The position of the column set may have changed, in which case height
// available for columns may have changed as well.
// We may not have found our final height yet, but at least we've found a
// height.
is_logical_height_known_ = true;
if (logical_height_ == old_column_height)
return false; // No change. We're done.
return true; // Need another pass.
LayoutSize MultiColumnFragmentainerGroup::FlowThreadTranslationAtOffset(
LayoutUnit offset_in_flow_thread,
LayoutBox::PageBoundaryRule rule,
CoordinateSpaceConversion mode) const {
LayoutMultiColumnFlowThread* flow_thread =
// A column out of range doesn't have a flow thread portion, so we need to
// clamp to make sure that we stay within the actual columns. This means that
// content in the overflow area will be mapped to the last actual column,
// instead of being mapped to an imaginary column further ahead.
unsigned column_index =
offset_in_flow_thread >= LogicalBottomInFlowThread()
? ActualColumnCount() - 1
: ColumnIndexAtOffset(offset_in_flow_thread, rule);
LayoutRect portion_rect(FlowThreadPortionRectAt(column_index));
LayoutRect column_rect(ColumnRectAt(column_index));
LayoutSize translation_relative_to_flow_thread =
column_rect.Location() - portion_rect.Location();
if (mode == CoordinateSpaceConversion::kContaining)
return translation_relative_to_flow_thread;
LayoutSize enclosing_translation;
if (LayoutMultiColumnFlowThread* enclosing_flow_thread =
flow_thread->EnclosingFlowThread()) {
const MultiColumnFragmentainerGroup& first_row =
// Translation that would map points in the coordinate space of the
// outermost flow thread to visual points in the first column in the first
// fragmentainer group (row) in our multicol container.
LayoutSize enclosing_translation_origin =
LayoutBox::kAssociateWithLatterPage, mode);
// Translation that would map points in the coordinate space of the
// outermost flow thread to visual points in the first column in this
// fragmentainer group.
enclosing_translation =
LayoutBox::kAssociateWithLatterPage, mode);
// What we ultimately return from this method is a translation that maps
// points in the coordinate space of our flow thread to a visual point in a
// certain column in this fragmentainer group. We had to go all the way up
// to the outermost flow thread, since this fragmentainer group may be in a
// different outer column than the first outer column that this multicol
// container lives in. It's the visual distance between the first
// fragmentainer group and this fragmentainer group that we need to add to
// the translation.
enclosing_translation -= enclosing_translation_origin;
return enclosing_translation + translation_relative_to_flow_thread;
LayoutUnit MultiColumnFragmentainerGroup::ColumnLogicalTopForOffset(
LayoutUnit offset_in_flow_thread) const {
unsigned column_index = ColumnIndexAtOffset(
offset_in_flow_thread, LayoutBox::kAssociateWithLatterPage);
return LogicalTopInFlowThreadAt(column_index);
LayoutPoint MultiColumnFragmentainerGroup::VisualPointToFlowThreadPoint(
const LayoutPoint& visual_point,
SnapToColumnPolicy snap) const {
unsigned column_index = ColumnIndexAtVisualPoint(visual_point);
LayoutRect column_rect = ColumnRectAt(column_index);
LayoutPoint local_point(visual_point);
if (!column_set_.IsHorizontalWritingMode()) {
if (snap == kSnapToColumn) {
LayoutUnit column_start = column_set_.StyleRef().IsLeftToRightDirection()
? LayoutUnit()
: column_rect.Height();
if (local_point.X() < 0)
local_point = LayoutPoint(LayoutUnit(), column_start);
else if (local_point.X() > ColumnLogicalHeight())
local_point = LayoutPoint(ColumnLogicalHeight(), column_start);
return LayoutPoint(local_point.X() + LogicalTopInFlowThreadAt(column_index),
if (snap == kSnapToColumn) {
LayoutUnit column_start = column_set_.StyleRef().IsLeftToRightDirection()
? LayoutUnit()
: column_rect.Width();
if (local_point.Y() < 0)
local_point = LayoutPoint(column_start, LayoutUnit());
else if (local_point.Y() > ColumnLogicalHeight())
local_point = LayoutPoint(column_start, ColumnLogicalHeight());
return LayoutPoint(local_point.X(),
local_point.Y() + LogicalTopInFlowThreadAt(column_index));
LayoutRect MultiColumnFragmentainerGroup::FragmentsBoundingBox(
const LayoutRect& bounding_box_in_flow_thread) const {
// Find the start and end column intersected by the bounding box.
LayoutRect flipped_bounding_box_in_flow_thread(bounding_box_in_flow_thread);
LayoutFlowThread* flow_thread = column_set_.FlowThread();
bool is_horizontal_writing_mode = column_set_.IsHorizontalWritingMode();
LayoutUnit bounding_box_logical_top =
is_horizontal_writing_mode ? flipped_bounding_box_in_flow_thread.Y()
: flipped_bounding_box_in_flow_thread.X();
LayoutUnit bounding_box_logical_bottom =
is_horizontal_writing_mode ? flipped_bounding_box_in_flow_thread.MaxY()
: flipped_bounding_box_in_flow_thread.MaxX();
if (bounding_box_logical_bottom <= LogicalTopInFlowThread() ||
bounding_box_logical_top >= LogicalBottomInFlowThread()) {
// The bounding box doesn't intersect this fragmentainer group.
return LayoutRect();
unsigned start_column;
unsigned end_column;
start_column, end_column);
LayoutRect start_column_flow_thread_overflow_portion =
LayoutRect start_column_rect(bounding_box_in_flow_thread);
if (start_column == end_column)
return start_column_rect; // It all takes place in one column. We're done.
LayoutRect end_column_flow_thread_overflow_portion =
LayoutRect end_column_rect(bounding_box_in_flow_thread);
LogicalTopInFlowThreadAt(end_column), LayoutBox::kAssociateWithLatterPage,
return UnionRect(start_column_rect, end_column_rect);
LayoutRect MultiColumnFragmentainerGroup::CalculateOverflow() const {
// Note that we just return the bounding rectangle of the column boxes here.
// We currently don't examine overflow caused by the actual content that ends
// up in each column.
LayoutRect overflow_rect;
if (unsigned column_count = ActualColumnCount()) {
overflow_rect = ColumnRectAt(0);
if (column_count > 1)
overflow_rect.UniteEvenIfEmpty(ColumnRectAt(column_count - 1));
return overflow_rect;
unsigned MultiColumnFragmentainerGroup::ActualColumnCount() const {
unsigned count = UnclampedActualColumnCount();
count = std::min(count, kColumnCountClampMax);
DCHECK_GE(count, 1u);
return count;
void MultiColumnFragmentainerGroup::UpdateFromNG(LayoutUnit logical_height) {
logical_height_ = logical_height;
is_logical_height_known_ = true;
LayoutUnit MultiColumnFragmentainerGroup::HeightAdjustedForRowOffset(
LayoutUnit height) const {
LayoutUnit adjusted_height =
height - LogicalTop() - column_set_.LogicalTopFromMulticolContentEdge();
return adjusted_height.ClampNegativeToZero();
LayoutUnit MultiColumnFragmentainerGroup::CalculateMaxColumnHeight() const {
LayoutMultiColumnFlowThread* flow_thread =
LayoutUnit max_column_height = flow_thread->MaxColumnLogicalHeight();
LayoutUnit max_height = HeightAdjustedForRowOffset(max_column_height);
if (FragmentationContext* enclosing_fragmentation_context =
flow_thread->EnclosingFragmentationContext()) {
if (enclosing_fragmentation_context->IsFragmentainerLogicalHeightKnown()) {
// We're nested inside another fragmentation context whose fragmentainer
// heights are known. This constrains the max height.
LayoutUnit remaining_outer_logical_height =
if (max_height > remaining_outer_logical_height)
max_height = remaining_outer_logical_height;
return max_height;
void MultiColumnFragmentainerGroup::SetAndConstrainColumnHeight(
LayoutUnit new_height) {
logical_height_ = new_height;
if (logical_height_ > max_logical_height_)
logical_height_ = max_logical_height_;
LayoutUnit MultiColumnFragmentainerGroup::RebalanceColumnHeightIfNeeded()
const {
if (ActualColumnCount() <= column_set_.UsedColumnCount()) {
// With the current column height, the content fits without creating
// overflowing columns. We're done.
return logical_height_;
if (logical_height_ >= max_logical_height_) {
// We cannot stretch any further. We'll just have to live with the
// overflowing columns. This typically happens if the max column height is
// less than the height of the tallest piece of unbreakable content (e.g.
// lines).
return logical_height_;
MinimumSpaceShortageFinder shortage_finder(
ColumnSet(), LogicalTopInFlowThread(), LogicalBottomInFlowThread());
if (shortage_finder.ForcedBreaksCount() + 1 >=
column_set_.UsedColumnCount()) {
// Too many forced breaks to allow any implicit breaks. Initial balancing
// should already have set a good height. There's nothing more we should do.
return logical_height_;
// If the initial guessed column height wasn't enough, stretch it now. Stretch
// by the lowest amount of space.
LayoutUnit min_space_shortage = shortage_finder.MinimumSpaceShortage();
DCHECK_GT(min_space_shortage, 0); // We should never _shrink_ the height!
if (min_space_shortage == LayoutUnit::Max()) {
// We failed to find an amount to stretch the columns by. This is a bug; see
// e.g. . If this happens, though, we need bail out rather
// than looping infinitely.
return logical_height_;
return logical_height_ + min_space_shortage;
LayoutRect MultiColumnFragmentainerGroup::ColumnRectAt(
unsigned column_index) const {
LayoutUnit column_logical_width = column_set_.PageLogicalWidth();
LayoutUnit column_logical_height = LogicalHeightInFlowThreadAt(column_index);
LayoutUnit column_logical_top;
LayoutUnit column_logical_left;
LayoutUnit column_gap = column_set_.ColumnGap();
if (column_set_.StyleRef().IsLeftToRightDirection()) {
column_logical_left += column_index * (column_logical_width + column_gap);
} else {
column_logical_left += column_set_.ContentLogicalWidth() -
column_logical_width -
column_index * (column_logical_width + column_gap);
LayoutRect column_rect(column_logical_left, column_logical_top,
column_logical_width, column_logical_height);
if (!column_set_.IsHorizontalWritingMode())
return column_rect.TransposedRect();
return column_rect;
LayoutRect MultiColumnFragmentainerGroup::FlowThreadPortionRectAt(
unsigned column_index) const {
LayoutUnit logical_top = LogicalTopInFlowThreadAt(column_index);
LayoutUnit portion_logical_height = LogicalHeightInFlowThreadAt(column_index);
if (column_set_.IsHorizontalWritingMode())
return LayoutRect(LayoutUnit(), logical_top, column_set_.PageLogicalWidth(),
return LayoutRect(logical_top, LayoutUnit(), portion_logical_height,
LayoutRect MultiColumnFragmentainerGroup::FlowThreadPortionOverflowRectAt(
unsigned column_index) const {
// This function determines the portion of the flow thread that paints for the
// column.
// In the block direction, we will not clip overflow out of the top of the
// first column, or out of the bottom of the last column. This applies only to
// the true first column and last column across all column sets.
// FIXME: Eventually we will know overflow on a per-column basis, but we can't
// do this until we have a painting mode that understands not to paint
// contents from a previous column in the overflow area of a following column.
bool is_first_column_in_row = !column_index;
bool is_last_column_in_row = column_index == ActualColumnCount() - 1;
LayoutRect portion_rect = FlowThreadPortionRectAt(column_index);
bool is_first_column_in_multicol_container =
is_first_column_in_row &&
this == &column_set_.FirstFragmentainerGroup() &&
bool is_last_column_in_multicol_container =
is_last_column_in_row && this == &column_set_.LastFragmentainerGroup() &&
// Calculate the overflow rectangle. It will be clipped at the logical top
// and bottom of the column box, unless it's the first or last column in the
// multicol container, in which case it should allow overflow. It will also
// be clipped in the middle of adjacent column gaps. Care is taken here to
// avoid rounding errors.
LayoutRect overflow_rect(
IntRect(-kMulticolMaxClipPixels, -kMulticolMaxClipPixels,
2 * kMulticolMaxClipPixels, 2 * kMulticolMaxClipPixels));
if (column_set_.IsHorizontalWritingMode()) {
if (!is_first_column_in_multicol_container)
if (!is_last_column_in_multicol_container)
} else {
if (!is_first_column_in_multicol_container)
if (!is_last_column_in_multicol_container)
return overflow_rect;
unsigned MultiColumnFragmentainerGroup::ColumnIndexAtOffset(
LayoutUnit offset_in_flow_thread,
LayoutBox::PageBoundaryRule page_boundary_rule) const {
// Handle the offset being out of range.
if (offset_in_flow_thread < logical_top_in_flow_thread_)
return 0;
if (!IsLogicalHeightKnown())
return 0;
LayoutUnit column_height = ColumnLogicalHeight();
unsigned column_index =
((offset_in_flow_thread - logical_top_in_flow_thread_) / column_height)
if (page_boundary_rule == LayoutBox::kAssociateWithFormerPage &&
column_index > 0 &&
LogicalTopInFlowThreadAt(column_index) == offset_in_flow_thread) {
// We are exactly at a column boundary, and we've been told to associate
// offsets at column boundaries with the former column, not the latter.
return column_index;
unsigned MultiColumnFragmentainerGroup::ConstrainedColumnIndexAtOffset(
LayoutUnit offset_in_flow_thread,
LayoutBox::PageBoundaryRule page_boundary_rule) const {
unsigned index =
ColumnIndexAtOffset(offset_in_flow_thread, page_boundary_rule);
return std::min(index, ActualColumnCount() - 1);
unsigned MultiColumnFragmentainerGroup::ColumnIndexAtVisualPoint(
const LayoutPoint& visual_point) const {
LayoutUnit column_length = column_set_.PageLogicalWidth();
LayoutUnit offset_in_column_progression_direction =
column_set_.IsHorizontalWritingMode() ? visual_point.X()
: visual_point.Y();
if (!column_set_.StyleRef().IsLeftToRightDirection()) {
offset_in_column_progression_direction =
column_set_.LogicalWidth() - offset_in_column_progression_direction;
LayoutUnit column_gap = column_set_.ColumnGap();
if (column_length + column_gap <= 0)
return 0;
// Column boundaries are in the middle of the column gap.
int index = ((offset_in_column_progression_direction + column_gap / 2) /
(column_length + column_gap))
if (index < 0)
return 0;
return std::min(unsigned(index), ActualColumnCount() - 1);
void MultiColumnFragmentainerGroup::ColumnIntervalForBlockRangeInFlowThread(
LayoutUnit logical_top_in_flow_thread,
LayoutUnit logical_bottom_in_flow_thread,
unsigned& first_column,
unsigned& last_column) const {
logical_top_in_flow_thread =
std::max(logical_top_in_flow_thread, LogicalTopInFlowThread());
logical_bottom_in_flow_thread =
std::min(logical_bottom_in_flow_thread, LogicalBottomInFlowThread());
first_column = ConstrainedColumnIndexAtOffset(
logical_top_in_flow_thread, LayoutBox::kAssociateWithLatterPage);
if (logical_bottom_in_flow_thread <= logical_top_in_flow_thread) {
// Zero-height block range. There'll be one column in the interval. Set it
// right away. This is important if we're at a column boundary, since
// calling ConstrainedColumnIndexAtOffset() with the end-exclusive bottom
// offset would actually give us the *previous* column.
last_column = first_column;
} else {
last_column = ConstrainedColumnIndexAtOffset(
logical_bottom_in_flow_thread, LayoutBox::kAssociateWithFormerPage);
void MultiColumnFragmentainerGroup::ColumnIntervalForVisualRect(
const LayoutRect& rect,
unsigned& first_column,
unsigned& last_column) const {
bool is_column_ltr = column_set_.StyleRef().IsLeftToRightDirection();
if (column_set_.IsHorizontalWritingMode()) {
if (is_column_ltr) {
first_column = ColumnIndexAtVisualPoint(rect.MinXMinYCorner());
last_column = ColumnIndexAtVisualPoint(rect.MaxXMinYCorner());
} else {
first_column = ColumnIndexAtVisualPoint(rect.MaxXMinYCorner());
last_column = ColumnIndexAtVisualPoint(rect.MinXMinYCorner());
} else {
if (is_column_ltr) {
first_column = ColumnIndexAtVisualPoint(rect.MinXMinYCorner());
last_column = ColumnIndexAtVisualPoint(rect.MinXMaxYCorner());
} else {
first_column = ColumnIndexAtVisualPoint(rect.MinXMaxYCorner());
last_column = ColumnIndexAtVisualPoint(rect.MinXMinYCorner());
DCHECK_LE(first_column, last_column);
unsigned MultiColumnFragmentainerGroup::UnclampedActualColumnCount() const {
// We must always return a value of 1 or greater. Column count = 0 is a
// meaningless situation, and will confuse and cause problems in other parts
// of the code.
if (!IsLogicalHeightKnown())
return 1;
// Our flow thread portion determines our column count. We have as many
// columns as needed to fit all the content.
LayoutUnit flow_thread_portion_height = LogicalHeightInFlowThread();
if (!flow_thread_portion_height)
return 1;
LayoutUnit column_height = ColumnLogicalHeight();
unsigned count = (flow_thread_portion_height / column_height).Floor();
// flowThreadPortionHeight may be saturated, so detect the remainder manually.
if (count * column_height < flow_thread_portion_height)
DCHECK_GE(count, 1u);
return count;
LayoutMultiColumnSet& column_set)
: column_set_(column_set) {
// An explicit empty destructor of MultiColumnFragmentainerGroupList should be
// in MultiColumnFragmentainerGroup.cpp, because if an implicit destructor is
// used, msvc 2015 tries to generate its destructor (because the class is
// dll-exported class) and causes a compile error because of lack of
// MultiColumnFragmentainerGroup::operator=. Since
// MultiColumnFragmentainerGroup is non-copyable, we cannot define the
// operator=.
MultiColumnFragmentainerGroupList::~MultiColumnFragmentainerGroupList() =
MultiColumnFragmentainerGroupList::AddExtraGroup() {
return Last();
void MultiColumnFragmentainerGroupList::DeleteExtraGroups() {
} // namespace blink