blob: 02853a6c5fc3912b30f73cbf142996f88c3e0d28 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_base_export.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_enums.mojom.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_event_intent.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_node_data.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_tree_data.h"
namespace ui {
// An AXTreeUpdate is a serialized representation of an atomic change
// to an AXTree. The sender and receiver must be in sync; the update
// is only meant to bring the tree from a specific previous state into
// its next state. Trying to apply it to the wrong tree should immediately
// die with a fatal assertion.
// An AXTreeUpdate consists of an optional node id to clear (meaning
// that all of that node's children and their descendants are deleted),
// followed by an ordered vector of zero or more AXNodeData structures to
// be applied to the tree in order. An update may also include an optional
// update to the AXTreeData structure that applies to the tree as a whole.
// Suppose that the next AXNodeData to be applied is |node|. The following
// invariants must hold:
// 1. Either
// a) || is already in the tree, or
// b) the tree is empty, and
// |node| is the new root of the tree, and
// |node.role| == WebAXRoleRootWebArea.
// 2. Every child id in |node.child_ids| must either be already a child
// of this node, or a new id not previously in the tree. It is not
// allowed to "reparent" a child to this node without first removing
// that child from its previous parent.
// 3. When a new id appears in |node.child_ids|, the tree should create a
// new uninitialized placeholder node for it immediately. That
// placeholder must be updated within the same AXTreeUpdate, otherwise
// it's a fatal error. This guarantees the tree is always complete
// before or after an AXTreeUpdate.
struct AX_BASE_EXPORT AXTreeUpdate {
AXTreeUpdate(const AXTreeUpdate& other);
// If |has_tree_data| is true, the value of |tree_data| should be used
// to update the tree data, otherwise it should be ignored.
bool has_tree_data = false;
AXTreeData tree_data;
// The id of a node to clear, before applying any updates,
// or 0 if no nodes should be cleared. Clearing a node means deleting
// all of its children and their descendants, but leaving that node in
// the tree. It's an error to clear a node but not subsequently update it
// as part of the tree update.
int node_id_to_clear = 0;
// The id of the root of the tree, if the root is changing. This is
// required to be set if the root of the tree is changing or Unserialize
// will fail. If the root of the tree is not changing this is optional
// and it is allowed to pass 0.
int root_id = 0;
// A vector of nodes to update, according to the rules above.
std::vector<AXNodeData> nodes;
// The source of the event which generated this tree update.
ax::mojom::EventFrom event_from = ax::mojom::EventFrom::kNone;
// The event intents associated with this tree update.
std::vector<AXEventIntent> event_intents;
// Return a multi-line indented string representation, for logging.
std::string ToString() const;
// TODO(dmazzoni): location changes
// Two tree updates can be merged into one if the second one
// doesn't clear a subtree, doesn't have new tree data, and
// doesn't have a new root id - in other words the second tree
// update consists of only changes to nodes.
bool AX_BASE_EXPORT TreeUpdatesCanBeMerged(const AXTreeUpdate& u1,
const AXTreeUpdate& u2);
} // namespace ui