blob: 2268c9d0e68a676fcda51e6fcdaaa283bb425bbe [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include "chrome/common/page_load_metrics/page_load_metrics.mojom.h"
#include "chrome/common/page_load_metrics/page_load_timing.h"
#include "chrome/renderer/page_load_metrics/page_timing_sender.h"
namespace page_load_metrics {
// PageTimingSender implementation for use in tests. Allows for setting and
// verifying basic expectations when sending PageLoadTiming. By default,
// FakePageTimingSender will verify that expected and actual
// PageLoadTimings match on each invocation to ExpectPageLoadTiming() and
// SendTiming(), as well as in the destructor. Tests can force additional
// validations by calling VerifyExpectedTimings.
// Expected PageLoadTimings are specified via ExpectPageLoadTiming, and actual
// PageLoadTimings are dispatched through SendTiming(). When SendTiming() is
// called, we verify that the actual PageLoadTimings dipatched through
// SendTiming() match the expected PageLoadTimings provided via
// ExpectPageLoadTiming.
// Normally, gmock would be used in place of this class, but gmock is not
// compatible with structures that use aligned memory, and PageLoadTiming uses
// base::Optional which uses aligned memory, so we're forced to roll
// our own implementation here. See
//!topic/googletestframework/W-Hud3j_c6I for
// more details.
class FakePageTimingSender : public PageTimingSender {
class PageTimingValidator {
// PageLoadTimings that are expected to be sent through SendTiming() should
// be passed to ExpectPageLoadTiming.
void ExpectPageLoadTiming(const mojom::PageLoadTiming& timing);
// CpuTimings that are expected to be sent through SendTiming() should be
// passed to ExpectCpuTiming.
void ExpectCpuTiming(const base::TimeDelta& timing);
// Forces verification that actual timings sent through SendTiming() match
// expected timings provided via ExpectPageLoadTiming.
void VerifyExpectedTimings() const;
// Forces verification that actual timings sent through SendTiming() match
// expected timings provided via ExpectCpuTiming.
void VerifyExpectedCpuTimings() const;
// PageLoad features that are expected to be sent through SendTiming()
// should be passed via UpdateExpectedPageLoadFeatures.
void UpdateExpectPageLoadFeatures(const blink::mojom::WebFeature feature);
// PageLoad CSS properties that are expected to be sent through SendTiming()
// should be passed via UpdateExpectedPageLoadCSSProperties.
void UpdateExpectPageLoadCssProperties(int css_property_id);
void UpdateExpectPageRenderData(const mojom::PageRenderData& render_data) {
expected_render_data_ = render_data;
// Forces verification that actual features sent through SendTiming match
// expected features provided via ExpectPageLoadFeatures.
void VerifyExpectedFeatures() const;
// Forces verification that actual CSS properties sent through SendTiming
// match expected CSS properties provided via ExpectPageLoadCSSProperties.
void VerifyExpectedCssProperties() const;
void VerifyExpectedRenderData() const;
const std::vector<mojom::PageLoadTimingPtr>& expected_timings() const {
return expected_timings_;
const std::vector<mojom::PageLoadTimingPtr>& actual_timings() const {
return actual_timings_;
void UpdateTiming(
const mojom::PageLoadTimingPtr& timing,
const mojom::PageLoadMetadataPtr& metadata,
const mojom::PageLoadFeaturesPtr& new_features,
const std::vector<mojom::ResourceDataUpdatePtr>& resources,
const mojom::PageRenderData& render_data,
const mojom::CpuTimingPtr& cpu_timing);
std::vector<mojom::PageLoadTimingPtr> expected_timings_;
std::vector<mojom::PageLoadTimingPtr> actual_timings_;
std::vector<mojom::CpuTimingPtr> expected_cpu_timings_;
std::vector<mojom::CpuTimingPtr> actual_cpu_timings_;
std::set<blink::mojom::WebFeature> expected_features_;
std::set<blink::mojom::WebFeature> actual_features_;
std::set<int> expected_css_properties_;
std::set<int> actual_css_properties_;
mojom::PageRenderData expected_render_data_;
mojom::PageRenderData actual_render_data_;
explicit FakePageTimingSender(PageTimingValidator* validator);
~FakePageTimingSender() override;
void SendTiming(const mojom::PageLoadTimingPtr& timing,
const mojom::PageLoadMetadataPtr& metadata,
mojom::PageLoadFeaturesPtr new_features,
std::vector<mojom::ResourceDataUpdatePtr> resources,
const mojom::PageRenderData& render_data,
const mojom::CpuTimingPtr& cpu_timing) override;
PageTimingValidator* const validator_;
} // namespace page_load_metrics