blob: 265359be1a93af6c049e659d643175676d5f3b70 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <vector>
#include "base/string16.h"
namespace menus {
// A model representing the rows of buttons that should be inserted in a button
// containing menu item.
class ButtonMenuItemModel {
// Types of buttons.
enum ButtonType {
class Delegate {
// Some command ids have labels that change over time.
virtual bool IsLabelForCommandIdDynamic(int command_id) const;
virtual string16 GetLabelForCommandId(int command_id) const;
// Performs the action associated with the specified command id.
virtual void ExecuteCommand(int command_id) = 0;
virtual bool IsCommandIdEnabled(int command_id) const;
virtual bool DoesCommandIdDismissMenu(int command_id) const;
virtual ~Delegate() {}
ButtonMenuItemModel(int string_id, ButtonMenuItemModel::Delegate* delegate);
// Adds a button that will emit |command_id|. All buttons created through
// this method will have the same size, based on the largest button.
void AddGroupItemWithStringId(int command_id, int string_id);
// Adds a button that has an icon instead of a label.
void AddItemWithImage(int command_id, int icon_idr);
// Adds a non-clickable button with a desensitized label that doesn't do
// anything. Usually combined with IsLabelForCommandIdDynamic() to add
// information.
void AddButtonLabel(int command_id, int string_id);
// Adds a small horizontal space.
void AddSpace();
// Returns the number of items for iteration.
int GetItemCount() const;
// Returns what kind of item is at |index|.
ButtonType GetTypeAt(int index) const;
// Changes a position into a command ID.
int GetCommandIdAt(int index) const;
// Whether the label for item |index| changes.
bool IsLabelDynamicAt(int index) const;
// Returns the current label value for the button at |index|.
string16 GetLabelAt(int index) const;
// If the button at |index| should have an icon instead, returns true and
// sets the IDR |icon|.
bool GetIconAt(int index, int* icon) const;
// If the button at |index| should have its size equalized along with all
// other items that have their PartOfGroup bit set.
bool PartOfGroup(int index) const;
// Called from implementations.
void ActivatedCommand(int command_id);
// Returns the enabled state of the button at |index|.
bool IsEnabledAt(int index) const;
// Returns whether clicking on the button at |index| dismisses the menu.
bool DismissesMenuAt(int index) const;
// Returns the enabled state of the command specified by |command_id|.
bool IsCommandIdEnabled(int command_id) const;
// Returns whether clicking on |command_id| dismisses the menu.
bool DoesCommandIdDismissMenu(int command_id) const;
const string16& label() const { return item_label_; }
// The non-clickable label to the left of the buttons.
string16 item_label_;
struct Item;
std::vector<Item> items_;
Delegate* delegate_;
} // namespace menus