blob: 149791c108e3c78e10ed5b9b4ffd898af6a68b79 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <vector>
#include "base/string16.h"
#include "app/menus/menu_model.h"
namespace menus {
class ButtonMenuItemModel;
// A simple MenuModel implementation with an imperative API for adding menu
// items. This makes it easy to construct fixed menus. Menus populated by
// dynamic data sources may be better off implementing MenuModel directly.
// The breadth of MenuModel is not exposed through this API.
class SimpleMenuModel : public MenuModel {
class Delegate {
// Methods for determining the state of specific command ids.
virtual bool IsCommandIdChecked(int command_id) const = 0;
virtual bool IsCommandIdEnabled(int command_id) const = 0;
virtual bool IsCommandIdVisible(int command_id) const;
// Gets the accelerator for the specified command id. Returns true if the
// command id has a valid accelerator, false otherwise.
virtual bool GetAcceleratorForCommandId(
int command_id,
menus::Accelerator* accelerator) = 0;
// Some command ids have labels that change over time.
virtual bool IsLabelForCommandIdDynamic(int command_id) const;
virtual string16 GetLabelForCommandId(int command_id) const;
// Notifies the delegate that the item with the specified command id was
// visually highlighted within the menu.
virtual void CommandIdHighlighted(int command_id);
// Performs the action associated with the specified command id.
virtual void ExecuteCommand(int command_id) = 0;
virtual ~Delegate() {}
// The Delegate can be NULL, though if it is items can't be checked or
// disabled.
explicit SimpleMenuModel(Delegate* delegate);
virtual ~SimpleMenuModel();
// Methods for adding items to the model.
void AddItem(int command_id, const string16& label);
void AddItemWithStringId(int command_id, int string_id);
void AddSeparator();
void AddCheckItem(int command_id, const string16& label);
void AddCheckItemWithStringId(int command_id, int string_id);
void AddRadioItem(int command_id, const string16& label, int group_id);
void AddRadioItemWithStringId(int command_id, int string_id, int group_id);
// These three methods take pointers to various sub-models. These models
// should be owned by the same owner of this SimpleMenuModel.
void AddButtonItem(int command_id, ButtonMenuItemModel* model);
void AddSubMenu(int command_id, const string16& label, MenuModel* model);
void AddSubMenuWithStringId(int command_id, int string_id, MenuModel* model);
// Methods for inserting items into the model.
void InsertItemAt(int index, int command_id, const string16& label);
void InsertItemWithStringIdAt(int index, int command_id, int string_id);
void InsertSeparatorAt(int index);
void InsertCheckItemAt(int index, int command_id, const string16& label);
void InsertCheckItemWithStringIdAt(int index, int command_id, int string_id);
void InsertRadioItemAt(
int index, int command_id, const string16& label, int group_id);
void InsertRadioItemWithStringIdAt(
int index, int command_id, int string_id, int group_id);
void InsertSubMenuAt(
int index, int command_id, const string16& label, MenuModel* model);
void InsertSubMenuWithStringIdAt(
int index, int command_id, int string_id, MenuModel* model);
// Sets the icon for the item at |index|.
void SetIcon(int index, const SkBitmap& icon);
// Clears all items. Note that it does not free MenuModel of submenu.
void Clear();
// Returns the index of the item that has the given |command_id|. Returns
// -1 if not found.
int GetIndexOfCommandId(int command_id);
// Overridden from MenuModel:
virtual bool HasIcons() const;
virtual int GetItemCount() const;
virtual ItemType GetTypeAt(int index) const;
virtual int GetCommandIdAt(int index) const;
virtual string16 GetLabelAt(int index) const;
virtual bool IsLabelDynamicAt(int index) const;
virtual bool GetAcceleratorAt(int index,
menus::Accelerator* accelerator) const;
virtual bool IsItemCheckedAt(int index) const;
virtual int GetGroupIdAt(int index) const;
virtual bool GetIconAt(int index, SkBitmap* icon) const;
virtual menus::ButtonMenuItemModel* GetButtonMenuItemAt(int index) const;
virtual bool IsEnabledAt(int index) const;
virtual bool IsVisibleAt(int index) const;
virtual void HighlightChangedTo(int index);
virtual void ActivatedAt(int index);
virtual MenuModel* GetSubmenuModelAt(int index) const;
// Some variants of this model (SystemMenuModel) relies on items to be
// inserted backwards. This is counter-intuitive for the API, so rather than
// forcing customers to insert things backwards, we return the indices
// backwards instead. That's what this method is for. By default, it just
// returns what it's passed.
virtual int FlipIndex(int index) const;
Delegate* delegate() { return delegate_; }
struct Item;
std::vector<Item> items_;
// Functions for inserting items into |items_|.
void AppendItem(const Item& item);
void InsertItemAtIndex(const Item& item, int index);
void ValidateItem(const Item& item);
Delegate* delegate_;
} // namespace menus