blob: 48e698491f044f60480564b8b831b7a0c0effa25 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h> // for size_t
#include <limits>
#include <random>
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/rand_util.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#if defined(OS_MACOSX) || defined(OS_ANDROID)
#include <pthread.h>
namespace gwp_asan {
namespace internal {
enum ParentAllocator {
// Class that encapsulates the current sampling state. Sampling is performed
// using a counter stored in thread-local storage.
// This class is templated so that a thread-local global it contains is not
// shared between different instances (used by shims for different allocators.)
template <ParentAllocator PA>
class SamplingState {
constexpr SamplingState() {}
void Init(size_t sampling_frequency) {
DCHECK_GT(sampling_frequency, 0U);
sampling_probability_ = 1.0 / sampling_frequency;
#if defined(USE_PTHREAD_TLS)
pthread_key_create(&tls_key_, nullptr);
// Return true if this allocation should be sampled.
ALWAYS_INLINE bool Sample() {
// For a new thread the initial TLS value will be zero, we do not want to
// sample on zero as it will always sample the first allocation on thread
// creation and heavily bias allocations towards that particular call site.
// Instead, use zero to mean 'get a new counter value' and one to mean
// that this allocation should be sampled.
size_t samples_left = GetCounter();
if (UNLIKELY(!samples_left))
samples_left = NextSample();
SetCounter(samples_left - 1);
return (samples_left == 1);
// Sample an allocation on every average one out of every
// |sampling_frequency_| allocations.
size_t NextSample() {
base::RandomBitGenerator generator;
std::geometric_distribution<size_t> distribution(sampling_probability_);
return distribution(generator) + 1;
#if !defined(USE_PTHREAD_TLS)
ALWAYS_INLINE size_t GetCounter() { return tls_counter_; }
ALWAYS_INLINE void SetCounter(size_t value) { tls_counter_ = value; }
static thread_local size_t tls_counter_;
// On macOS and Android (before Q), the first use of a thread_local variable
// on a new thread will cause an allocation, leading to infinite recursion.
// Instead, use pthread TLS to store the counter.
// TODO: This is not necessary for PartitionAlloc and likely slower, refactor
// SamplingState to be able to use pthread TLS for malloc() and thread_local
// for PartitionAlloc in this case.
ALWAYS_INLINE size_t GetCounter() {
return reinterpret_cast<size_t>(pthread_getspecific(tls_key_));
ALWAYS_INLINE void SetCounter(size_t value) {
pthread_setspecific(tls_key_, reinterpret_cast<void*>(value));
pthread_key_t tls_key_ = 0;
double sampling_probability_ = 0;
#if !defined(USE_PTHREAD_TLS)
template <ParentAllocator PA>
thread_local size_t SamplingState<PA>::tls_counter_ = 0;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace gwp_asan