blob: 8c84719795cbf0a20609da297fd72dedf410050f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/sequence_checker.h"
#include "components/sync/engine/sync_encryption_handler.h"
#include "components/sync/nigori/cryptographer.h"
#include "components/sync/syncable/nigori_handler.h"
namespace syncer {
struct UserShare;
namespace syncable {
// This class makes Directory working, while USS implementation of Nigori is
// enabled. The problem is that Directory needs access to Cryptographer,
// encrypted types and passphrase type from different sequences, while USS
// implementation of Nigori assumes we access it only from sync sequence. To
// achieve this we store copies of interesting fields in this class, refresh
// them on SyncEncryptionHandler events (and protect updates by transactions)
// and provide minimal part of NigoriHandler interface.
class NigoriHandlerProxy : public SyncEncryptionHandler::Observer,
public NigoriHandler {
// |user_share| must be not null and must outlive this object.
explicit NigoriHandlerProxy(UserShare* user_share);
~NigoriHandlerProxy() override;
// SyncEncryptionHandler::Observer implementation. These methods must be
// called only from sync sequence.
void OnPassphraseRequired(
PassphraseRequiredReason reason,
const KeyDerivationParams& key_derivation_params,
const sync_pb::EncryptedData& pending_keys) override;
void OnPassphraseAccepted() override;
void OnTrustedVaultKeyRequired() override;
void OnTrustedVaultKeyAccepted() override;
void OnBootstrapTokenUpdated(const std::string& bootrstrap_token,
BootstrapTokenType type) override;
void OnEncryptedTypesChanged(ModelTypeSet encrypted_types,
bool encrypt_everything) override;
void OnEncryptionComplete() override;
void OnCryptographerStateChanged(Cryptographer* cryptographer,
bool has_pending_keys) override;
void OnPassphraseTypeChanged(PassphraseType type,
base::Time passphrase_time) override;
// NigoriHandler implementation. ApplyNigoriUpdate() and
// UpdateNigoriFromEncryptedTypes() should never be called. Other methods can
// be called from any sequence.
bool ApplyNigoriUpdate(const sync_pb::NigoriSpecifics& nigori,
syncable::BaseTransaction* const trans) override;
void UpdateNigoriFromEncryptedTypes(
sync_pb::NigoriSpecifics* nigori,
const syncable::BaseTransaction* const trans) const override;
const Cryptographer* GetCryptographer(
const syncable::BaseTransaction* const trans) const override;
const DirectoryCryptographer* GetDirectoryCryptographer(
const syncable::BaseTransaction* const trans) const override;
ModelTypeSet GetEncryptedTypes(
const syncable::BaseTransaction* const trans) const override;
PassphraseType GetPassphraseType(
const syncable::BaseTransaction* const trans) const override;
UserShare* user_share_;
std::unique_ptr<Cryptographer> cryptographer_;
ModelTypeSet encrypted_types_;
PassphraseType passphrase_type_;
} // namespace syncable
} // namespace syncer