blob: d75928b7d6cd840ad454fca735cb10e9f3c73815 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview
* 'personalization-options' contains several toggles related to
* personalizations.
import '//resources/cr_elements/cr_button/cr_button.m.js';
import '//resources/cr_elements/cr_toggle/cr_toggle.m.js';
import '../controls/settings_toggle_button.js';
import '../people_page/signout_dialog.js';
import '../prefs/prefs.js';
// <if expr="not chromeos_ash">
import '../relaunch_confirmation_dialog.js';
// </if>
import '../settings_shared.css.js';
// <if expr="not chromeos_ash">
import '//resources/cr_elements/cr_toast/cr_toast.js';
// </if>
import {CrToastElement} from '//resources/cr_elements/cr_toast/cr_toast.js';
import {assert} from '//resources/js/assert_ts.js';
import {WebUIListenerMixin} from '//resources/js/web_ui_listener_mixin.js';
import {PolymerElement} from '//resources/polymer/v3_0/polymer/polymer_bundled.min.js';
import {SettingsToggleButtonElement} from '../controls/settings_toggle_button.js';
import {loadTimeData} from '../i18n_setup.js';
import {PrivacyPageVisibility} from '../page_visibility.js';
import {SettingsSignoutDialogElement} from '../people_page/signout_dialog.js';
import {StatusAction, SyncStatus} from '../people_page/sync_browser_proxy.js';
import {PrefsMixin} from '../prefs/prefs_mixin.js';
import {RelaunchMixin, RestartType} from '../relaunch_mixin.js';
import {AutofillAssistantBrowserProxyImpl} from './autofill_assistant_browser_proxy.js';
import {getTemplate} from './personalization_options.html.js';
import {MetricsReporting, PrivacyPageBrowserProxy, PrivacyPageBrowserProxyImpl} from './privacy_page_browser_proxy.js';
export interface SettingsPersonalizationOptionsElement {
$: {
toast: CrToastElement,
signinAllowedToggle: SettingsToggleButtonElement,
metricsReportingControl: SettingsToggleButtonElement,
const SettingsPersonalizationOptionsElementBase =
export class SettingsPersonalizationOptionsElement extends
SettingsPersonalizationOptionsElementBase {
static get is() {
return 'settings-personalization-options';
static get template() {
return getTemplate();
static get properties() {
return {
prefs: {
type: Object,
notify: true,
* TODO(dpapad): Restore actual type !PrivacyPageVisibility after this
* file is no longer reused by chrome://os-settings. Dictionary defining
* page visibility.
pageVisibility: Object,
syncStatus: Object,
// <if expr="_google_chrome and not chromeos_ash">
// TODO(dbeam): make a virtual.* pref namespace and set/get this normally
// (but handled differently in C++).
metricsReportingPref_: {
type: Object,
value() {
// TODO(dbeam): this is basically only to appease PrefControlMixin.
// Maybe add a no-validate attribute instead? This makes little sense.
return {};
showRestart_: Boolean,
// </if>
showSignoutDialog_: Boolean,
syncFirstSetupInProgress_: {
type: Boolean,
value: false,
computed: 'computeSyncFirstSetupInProgress_(syncStatus)',
// <if expr="not is_chromeos">
signinAvailable_: {
type: Boolean,
value: () => loadTimeData.getBoolean('signinAvailable'),
// </if>
shouldShowAutofillAssistant_: {
type: Boolean,
value: false,
computed: 'computeShouldShowAutofillAssistant_(syncStatus.signedIn)',
pageVisibility: PrivacyPageVisibility;
syncStatus: SyncStatus;
// <if expr="_google_chrome and not chromeos_ash">
private metricsReportingPref_: chrome.settingsPrivate.PrefObject;
private showRestart_: boolean;
// </if>
private showSignoutDialog_: boolean;
private syncFirstSetupInProgress_: boolean;
// <if expr="not is_chromeos">
private signinAvailable_: boolean;
// </if>
private shouldShowAutofillAssistant_: boolean;
private autofillAssistantProxy_ =
private browserProxy_: PrivacyPageBrowserProxy =
private computeSyncFirstSetupInProgress_(): boolean {
return !!this.syncStatus && !!this.syncStatus.firstSetupInProgress;
private computeShouldShowAutofillAssistant_(): boolean {
// <if expr="chromeos_ash">
if (loadTimeData.getBoolean('isOSSettings')) {
return false;
// </if>
// Currently, only automated password change uses Autofill Assistant. Only
// show the toggle if at least one entry point is enabled.
// Additional, the user must be signed in since the consent dialog uses the
// sync bridge for consent recording.
return loadTimeData.getBoolean('isAutomatedPasswordChangeEnabled') &&
!!this.syncStatus && !!this.syncStatus.signedIn;
override ready() {
// <if expr="_google_chrome and not chromeos_ash">
const setMetricsReportingPref = (metricsReporting: MetricsReporting) =>
this.addWebUIListener('metrics-reporting-change', setMetricsReportingPref);
// </if>
// <if expr="chromeos_ash">
* @return the autocomplete search suggestions CrToggleElement.
getSearchSuggestToggle(): SettingsToggleButtonElement|null {
return this.shadowRoot!.querySelector<SettingsToggleButtonElement>(
* @return the anonymized URL collection CrToggleElement.
getUrlCollectionToggle(): SettingsToggleButtonElement|null {
return this.shadowRoot!.querySelector<SettingsToggleButtonElement>(
* @return the Drive suggestions CrToggleElement.
getDriveSuggestToggle(): SettingsToggleButtonElement|null {
return this.shadowRoot!.querySelector<SettingsToggleButtonElement>(
// </if>
// <if expr="_google_chrome and not chromeos_ash">
private onMetricsReportingChange_() {
const enabled = this.$.metricsReportingControl.checked;
private setMetricsReportingPref_(metricsReporting: MetricsReporting) {
const hadPreviousPref = this.metricsReportingPref_.value !== undefined;
const pref: chrome.settingsPrivate.PrefObject = {
key: '',
type: chrome.settingsPrivate.PrefType.BOOLEAN,
value: metricsReporting.enabled,
if (metricsReporting.managed) {
pref.enforcement = chrome.settingsPrivate.Enforcement.ENFORCED;
pref.controlledBy = chrome.settingsPrivate.ControlledBy.USER_POLICY;
// Ignore the next change because it will happen when we set the pref.
this.metricsReportingPref_ = pref;
// TODO(dbeam): remember whether metrics reporting was enabled when Chrome
// started.
if (metricsReporting.managed) {
this.showRestart_ = false;
} else if (hadPreviousPref) {
this.showRestart_ = true;
// </if>
private showSearchSuggestToggle_(): boolean {
// <if expr="chromeos_ash">
if (loadTimeData.getBoolean('syncSettingsCategorizationEnabled') &&
loadTimeData.getBoolean('isOSSettings')) {
// Should be hidden in OS settings.
return false;
// </if>
if (this.pageVisibility === undefined) {
// pageVisibility isn't defined in non-Guest profiles (
return true;
return this.pageVisibility.searchPrediction;
// <if expr="chromeos_ash">
private showMetricsReportingAsLink_(): boolean {
// If SyncSettingsCategorization is enabled, browser settings should show
// a link to the OS settings.
return loadTimeData.getBoolean('syncSettingsCategorizationEnabled') &&
private onMetricsReportingLinkClick_() {
window.location.href = loadTimeData.getString('osSyncSetupSettingsUrl');
// </if>
private showUrlCollectionToggle_(): boolean {
// <if expr="chromeos_ash">
if (loadTimeData.getBoolean('syncSettingsCategorizationEnabled')) {
// Should be hidden in OS settings.
return !loadTimeData.getBoolean('isOSSettings');
// </if>
return true;
// <if expr="_google_chrome">
private onUseSpellingServiceToggle_(event: Event) {
// If turning on using the spelling service, automatically turn on
// spellcheck so that the spelling service can run.
if (( as SettingsToggleButtonElement).checked) {
this.setPrefValue('browser.enable_spellchecking', true);
private showSpellCheckControlToggle_(): boolean {
// <if expr="chromeos_ash">
if (loadTimeData.getBoolean('syncSettingsCategorizationEnabled') &&
!loadTimeData.getBoolean('isOSSettings')) {
// The toggle should be hidden in Ash Browser settings page
// (it shows a link to the OS Settings page instead).
return false;
// </if>
return (
!!(this.prefs as {spellcheck?: any}).spellcheck &&
(this.getPref('spellcheck.dictionaries').value as string[]).length > 0);
// <if expr="chromeos_ash">
private showSpellCheckControlLink_(): boolean {
if (!loadTimeData.getBoolean('syncSettingsCategorizationEnabled')) {
return false;
if (loadTimeData.getBoolean('isOSSettings')) {
return false; // Should be hidden in OS settings.
return (
!!(this.prefs as {spellcheck?: any}).spellcheck &&
(this.getPref('spellcheck.dictionaries').value as string[]).length > 0);
private onUseSpellingServiceLinkClick_() {
window.location.href = loadTimeData.getString('osSyncSetupSettingsUrl');
// </if><!-- chromeos -->
// </if><!-- _google_chrome -->
private shouldShowDriveSuggest_(): boolean {
// <if expr="chromeos_ash">
if (loadTimeData.getBoolean('syncSettingsCategorizationEnabled') &&
loadTimeData.getBoolean('isOSSettings')) {
// Should be hidden in OS settings.
return false;
// </if>
return loadTimeData.getBoolean('driveSuggestAvailable') &&
!!this.syncStatus && !!this.syncStatus.signedIn &&
this.syncStatus.statusAction !== StatusAction.REAUTHENTICATE;
private onSigninAllowedChange_() {
if (this.syncStatus.signedIn && !this.$.signinAllowedToggle.checked) {
// Switch the toggle back on and show the signout dialog.
this.$.signinAllowedToggle.checked = true;
this.showSignoutDialog_ = true;
} else {
private onSignoutDialogClosed_() {
if (this.shadowRoot!
'settings-signout-dialog')!.wasConfirmed()) {
this.$.signinAllowedToggle.checked = false;
this.showSignoutDialog_ = false;
private onRestartTap_(e: Event) {
private async onEnableAutofillAssistantChange_() {
const toggle = this.shadowRoot!.querySelector<SettingsToggleButtonElement>(
if (toggle.checked) {
// Temporarily set the toggle to off again until the user has actually
// accepted the consent dialog.
toggle.checked = false;
const success = await this.autofillAssistantProxy_.promptForConsent();
if (success) {
toggle.checked = true;
} else {
[toggle.label, toggle.subLabel]);
declare global {
interface HTMLElementTagNameMap {
'settings-personalization-options': SettingsPersonalizationOptionsElement;