blob: 6156e71684fee173da936549b8e8f60e860f91f5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This class contains common functionality for search-based autocomplete
// providers. Search provider and zero suggest provider both use it for common
// functionality.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "components/omnibox/browser/autocomplete_input.h"
#include "components/omnibox/browser/autocomplete_match.h"
#include "components/omnibox/browser/autocomplete_provider.h"
#include "components/omnibox/browser/search_suggestion_parser.h"
#include "third_party/metrics_proto/omnibox_event.pb.h"
class AutocompleteProviderClient;
class GURL;
class SearchTermsData;
class SuggestionDeletionHandler;
class TemplateURL;
// Base functionality for receiving suggestions from a search engine.
// This class is abstract and should only be used as a base for other
// autocomplete providers utilizing its functionality.
class BaseSearchProvider : public AutocompleteProvider {
BaseSearchProvider(AutocompleteProvider::Type type,
AutocompleteProviderClient* client);
BaseSearchProvider(const BaseSearchProvider&) = delete;
BaseSearchProvider& operator=(const BaseSearchProvider&) = delete;
// Returns whether |match| is flagged as a query that should be prefetched.
static bool ShouldPrefetch(const AutocompleteMatch& match);
// Returns whether |match| is flagged as a query that should be prerendered.
static bool ShouldPrerender(const AutocompleteMatch& match);
// Returns a simpler AutocompleteMatch suitable for persistence like in
// ShortcutsDatabase. This wrapper function uses a number of default values
// that may or may not be appropriate for your needs.
// NOTE: Use with care. Most likely you want the other CreateSearchSuggestion.
static AutocompleteMatch CreateSearchSuggestion(
const std::u16string& suggestion,
AutocompleteMatchType::Type type,
bool from_keyword_provider,
const TemplateURL* template_url,
const SearchTermsData& search_terms_data);
// Returns an AutocompleteMatch with the given |autocomplete_provider|
// for the search |suggestion|, which represents a search via |template_url|.
// If |template_url| is NULL, returns a match with an invalid destination URL.
// |input| is the original user input. Text in the input is used to highlight
// portions of the match contents to distinguish locally-typed text from
// suggested text.
// |input| is also necessary for various other details, like whether we should
// allow inline autocompletion and what the transition type should be.
// |in_keyword_mode| helps guarantee a non-keyword suggestion does not
// appear as the default match when the user is in keyword mode.
// |accepted_suggestion| is used to generate Assisted Query Stats.
// |append_extra_query_params_from_command_line| should be set if
// |template_url| is the default search engine, so the destination URL will
// contain any command-line-specified query params.
static AutocompleteMatch CreateSearchSuggestion(
AutocompleteProvider* autocomplete_provider,
const AutocompleteInput& input,
const bool in_keyword_mode,
const SearchSuggestionParser::SuggestResult& suggestion,
const TemplateURL* template_url,
const SearchTermsData& search_terms_data,
int accepted_suggestion,
bool append_extra_query_params_from_command_line);
// A helper function to convert result from on device providers to
// AutocompleteMatch instance.
static AutocompleteMatch CreateOnDeviceSearchSuggestion(
AutocompleteProvider* autocomplete_provider,
const AutocompleteInput& input,
const std::u16string& suggestion,
int relevance,
const TemplateURL* template_url,
const SearchTermsData& search_terms_data,
int accepted_suggestion);
// Appends specific suggest client based on page |page_classification| to
// the additional query params of |search_terms_args| only for Google template
// URLs.
static void AppendSuggestClientToAdditionalQueryParams(
const TemplateURL* template_url,
const SearchTermsData& search_terms_data,
metrics::OmniboxEventProto::PageClassification page_classification,
TemplateURLRef::SearchTermsArgs* search_terms_args);
// Returns whether the provided classification indicates some sort of NTP.
static bool IsNTPPage(
metrics::OmniboxEventProto::PageClassification classification);
// Returns whether the provided classification indicates Search Results Page.
static bool IsSearchResultsPage(
metrics::OmniboxEventProto::PageClassification classification);
// Returns whether a suggest request can be made. It requires that all the
// following to hold:
// * The suggest request is sent over HTTPS. This avoids leaking the current
// page URL or personal data in unencrypted network traffic.
// * The user has suggest enabled in their settings and is not in incognito
// mode. (Incognito disables suggest entirely.)
// * The user's suggest provider is Google. We might want to allow other
// providers to see this data someday, but for now this has only been
// implemented for Google.
static bool CanSendRequest(const GURL& suggest_url,
const TemplateURL* template_url,
const SearchTermsData& search_terms_data,
const AutocompleteProviderClient* client);
// Returns whether the URL of the current page is eligible to be sent in any
// suggest request. Only valid URLs with an HTTP or HTTPS scheme are eligible.
static bool CanSendPageURLInRequest(const GURL& page_url);
// Callers should pass |sending_search_terms| as true if user input is being
// sent along with the |current_page_url|.
// Returns whether we can send the URL of the current page in any suggest
// requests. Doing this requires that all the following hold:
// * CanSendRequest() returns true.
// * Either one of:
// * The user consented to sending URLs of current page to Google and have
// them associated with their Google account.
// * The suggest endpoint and current page URL are same-origin and
// |sending_search_terms| is false. Same-origin suggest endpoints could
// have already logged the current page URL when the user accessed it, but
// Chrome still shouldn't leak the association between typed search terms
// and which tab the user is looking at. On-focus suggest requests never
// send search terms.
static bool CanSendRequestWithURL(const GURL& current_page_url,
const GURL& suggest_url,
const TemplateURL* template_url,
const SearchTermsData& search_terms_data,
const AutocompleteProviderClient* client,
bool sending_search_terms);
// AutocompleteProvider:
void DeleteMatch(const AutocompleteMatch& match) override;
void AddProviderInfo(ProvidersInfo* provider_info) const override;
bool field_trial_triggered_in_session() const {
return field_trial_triggered_in_session_;
// The following keys are used to record additional information on matches.
// We annotate our AutocompleteMatches with whether their relevance scores
// were server-provided using this key in the |additional_info| field.
static const char kRelevanceFromServerKey[];
// Indicates whether the server said a match should be prefetched.
static const char kShouldPrefetchKey[];
// Indicates whether the server said a match should be prerendered by
// Prerender2. See content/browser/preloading/prerender/ for more
// information.
static const char kShouldPrerenderKey[];
// Used to store metadata from the server response, which is needed for
// prefetching.
static const char kSuggestMetadataKey[];
// Used to store a deletion request url for server-provided suggestions.
static const char kDeletionUrlKey[];
// These are the values for the above keys.
static const char kTrue[];
static const char kFalse[];
~BaseSearchProvider() override;
typedef std::pair<std::u16string, std::string> MatchKey;
typedef std::map<MatchKey, AutocompleteMatch> MatchMap;
typedef std::vector<std::unique_ptr<SuggestionDeletionHandler>>
// Returns the appropriate value for the fill_into_edit field of an
// AutcompleteMatch. The result consists of the suggestion text from
// |suggest_result|, optionally prepended by the keyword from |template_url|
// if |suggest_result| is from the keyword provider.
static std::u16string GetFillIntoEdit(
const SearchSuggestionParser::SuggestResult& suggest_result,
const TemplateURL* template_url);
// If the |deletion_url| is valid, then set |match.deletable| to true and
// save the |deletion_url| into the |match|'s additional info under
// the key |kDeletionUrlKey|.
void SetDeletionURL(const std::string& deletion_url,
AutocompleteMatch* match);
// Creates an AutocompleteMatch from |result| and |input| to search for the
// query in |result|. Adds the created match to |map|; if such a match
// already exists, whichever one has lower relevance is eliminated.
// |metadata| and |accepted_suggestion| are used for generating an
// AutocompleteMatch.
// |mark_as_deletable| indicates whether the match should be marked deletable.
// |in_keyword_mode| helps guarantee a non-keyword suggestion does not
// appear as the default match when the user is in keyword mode.
// NOTE: Any result containing a deletion URL is always marked deletable.
void AddMatchToMap(const SearchSuggestionParser::SuggestResult& result,
const std::string& metadata,
const AutocompleteInput& input,
const TemplateURL* template_url,
const SearchTermsData& search_terms_data,
int accepted_suggestion,
bool mark_as_deletable,
bool in_keyword_mode,
MatchMap* map);
// Returns whether the destination URL corresponding to the given |result|
// should contain command-line-specified query params.
virtual bool ShouldAppendExtraParams(
const SearchSuggestionParser::SuggestResult& result) const = 0;
// Records in UMA whether the deletion request resulted in success.
virtual void RecordDeletionResult(bool success) = 0;
AutocompleteProviderClient* client() { return client_; }
const AutocompleteProviderClient* client() const { return client_; }
bool field_trial_triggered() const { return field_trial_triggered_; }
void set_field_trial_triggered(bool triggered) {
field_trial_triggered_ = triggered;
void set_field_trial_triggered_in_session(bool triggered) {
field_trial_triggered_in_session_ = triggered;
friend class SearchProviderTest;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SearchProviderTest, TestDeleteMatch);
// Removes the deleted |match| from the list of |matches_|.
void DeleteMatchFromMatches(const AutocompleteMatch& match);
// This gets called when we have requested a suggestion deletion from the
// server to handle the results of the deletion. It will be called after the
// deletion request completes.
void OnDeletionComplete(bool success,
SuggestionDeletionHandler* handler);
raw_ptr<AutocompleteProviderClient> client_;
// Whether a field trial, if any, has triggered in the most recent
// autocomplete query. This field is set to true only if the suggestion
// provider has completed and the response contained
// '"google:fieldtrialtriggered":true'.
bool field_trial_triggered_;
// Same as above except that it is maintained across the current Omnibox
// session.
bool field_trial_triggered_in_session_;
// Each deletion handler in this vector corresponds to an outstanding request
// that a server delete a personalized suggestion. Making this a vector of
// unique_ptr causes us to auto-cancel all such requests on shutdown.
SuggestionDeletionHandlers deletion_handlers_;