blob: fa06adc6291e9dc9711e44ff8d96cfdd9ad349fb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/observer_list_types.h"
#include "base/types/pass_key.h"
#include "content/browser/preloading/preloading_attempt_impl.h"
#include "content/browser/preloading/prerender/prerender_attributes.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/back_forward_cache_impl.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/stored_page.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "content/public/browser/global_routing_id.h"
#include "content/public/browser/render_frame_host.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_contents_observer.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/tokens/tokens.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/navigation/navigation_params.mojom.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace content {
class FrameTree;
class PrerenderHostRegistry;
class RenderFrameHostImpl;
class WebContentsImpl;
// Prerender2:
// PrerenderHost creates a new FrameTree in WebContents associated with the page
// that triggered prerendering and starts prerendering. Then NavigationRequest
// is expected to find this host from PrerenderHostRegistry and activate the
// prerendered page upon navigation. This is created per request from a renderer
// process via SpeculationHostImpl or will directly be created for
// browser-initiated prerendering (this code path is not implemented yet). This
// is owned by PrerenderHostRegistry.
class CONTENT_EXPORT PrerenderHost : public WebContentsObserver {
class Observer : public base::CheckedObserver {
// Called on the page activation.
virtual void OnActivated() {}
// Called from the PrerenderHost's destructor. The observer should drop any
// reference to the host.
virtual void OnHostDestroyed() {}
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
enum class FinalStatus {
kActivated = 0,
kDestroyed = 1,
kLowEndDevice = 2,
kCrossOriginRedirect = 3,
kCrossOriginNavigation = 4,
kInvalidSchemeRedirect = 5,
kInvalidSchemeNavigation = 6,
kInProgressNavigation = 7,
// kNavigationRequestFailure = 8, // No longer used.
kNavigationRequestBlockedByCsp = 9,
kMainFrameNavigation = 10,
kMojoBinderPolicy = 11,
// kPlugin = 12, // No longer used.
kRendererProcessCrashed = 13,
kRendererProcessKilled = 14,
kDownload = 15,
kTriggerDestroyed = 16,
kNavigationNotCommitted = 17,
kNavigationBadHttpStatus = 18,
kClientCertRequested = 19,
kNavigationRequestNetworkError = 20,
kMaxNumOfRunningPrerendersExceeded = 21,
kCancelAllHostsForTesting = 22,
kDidFailLoad = 23,
kStop = 24,
kSslCertificateError = 25,
kLoginAuthRequested = 26,
kUaChangeRequiresReload = 27,
kBlockedByClient = 28,
kAudioOutputDeviceRequested = 29,
kMixedContent = 30,
kTriggerBackgrounded = 31,
// Break down into kEmbedderTriggeredAndSameOriginRedirected and
// kEmbedderTriggeredAndCrossOriginRedirected for investigation.
// kEmbedderTriggeredAndRedirected = 32,
kEmbedderTriggeredAndSameOriginRedirected = 33,
kEmbedderTriggeredAndCrossOriginRedirected = 34,
kEmbedderTriggeredAndDestroyed = 35,
kMemoryLimitExceeded = 36,
kFailToGetMemoryUsage = 37,
kMaxValue = kFailToGetMemoryUsage,
PrerenderHost(const PrerenderAttributes& attributes,
WebContents& web_contents,
PreloadingAttemptImpl* attempt);
~PrerenderHost() override;
PrerenderHost(const PrerenderHost&) = delete;
PrerenderHost& operator=(const PrerenderHost&) = delete;
PrerenderHost(PrerenderHost&&) = delete;
PrerenderHost& operator=(PrerenderHost&&) = delete;
// Returns false if prerendering hasn't been started.
bool StartPrerendering();
// WebContentsObserver implementation:
void DidFinishNavigation(NavigationHandle* navigation_handle) override;
void OnVisibilityChanged(Visibility visibility) override;
void ResourceLoadComplete(
RenderFrameHost* render_frame_host,
const GlobalRequestID& request_id,
const blink::mojom::ResourceLoadInfo& resource_load_info) override;
// Activates the prerendered page and returns StoredPage containing the page.
// This must be called after this host gets ready for activation.
std::unique_ptr<StoredPage> Activate(NavigationRequest& navigation_request);
// Returns true if the navigation params that were used in the initial
// prerender navigation (i.e., in StartPrerendering()) match the navigation
// params in `navigation_request`. This function can be used to determine
// whether `navigation_request` may be eligible to activate this
// PrerenderHost.
bool AreInitialPrerenderNavigationParamsCompatibleWithNavigation(
NavigationRequest& navigation_request);
bool IsFramePolicyCompatibleWithPrimaryFrameTree();
// Returns the main RenderFrameHost of the prerendered page.
// This must be called after StartPrerendering() and before Activate().
RenderFrameHostImpl* GetPrerenderedMainFrameHost();
// Returns the frame tree for the prerendered page `this` is hosting.
FrameTree& GetPrerenderFrameTree();
// Tells the reason of the destruction of this host. PrerenderHostRegistry
// uses this before abandoning the host.
void RecordFinalStatus(base::PassKey<PrerenderHostRegistry>,
FinalStatus status);
enum class LoadingOutcome {
// Waits until the page load finishes. Returns the loading status indicating
// how the operation was finished.
LoadingOutcome WaitForLoadStopForTesting();
const GURL& GetInitialUrl() const;
void AddObserver(Observer* observer);
void RemoveObserver(Observer* observer);
// The initial navigation is set by the PrerenderNavigationThrottle
// when the PrerenderHost is first navigated, which happens immediately
// after creation.
void SetInitialNavigation(NavigationRequest* navigation);
absl::optional<int64_t> GetInitialNavigationId() const;
// Returns true if the given `url` indicates the same destination to the
// initial_url.
bool IsUrlMatch(const GURL& url) const;
// Returns absl::nullopt iff prerendering is initiated by the browser (not by
// a renderer using Speculation Rules API).
absl::optional<url::Origin> initiator_origin() const {
return attributes_.initiator_origin;
const GURL& initiator_url() const { return attributes_.initiator_url; }
const GURL& prerendering_url() const { return attributes_.prerendering_url; }
bool IsBrowserInitiated() { return attributes_.IsBrowserInitiated(); }
int frame_tree_node_id() const { return frame_tree_node_id_; }
int initiator_frame_tree_node_id() const {
return attributes_.initiator_frame_tree_node_id;
bool is_ready_for_activation() const { return is_ready_for_activation_; }
const absl::optional<FinalStatus>& final_status() const {
return final_status_;
PrerenderTriggerType trigger_type() const { return attributes_.trigger_type; }
const std::string& embedder_histogram_suffix() const {
return attributes_.embedder_histogram_suffix;
class PageHolder;
// Records the status to UMA and UKM. `initiator_ukm_id` represents the page
// that starts prerendering and `prerendered_ukm_id` represents the
// prerendered page. `prerendered_ukm_id` is valid after the page is
// activated.
void RecordFinalStatus(FinalStatus status,
ukm::SourceId initiator_ukm_id,
ukm::SourceId prerendered_ukm_id);
void CreatePageHolder(WebContentsImpl& web_contents);
// Asks the registry to cancel prerendering.
void Cancel(FinalStatus status);
// Sets the PreloadingTriggeringOutcome, PreloadingEligibility,
// PreloadingFailureReason for PreloadingAttempt associated with this
// PrerenderHost.
void SetTriggeringOutcome(PreloadingTriggeringOutcome outcome);
void SetEligibility(PreloadingEligibility eligibility);
void SetFailureReason(FinalStatus status);
bool AreBeginNavigationParamsCompatibleWithNavigation(
const blink::mojom::BeginNavigationParams& potential_activation);
bool AreCommonNavigationParamsCompatibleWithNavigation(
const blink::mojom::CommonNavigationParams& potential_activation);
const PrerenderAttributes attributes_;
// Indicates if `page_holder_` is ready for activation.
bool is_ready_for_activation_ = false;
// The ID of the root node of the frame tree for the prerendered page `this`
// is hosting. Since PrerenderHost has 1:1 correspondence with FrameTree,
// this is also used for the ID of this PrerenderHost.
int frame_tree_node_id_ = RenderFrameHost::kNoFrameTreeNodeId;
absl::optional<FinalStatus> final_status_;
std::unique_ptr<PageHolder> page_holder_;
base::ObserverList<Observer> observers_;
// Stores the attempt corresponding to this prerender to log various metrics.
raw_ptr<PreloadingAttemptImpl, DanglingUntriaged> attempt_;
// Navigation parameters for the navigation which loaded the main document of
// the prerendered page, copied immediately after BeginNavigation when
// throttles are created. They will be compared with the navigation parameters
// of the potential activation when attempting to reserve the prerender host
// for a navigation.
blink::mojom::BeginNavigationParamsPtr begin_params_;
blink::mojom::CommonNavigationParamsPtr common_params_;
// Holds the navigation ID for the main frame initial navigation.
absl::optional<int64_t> initial_navigation_id_;
} // namespace content