blob: 90ea96ac3d559f5b29ca219d8c4361f1d04ec6d0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import '../cr_icon_button/cr_icon_button.js';
import '../cr_icons_css.m.js';
import '../hidden_style_css.m.js';
import '../icons.m.js';
import '../shared_vars_css.m.js';
import '//resources/polymer/v3_0/iron-media-query/iron-media-query.js';
import './cr_toolbar_search_field.js';
import {PolymerElement} from '//resources/polymer/v3_0/polymer/polymer_bundled.min.js';
import {getTemplate} from './cr_toolbar.html.js';
import {CrToolbarSearchFieldElement} from './cr_toolbar_search_field.js';
export interface CrToolbarElement {
$: {
search: CrToolbarSearchFieldElement,
export class CrToolbarElement extends PolymerElement {
static get is() {
return 'cr-toolbar';
static get template() {
return getTemplate();
static get properties() {
return {
// Name to display in the toolbar, in titlecase.
pageName: String,
// Prompt text to display in the search field.
searchPrompt: String,
// Tooltip to display on the clear search button.
clearLabel: String,
// Tooltip to display on the menu button.
menuLabel: String,
// Value is proxied through to cr-toolbar-search-field. When true,
// the search field will show a processing spinner.
spinnerActive: Boolean,
// Controls whether the menu button is shown at the start of the menu.
showMenu: {type: Boolean, value: false},
// Controls whether the search field is shown.
showSearch: {type: Boolean, value: true},
// Controls whether the search field is autofocused.
autofocus: {
type: Boolean,
value: false,
reflectToAttribute: true,
// True when the toolbar is displaying in narrow mode.
narrow: {
type: Boolean,
reflectToAttribute: true,
readonly: true,
notify: true,
* The threshold at which the toolbar will change from normal to narrow
* mode, in px.
narrowThreshold: {
type: Number,
value: 900,
alwaysShowLogo: {
type: Boolean,
value: false,
reflectToAttribute: true,
showingSearch_: {
type: Boolean,
reflectToAttribute: true,
pageName: string;
searchPrompt: string;
clearLabel: string;
menuLabel: string;
spinnerActive: boolean;
showMenu: boolean;
showSearch: boolean;
override autofocus: boolean;
narrow: boolean;
narrowThreshold: number;
alwaysShowLogo: boolean;
private showingSearch_: boolean;
getSearchField(): CrToolbarSearchFieldElement {
return this.$.search;
private onMenuTap_() {
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(
'cr-toolbar-menu-tap', {bubbles: true, composed: true}));
focusMenuButton() {
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
// Wait for next animation frame in case dom-if has not applied yet and
// added the menu button.
const menuButton =
if (menuButton) {
isMenuFocused(): boolean {
return !!this.shadowRoot!.activeElement &&
this.shadowRoot! === 'menuButton';
declare global {
interface HTMLElementTagNameMap {
'cr-toolbar': CrToolbarElement;
customElements.define(, CrToolbarElement);