blob: 01d21171fafe3419ec850e55ab25a635372e7bf6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview Element which displays the number of selected items with
* Cancel/Delete buttons, designed to be used as an overlay on top of
* <cr-toolbar>. See <history-toolbar> for an example usage.
* Note that the embedder is expected to set position: relative to make the
* absolute positioning of this element work, and the cr-toolbar should have the
* has-overlay attribute set when its overlay is shown to prevent access through
* tab-traversal.
import '../cr_button/cr_button.m.js';
import '../cr_icon_button/cr_icon_button.js';
import '../icons.m.js';
import '../shared_vars_css.m.js';
import {IronA11yAnnouncer} from '//resources/polymer/v3_0/iron-a11y-announcer/iron-a11y-announcer.js';
import {Debouncer, microTask, PolymerElement} from '//resources/polymer/v3_0/polymer/polymer_bundled.min.js';
import {CrButtonElement} from '../cr_button/cr_button.m.js';
import {getTemplate} from './cr_toolbar_selection_overlay.html.js';
export class CrToolbarSelectionOverlayElement extends PolymerElement {
static get is() {
return 'cr-toolbar-selection-overlay';
static get template() {
return getTemplate();
static get properties() {
return {
show: {
type: Boolean,
observer: 'onShowChanged_',
reflectToAttribute: true,
deleteLabel: String,
cancelLabel: String,
selectionLabel: String,
deleteDisabled: Boolean,
hasShown_: Boolean,
selectionLabel_: String,
static get observers() {
return [
'updateSelectionLabel_(show, selectionLabel)',
show: boolean;
deleteLabel: string;
cancelLabel: string;
selectionLabel: string;
deleteDisabled: boolean;
private hasShown_: boolean;
private selectionLabel_: string;
private debouncer_: Debouncer;
override ready() {
this.setAttribute('role', 'toolbar');
get deleteButton(): CrButtonElement {
return this.shadowRoot!.querySelector<CrButtonElement>('#delete')!;
private fire_(eventName: string, detail?: any) {
new CustomEvent(eventName, {bubbles: true, composed: true, detail}));
private onClearSelectionClick_() {
private onDeleteClick_() {
private updateSelectionLabel_() {
// Do this update in a microtask to ensure |show| and |selectionLabel|
// are both updated.
this.debouncer_ = Debouncer.debounce(this.debouncer_, microTask, () => {
this.selectionLabel_ = ? this.selectionLabel : this.selectionLabel_;
this.setAttribute('aria-label', this.selectionLabel_);
this.fire_('iron-announce', {text: this.selectionLabel});
private onShowChanged_() {
if ( {
this.hasShown_ = true;
declare global {
interface HTMLElementTagNameMap {
'cr-toolbar-selection-overlay': CrToolbarSelectionOverlayElement;
customElements.define(, CrToolbarSelectionOverlayElement);