blob: c42aba783e4c0a593a3c71c14ea4ea792953a5dc [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testdriver.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testdriver-vendor.js"></script>
test(() => {
}, "Test that screen.orientation.unlock() doesn't throw when there is no lock");
test(() => {
const value = screen.orientation.unlock();
assert_equals(value, undefined);
}, "Test that screen.orientation.unlock() returns a void value");
promise_test(async t => {
await test_driver.bless("request full screen", () => {
return document.documentElement.requestFullscreen();
const value = await screen.orientation.lock('any');
assert_equals(value, undefined);
return document.exitFullscreen();
}, "Test that screen.orientation.lock returns a promise which will be fulfilled with a void value.");
promise_test(async t => {
await test_driver.bless("request full screen", () => {
return document.documentElement.requestFullscreen();
const orientations = [
for (const orientation of orientations) {
const promiseToChange = screen.orientation.lock(orientation);
assert_true(promiseToChange instanceof Promise, "Expected an instance of Promise");
await promiseToChange;
const type = screen.orientation.type;
switch (orientation) {
case 'any':
case 'natural':
assert_true(type == "portrait-primary" || type == "landscape-primary");
case 'portrait':
assert_true(type == "portrait-primary" || type == "portrait-secondary");
case 'landscape':
assert_true(type == "landscape-primary" || type == "landscape-secondary");
assert_equals(type, orientation, "Expected orientation to change");
return document.exitFullscreen();
}, "Test that screen.orientation.lock returns a pending promise.");
promise_test(async t => {
await test_driver.bless("request full screen", () => {
return document.documentElement.requestFullscreen();
const preType = screen.orientation.type;
const isPortrait = preType.includes("portrait");
const newType = `${ isPortrait ? "landscape" : "portrait" }-primary`;
const p = screen.orientation.lock(newType);
assert_equals(screen.orientation.type, preType, "Must not change orientation until next spin of event loop");
await p;
assert_equals(screen.orientation.type, newType);
return document.exitFullscreen();
}, "Test that screen.orientation.lock() is actually async");