blob: e122a9f1d5a4b1563095376ec8b6ee9de945c164 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/component_export.h"
#include "base/containers/flat_set.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "components/media_message_center/media_notification_item.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/receiver.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/remote.h"
#include "services/media_session/public/mojom/media_controller.mojom.h"
#include "services/media_session/public/mojom/media_session.mojom.h"
#include "ui/gfx/image/image_skia.h"
namespace media_message_center {
class MediaNotificationController;
class MediaNotificationView;
// MediaSessionNotificationItem manages hiding/showing a media notification and
// updating the metadata for a single media session.
: public MediaNotificationItem,
public media_session::mojom::MediaControllerObserver,
public media_session::mojom::MediaControllerImageObserver {
MediaNotificationController* notification_controller,
const std::string& request_id,
const std::string& source_name,
mojo::Remote<media_session::mojom::MediaController> controller,
media_session::mojom::MediaSessionInfoPtr session_info);
MediaSessionNotificationItem(const MediaSessionNotificationItem&) = delete;
MediaSessionNotificationItem& operator=(const MediaSessionNotificationItem&) =
~MediaSessionNotificationItem() override;
// media_session::mojom::MediaControllerObserver:
void MediaSessionInfoChanged(
media_session::mojom::MediaSessionInfoPtr session_info) override;
void MediaSessionMetadataChanged(
const base::Optional<media_session::MediaMetadata>& metadata) override;
void MediaSessionActionsChanged(
const std::vector<media_session::mojom::MediaSessionAction>& actions)
void MediaSessionChanged(
const base::Optional<base::UnguessableToken>& request_id) override {}
void MediaSessionPositionChanged(
const base::Optional<media_session::MediaPosition>& position) override {}
// media_session::mojom::MediaControllerImageObserver:
void MediaControllerImageChanged(
media_session::mojom::MediaSessionImageType type,
const SkBitmap& bitmap) override;
// MediaNotificationItem:
void SetView(MediaNotificationView* view) override;
void OnMediaSessionActionButtonPressed(
media_session::mojom::MediaSessionAction action) override;
// This will stop the media session associated with this item. The item will
// then call |MediaNotificationController::RemoveItem()| to ensure removal.
void Dismiss() override;
base::WeakPtr<MediaSessionNotificationItem> GetWeakPtr() {
return weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr();
void SetController(
mojo::Remote<media_session::mojom::MediaController> controller,
media_session::mojom::MediaSessionInfoPtr session_info);
// This will freeze the item and start a timer to destroy the item after
// some time has passed. If and when the item unfreezes, |unfrozen_callback|
// will be run. If the item does not unfreeze before timing out, then
// |unfrozen_callback| will not be called.
void Freeze(base::OnceClosure unfrozen_callback);
bool frozen() const { return frozen_; }
void FlushForTesting();
void SetMediaControllerForTesting(
mojo::Remote<media_session::mojom::MediaController> controller) {
media_controller_remote_ = std::move(controller);
bool ShouldShowNotification() const;
void MaybeUnfreeze();
void Unfreeze();
bool HasActions() const;
bool HasArtwork() const;
void OnFreezeTimerFired();
void MaybeHideOrShowNotification();
MediaNotificationController* controller_;
bool is_bound_ = true;
// Weak reference to the view of the currently shown media notification.
MediaNotificationView* view_ = nullptr;
// The |request_id_| is the request id of the media session and is guaranteed
// to be globally unique.
const std::string request_id_;
// The source of the media session (e.g. arc, web).
const Source source_;
mojo::Remote<media_session::mojom::MediaController> media_controller_remote_;
media_session::mojom::MediaSessionInfoPtr session_info_;
media_session::MediaMetadata session_metadata_;
base::flat_set<media_session::mojom::MediaSessionAction> session_actions_;
base::Optional<gfx::ImageSkia> session_artwork_;
base::Optional<gfx::ImageSkia> session_favicon_;
// True if the metadata needs to be updated on |view_|. Used to prevent
// updating |view_|'s metadata twice on a single change.
bool view_needs_metadata_update_ = false;
// When the item is frozen the |view_| will not receive any updates to the
// data and no actions will be executed.
bool frozen_ = false;
// True if we're currently frozen and the frozen view contains at least 1
// action.
bool frozen_with_actions_ = false;
// True if we have the necessary metadata to unfreeze, but we're waiting for
// new actions.
bool waiting_for_actions_ = false;
// True if we're currently frozen and the frozen view contains non-null
// artwork.
bool frozen_with_artwork_ = false;
// True if we have the necessary metadata to unfreeze, but we're waiting for
// new artwork to load.
bool waiting_for_artwork_ = false;
// The timer that will notify the controller to destroy this item after it
// has been frozen for a certain period of time.
base::OneShotTimer freeze_timer_;
// Called when the item unfreezes.
base::OnceClosure unfrozen_callback_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<MediaSessionNotificationItem> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace media_message_center