blob: 94c7f5a0dded26c16779e8ad173a13ec2bdd5a51 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h"
#include "chrome/browser/sync/test/integration/multi_client_status_change_checker.h"
#include "chrome/browser/sync/test/integration/single_client_status_change_checker.h"
#include "chrome/browser/sync/test/integration/sync_test.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/common/password_form.h"
namespace syncer {
class KeyDerivationParams;
namespace password_manager {
class PasswordStore;
namespace passwords_helper {
// Adds the login held in |form| to the password store |store|. Even though
// logins are normally added asynchronously, this method will block until the
// login is added.
void AddLogin(password_manager::PasswordStore* store,
const autofill::PasswordForm& form);
// Update the data held in password store |store| with a modified |form|.
// This method blocks until the operation is complete.
void UpdateLogin(password_manager::PasswordStore* store,
const autofill::PasswordForm& form);
// Removes |old_form| from password store |store| and immediately adds
// |new_form|. This method blocks until the operation is complete.
void UpdateLoginWithPrimaryKey(password_manager::PasswordStore* store,
const autofill::PasswordForm& new_form,
const autofill::PasswordForm& old_form);
// Returns all logins from |store| matching a fake signon realm (see
// CreateTestPasswordForm()).
// TODO(treib): Rename this to make clear how specific it is.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<autofill::PasswordForm>> GetLogins(
password_manager::PasswordStore* store);
// Returns all logins from |store| (including blacklisted ones)
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<autofill::PasswordForm>> GetAllLogins(
password_manager::PasswordStore* store);
// Removes the login held in |form| from the password store |store|. This
// method blocks until the operation is complete.
void RemoveLogin(password_manager::PasswordStore* store,
const autofill::PasswordForm& form);
// Removes all password forms from the password store |store|.
void RemoveLogins(password_manager::PasswordStore* store);
// Gets the password store of the profile with index |index|.
// TODO(treib): Rename to GetProfilePasswordStore.
password_manager::PasswordStore* GetPasswordStore(int index);
// Gets the password store of the verifier profile.
// TODO(treib): Rename to GetVerifierProfilePasswordStore.
password_manager::PasswordStore* GetVerifierPasswordStore();
// Gets the account-scoped password store of the profile with index |index|.
password_manager::PasswordStore* GetAccountPasswordStore(int index);
// Returns true iff the profile with index |index| contains the same password
// forms as the verifier profile.
bool ProfileContainsSamePasswordFormsAsVerifier(int index);
// Returns true iff the profile with index |index_a| contains the same
// password forms as the profile with index |index_b|.
bool ProfilesContainSamePasswordForms(int index_a, int index_b);
// Returns true iff all profiles contain the same password forms as the
// verifier profile.
bool AllProfilesContainSamePasswordFormsAsVerifier();
// Returns true iff all profiles contain the same password forms.
bool AllProfilesContainSamePasswordForms();
bool AwaitProfileContainsSamePasswordFormsAsVerifier(int index);
// Returns the number of forms in the password store of the profile with index
// |index|.
int GetPasswordCount(int index);
// Returns the number of forms in the password store of the verifier profile.
int GetVerifierPasswordCount();
// Creates a test password form with a well known fake signon realm based on
// |index|.
autofill::PasswordForm CreateTestPasswordForm(int index);
// Injects the password entity based on given |form| and encrypted with key
// derived from |key_params| into |fake_server|.
void InjectEncryptedServerPassword(
const autofill::PasswordForm& form,
const std::string& encryption_passphrase,
const syncer::KeyDerivationParams& key_derivation_params,
fake_server::FakeServer* fake_server);
} // namespace passwords_helper
// TODO( avoid re-entrance protection in checkers below or
// factor it out to not duplicate in every checker.
// Checker to block until all profiles contain the same password forms.
class SamePasswordFormsChecker : public MultiClientStatusChangeChecker {
// StatusChangeChecker implementation.
bool IsExitConditionSatisfied() override;
std::string GetDebugMessage() const override;
bool in_progress_;
bool needs_recheck_;
// Checker to block until specified profile contains the same password forms as
// the verifier.
class SamePasswordFormsAsVerifierChecker
: public SingleClientStatusChangeChecker {
explicit SamePasswordFormsAsVerifierChecker(int index);
// StatusChangeChecker implementation.
bool IsExitConditionSatisfied() override;
std::string GetDebugMessage() const override;
int index_;
bool in_progress_;
bool needs_recheck_;
// Checker to block until specified profile contains the given password forms.
class PasswordFormsChecker : public SingleClientStatusChangeChecker {
int index,
const std::vector<autofill::PasswordForm>& expected_forms);
~PasswordFormsChecker() override;
// StatusChangeChecker implementation.
bool IsExitConditionSatisfied() override;
std::string GetDebugMessage() const override;
bool IsExitConditionSatisfiedImpl();
const int index_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<autofill::PasswordForm>> expected_forms_;
bool in_progress_;
bool needs_recheck_;