blob: e647271a55535bf5e5a8fef1712f28e4adfb4987 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "components/viz/common/viz_common_export.h"
#include "gpu/command_buffer/client/gles2_interface.h"
#include "gpu/command_buffer/common/mailbox_holder.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkImageInfo.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/size.h"
namespace gfx {
class Point;
class Rect;
class Vector2d;
class Vector2dF;
} // namespace gfx
namespace gpu {
class ContextSupport;
struct Mailbox;
} // namespace gpu
namespace viz {
class GLHelperScaling;
class ScopedGLuint {
typedef void (gpu::gles2::GLES2Interface::*GenFunc)(GLsizei n, GLuint* ids);
typedef void (gpu::gles2::GLES2Interface::*DeleteFunc)(GLsizei n,
const GLuint* ids);
ScopedGLuint(gpu::gles2::GLES2Interface* gl,
GenFunc gen_func,
DeleteFunc delete_func)
: gl_(gl), id_(0u), delete_func_(delete_func) {
(gl_->*gen_func)(1, &id_);
operator GLuint() const { return id_; }
GLuint id() const { return id_; }
~ScopedGLuint() {
if (id_ != 0) {
(gl_->*delete_func_)(1, &id_);
gpu::gles2::GLES2Interface* gl_;
GLuint id_;
DeleteFunc delete_func_;
class ScopedBuffer : public ScopedGLuint {
explicit ScopedBuffer(gpu::gles2::GLES2Interface* gl)
: ScopedGLuint(gl,
&gpu::gles2::GLES2Interface::DeleteBuffers) {}
class ScopedFramebuffer : public ScopedGLuint {
explicit ScopedFramebuffer(gpu::gles2::GLES2Interface* gl)
: ScopedGLuint(gl,
&gpu::gles2::GLES2Interface::DeleteFramebuffers) {}
class ScopedTexture : public ScopedGLuint {
explicit ScopedTexture(gpu::gles2::GLES2Interface* gl)
: ScopedGLuint(gl,
&gpu::gles2::GLES2Interface::DeleteTextures) {}
template <GLenum Target>
class ScopedBinder {
typedef void (gpu::gles2::GLES2Interface::*BindFunc)(GLenum target,
GLuint id);
ScopedBinder(gpu::gles2::GLES2Interface* gl, GLuint id, BindFunc bind_func)
: gl_(gl), bind_func_(bind_func) {
(gl_->*bind_func_)(Target, id);
virtual ~ScopedBinder() { (gl_->*bind_func_)(Target, 0); }
gpu::gles2::GLES2Interface* gl_;
BindFunc bind_func_;
template <GLenum Target>
class ScopedBufferBinder : ScopedBinder<Target> {
ScopedBufferBinder(gpu::gles2::GLES2Interface* gl, GLuint id)
: ScopedBinder<Target>(gl, id, &gpu::gles2::GLES2Interface::BindBuffer) {}
template <GLenum Target>
class ScopedFramebufferBinder : ScopedBinder<Target> {
ScopedFramebufferBinder(gpu::gles2::GLES2Interface* gl, GLuint id)
: ScopedBinder<Target>(gl,
&gpu::gles2::GLES2Interface::BindFramebuffer) {}
template <GLenum Target>
class ScopedTextureBinder : ScopedBinder<Target> {
ScopedTextureBinder(gpu::gles2::GLES2Interface* gl, GLuint id)
: ScopedBinder<Target>(gl, id, &gpu::gles2::GLES2Interface::BindTexture) {
class I420Converter;
class ReadbackYUVInterface;
// Provides higher level operations on top of the gpu::gles2::GLES2Interface
// interfaces.
// TODO( DEPRECATED. Please contact the crbug owner before
// adding any new dependencies on this code.
GLHelper(gpu::gles2::GLES2Interface* gl,
gpu::ContextSupport* context_support);
enum ScalerQuality {
// Bilinear single pass, fastest possible.
// Bilinear upscale + N * 50% bilinear downscales.
// This is still fast enough for most purposes and
// Image quality is nearly as good as the BEST option.
// Bicubic upscale + N * 50% bicubic downscales.
// Produces very good quality scaled images, but it's
// 2-8x slower than the "GOOD" quality, so it's not always
// worth it.
// Copies the texture data out of |texture| into |out|. |dst_size| is the
// size of the texture. No post processing is applied to the pixels. The
// texture is assumed to have a format of GL_RGBA or GL_BGRA_EXT with a pixel
// type of GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE.
// TODO( DEPRECATED. This will be moved to be closer to its
// one caller soon.
void ReadbackTextureAsync(GLuint texture,
const gfx::Size& dst_size,
unsigned char* out,
SkColorType color_type,
base::OnceCallback<void(bool)> callback);
// Creates a mailbox holder that is attached to the given texture id, with a
// sync point to wait on before using the mailbox. Returns a holder with an
// empty mailbox on failure.
// Note the texture is assumed to be GL_TEXTURE_2D.
// TODO( DEPRECATED. This will be moved to be closer to its
// one caller soon.
gpu::MailboxHolder ProduceMailboxHolderFromTexture(GLuint texture_id);
// Creates a texture and consumes a mailbox into it. Returns 0 on failure.
// Note the mailbox is assumed to be GL_TEXTURE_2D.
// TODO( DEPRECATED. This will be moved to be closer to its
// one caller soon.
GLuint ConsumeMailboxToTexture(const gpu::Mailbox& mailbox,
const gpu::SyncToken& sync_token);
// Caches all intermediate textures and programs needed to scale any subset of
// a source texture at a fixed scaling ratio.
class ScalerInterface {
virtual ~ScalerInterface() {}
// Scales a portion of |src_texture| and draws the result into
// |dest_texture| at offset (0, 0).
// |src_texture_size| is the full, allocated size of the |src_texture|. This
// is required for computing texture coordinate transforms (and only because
// the OpenGL ES 2.0 API lacks the ability to query this info).
// |src_offset| is the offset in the source texture corresponding to point
// (0,0) in the source/output coordinate spaces. This prevents the need for
// extra texture copies just to re-position the source coordinate system.
// TODO( This must be set to whole-numbered values for
// now, until the implementation is modified to handle fractional offsets.
// |output_rect| selects the region to draw (in the scaled, not the source,
// coordinate space). This is used to save work in cases where only a
// portion needs to be re-scaled. The implementation will back-compute,
// internally, to determine the region of the |src_texture| to sample.
// WARNING: The output will always be placed at (0, 0) in the
// |dest_texture|, and not at |output_rect.origin()|.
// Note that the src_texture will have the min/mag filter set to GL_LINEAR
// and wrap_s/t set to CLAMP_TO_EDGE in this call.
void Scale(GLuint src_texture,
const gfx::Size& src_texture_size,
const gfx::Vector2dF& src_offset,
GLuint dest_texture,
const gfx::Rect& output_rect) {
ScaleToMultipleOutputs(src_texture, src_texture_size, src_offset,
dest_texture, 0, output_rect);
// Same as above, but for shaders that output to two textures at once.
virtual void ScaleToMultipleOutputs(GLuint src_texture,
const gfx::Size& src_texture_size,
const gfx::Vector2dF& src_offset,
GLuint dest_texture_0,
GLuint dest_texture_1,
const gfx::Rect& output_rect) = 0;
// Given the |src_texture_size|, |src_offset| and |output_rect| arguments
// that would be passed to Scale(), compute the region of pixels in the
// source texture that would be sampled to produce a scaled result. The
// result is stored in |sampling_rect|, along with the |offset| to the (0,0)
// point relative to |sampling_rect|'s origin.
// This is used by clients that need to know the minimal portion of a source
// buffer that must be copied without affecting Scale()'s results. This
// method also accounts for vertical flipping.
virtual void ComputeRegionOfInfluence(const gfx::Size& src_texture_size,
const gfx::Vector2dF& src_offset,
const gfx::Rect& output_rect,
gfx::Rect* sampling_rect,
gfx::Vector2dF* offset) const = 0;
// Returns true if from:to represent the same scale ratio as that provided
// by this scaler.
virtual bool IsSameScaleRatio(const gfx::Vector2d& from,
const gfx::Vector2d& to) const = 0;
// Returns true if the scaler is assuming the source texture's content is
// vertically flipped.
virtual bool IsSamplingFlippedSource() const = 0;
// Returns true if the scaler will vertically-flip the output. Note that if
// both this method and IsSamplingFlippedSource() return true, then the
// scaler output will be right-side up.
virtual bool IsFlippingOutput() const = 0;
// Returns the format to use when calling glReadPixels() to read-back the
// output texture(s). This indicates whether the 0th and 2nd bytes in each
// RGBA quad have been swapped. If no swapping has occurred, this will
// return GL_RGBA. Otherwise, it will return GL_BGRA_EXT.
virtual GLenum GetReadbackFormat() const = 0;
ScalerInterface() {}
// Create a scaler that upscales or downscales at the given ratio
// (scale_from:scale_to). Returns null on invalid arguments.
// If |flipped_source| is true, then the scaler will assume the content of the
// source texture is vertically-flipped. This is required so that the scaler
// can correctly compute the sampling region.
// If |flip_output| is true, then the scaler will vertically-flip its output
// result. This is used when the output texture will be read-back into system
// memory, so that the rows do not have to be copied in reverse.
// If |swizzle| is true, the 0th and 2nd elements in each RGBA quad will be
// swapped. This is beneficial for optimizing read-back into system memory.
// WARNING: The returned scaler assumes both this GLHelper and its
// GLES2Interface/ContextSupport will outlive it!
std::unique_ptr<ScalerInterface> CreateScaler(ScalerQuality quality,
const gfx::Vector2d& scale_from,
const gfx::Vector2d& scale_to,
bool flipped_source,
bool flip_output,
bool swizzle);
// Create a pipeline that will (optionally) scale a source texture, and then
// convert it to I420 (YUV) planar form, delivering results in three separate
// output textures (one for each plane; see I420Converter::Convert()).
// Due to limitations in the OpenGL ES 2.0 API, the output textures will have
// a format of GL_RGBA. However, each RGBA "pixel" in these textures actually
// carries 4 consecutive pixels for the single-color-channel result plane.
// Therefore, when using the OpenGL APIs to read-back the image into system
// memory, note that a width 1/4 the actual |output_rect.width()| must be
// used.
// |flipped_source|, |flip_output|, and |swizzle| have the same meaning as
// that explained in the method comments for CreateScaler().
// If |use_mrt| is true, the pipeline will try to optimize the YUV conversion
// using the multi-render-target extension, if the platform is capable.
// |use_mrt| should only be set to false for testing.
// The benefit of using this pipeline is seen when these output textures are
// read back from GPU to CPU memory: The I420 format reduces the amount of
// data read back by a factor of ~2.6 (32bpp → 12bpp) which can greatly
// improve performance, for things like video screen capture, on platforms
// with slow GPU read-back performance.
// WARNING: The returned I420Converter instance assumes both this GLHelper and
// its GLES2Interface/ContextSupport will outlive it!
std::unique_ptr<I420Converter> CreateI420Converter(bool flipped_source,
bool flip_output,
bool swizzle,
bool use_mrt);
// Create a readback pipeline that will (optionally) scale a source texture,
// then convert it to YUV420 planar form, and finally read back that. This
// reduces the amount of memory read from GPU to CPU memory by a factor of 2.6
// (32bpp → 12bpp), which can be quite handy since readbacks have very limited
// speed on some platforms.
// If |use_mrt| is true, the pipeline will try to optimize the YUV conversion
// using the multi-render-target extension, if the platform is capable.
// |use_mrt| should only be set to false for testing.
// WARNING: The returned ReadbackYUVInterface instance assumes both this
// GLHelper and its GLES2Interface/ContextSupport will outlive it!
// TODO( DEPRECATED. This will be removed soon, in favor of
// CreateI420Converter().
std::unique_ptr<ReadbackYUVInterface> CreateReadbackPipelineYUV(
bool vertically_flip_texture,
bool use_mrt);
// Returns a ReadbackYUVInterface instance that is lazily created and owned by
// this class. |use_mrt| is always true for these instances.
// TODO( DEPRECATED. This will be moved to be closer to its
// one caller soon.
ReadbackYUVInterface* GetReadbackPipelineYUV(bool vertically_flip_texture);
// Returns the maximum number of draw buffers available,
// 0 if GL_EXT_draw_buffers is not available.
GLint MaxDrawBuffers();
class CopyTextureToImpl;
// Creates |copy_texture_to_impl_| if NULL.
void InitCopyTextToImpl();
// Creates |scaler_impl_| if NULL.
void InitScalerImpl();
enum ReadbackSwizzle { kSwizzleNone = 0, kSwizzleBGRA };
gpu::gles2::GLES2Interface* gl_;
gpu::ContextSupport* context_support_;
std::unique_ptr<CopyTextureToImpl> copy_texture_to_impl_;
std::unique_ptr<GLHelperScaling> scaler_impl_;
std::unique_ptr<ReadbackYUVInterface> shared_readback_yuv_flip_;
std::unique_ptr<ReadbackYUVInterface> shared_readback_yuv_noflip_;
// Memoized result for MaxDrawBuffers(), if >= 0. Otherwise, MaxDrawBuffers()
// will need to query the GL implementation.
GLint max_draw_buffers_ = -1;
// Splits an RGBA source texture's image into separate Y, U, and V planes. The U
// and V planes are half-width and half-height, according to the I420 standard.
class VIZ_COMMON_EXPORT I420Converter {
virtual ~I420Converter();
// Transforms a RGBA |src_texture| into three textures, each containing bytes
// in I420 planar form. See the GLHelper::ScalerInterface::Scale() method
// comments for the meaning/semantics of |src_texture_size|, |src_offset| and
// |output_rect|. If |optional_scaler| is not null, it will first be used to
// scale the source texture into an intermediate texture before generating the
// Y+U+V planes.
// See notes for CreateI420Converter() regarding the semantics of the output
// textures.
virtual void Convert(GLuint src_texture,
const gfx::Size& src_texture_size,
const gfx::Vector2dF& src_offset,
GLHelper::ScalerInterface* optional_scaler,
const gfx::Rect& output_rect,
GLuint y_plane_texture,
GLuint u_plane_texture,
GLuint v_plane_texture) = 0;
// Returns true if the converter is assuming the source texture's content is
// vertically flipped.
virtual bool IsSamplingFlippedSource() const = 0;
// Returns true if the converter will vertically-flip the output.
virtual bool IsFlippingOutput() const = 0;
// Returns the format to use when calling glReadPixels() to read-back the
// output textures. This indicates whether the 0th and 2nd bytes in each RGBA
// quad have been swapped. If no swapping has occurred, this will return
// GL_RGBA. Otherwise, it will return GL_BGRA_EXT.
virtual GLenum GetReadbackFormat() const = 0;
// Returns the texture size of the Y plane texture, based on the size of the
// |output_rect| that was given to Convert(). This will have a width of
// CEIL(output_rect_size.width() / 4), and the same height.
static gfx::Size GetYPlaneTextureSize(const gfx::Size& output_rect_size);
// Like GetYPlaneTextureSize(), except the returned size will have a width of
// CEIL(output_rect_size.width() / 8), and a height of
// CEIL(output_rect_size.height() / 2); because the chroma planes are half-
// length in both dimensions in the I420 format.
static gfx::Size GetChromaPlaneTextureSize(const gfx::Size& output_rect_size);
// Similar to a ScalerInterface, a YUV readback pipeline will cache a scaler and
// all intermediate textures and frame buffers needed to scale, crop, letterbox
// and read back a texture from the GPU into CPU-accessible RAM. A single
// readback pipeline can handle multiple outstanding readbacks at the same time.
// TODO( DEPRECATED. This will be removed soon, in favor of
// I420Converter and readback implementation in GLRendererCopier.
class VIZ_COMMON_EXPORT ReadbackYUVInterface {
ReadbackYUVInterface() {}
virtual ~ReadbackYUVInterface() {}
// Optional behavior: This sets a scaler to use to scale the inputs before
// planarizing. If null (or never called), then no scaling is performed.
virtual void SetScaler(std::unique_ptr<GLHelper::ScalerInterface> scaler) = 0;
// Returns the currently-set scaler, or null.
virtual GLHelper::ScalerInterface* scaler() const = 0;
// Returns true if the converter will vertically-flip the output.
virtual bool IsFlippingOutput() const = 0;
// Transforms a RGBA texture into I420 planar form, and then reads it back
// from the GPU into system memory. See the GLHelper::ScalerInterface::Scale()
// method comments for the meaning/semantics of |src_texture_size| and
// |output_rect|. The process is:
// 1. Sync-wait and then consume and take ownership of the source texture
// provided by |mailbox|.
// 2. Scale the source texture to an intermediate texture.
// 3. Planarize, producing textures containing the Y, U, and V planes.
// 4. Read-back the planar data, copying it into the given output
// destination. |paste_location| specifies the where to place the output
// pixels: Rect(paste_location.origin(), output_rect.size()).
// 5. Run |callback| with true on success, false on failure (with no output
// modified).
virtual void ReadbackYUV(const gpu::Mailbox& mailbox,
const gpu::SyncToken& sync_token,
const gfx::Size& src_texture_size,
const gfx::Rect& output_rect,
int y_plane_row_stride_bytes,
unsigned char* y_plane_data,
int u_plane_row_stride_bytes,
unsigned char* u_plane_data,
int v_plane_row_stride_bytes,
unsigned char* v_plane_data,
const gfx::Point& paste_location,
base::OnceCallback<void(bool)> callback) = 0;
} // namespace viz