blob: 1f0b30806ad9e957bc6e392bffaa107aba1abe80 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "base/files/scoped_file.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
namespace sandbox {
class SetuidSandboxClient;
namespace nacl {
// NaClSandbox supports two independent layers of sandboxing.
// layer-1 uses a chroot. It requires both InitializeLayerOneSandbox() and
// SealLayerOneSandbox() to have been called to be enforcing.
// layer-2 uses seccomp-bpf. It requires the layer-1 sandbox to not yet be
// sealed when being engaged.
// For the layer-1 sandbox to work, the current process must be a child of
// the setuid sandbox. InitializeLayerOneSandbox() can only be called once
// per instance of the setuid sandbox.
// A typical use case of this class would be:
// 1. Load libraries and do some pre-initialization
// 2. InitializeLayerOneSandbox();
// 3. Do some more initializations (it is ok to fork() here).
// 4. CHECK(!HasOpenDirectory));
// (This check is not strictly necessary, as the only possibility for a
// new directory descriptor to exist after (2) has been called is via IPC)).
// 5. InitializeLayerTwoSandbox();
// 6. SealLayerOneSandbox();
// 7. CheckSandboxingStateWithPolicy();
class NaClSandbox {
// This API will only work if the layer-1 sandbox is not sealed and the
// layer-2 sandbox is not engaged.
bool IsSingleThreaded();
// Check whether the current process owns any directory file descriptors. This
// will ignore any directory file descriptor owned by this object (i.e. those
// that will be closed after SealLayerOneSandbox()) is called.
// This API will only work if the layer-1 sandbox is not sealed and the
// layer-2 sandbox is not engaged.
bool HasOpenDirectory();
// Will attempt to initialize the layer-1 sandbox, depending on flags and the
// environment. It can only succeed if the current process is a child of the
// setuid sandbox or was started by the namespace sandbox.
void InitializeLayerOneSandbox();
// Will attempt to initialize the layer-2 sandbox, depending on flags and the
// environment. |uses_nonsfi_mode| describes which seccomp-bpf policy is
// appropriate.
// This layer will also add a limit to how much of the address space can be
// used.
void InitializeLayerTwoSandbox(bool uses_nonsfi_mode);
// Seal the layer-1 sandbox, making it enforcing.
void SealLayerOneSandbox();
// Check that the current sandboxing state matches the level of sandboxing
// expected for NaCl in the current configuration. Crash if it does not.
void CheckSandboxingStateWithPolicy();
bool layer_one_enabled() { return layer_one_enabled_; }
bool layer_two_enabled() { return layer_two_enabled_; }
void CheckForExpectedNumberOfOpenFds();
bool layer_one_enabled_;
bool layer_one_sealed_;
bool layer_two_enabled_;
bool layer_two_is_nonsfi_;
// |proc_fd_| must be released before the layer-1 sandbox is considered
// enforcing.
base::ScopedFD proc_fd_;
std::unique_ptr<sandbox::SetuidSandboxClient> setuid_sandbox_client_;
} // namespace nacl