blob: 10e187d6b547e129917534e401c99e93a3b8d08c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/install_static/install_util.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <memory>
#include <sstream>
#include "chrome_elf/nt_registry/nt_registry.h"
namespace install_static {
ProcessType g_process_type = ProcessType::UNINITIALIZED;
// TODO(ananta)
// The constants defined in this file are also defined in chrome/installer and
// other places. we need to unify them.
// Chrome channel display names.
const wchar_t kChromeChannelUnknown[] = L"unknown";
const wchar_t kChromeChannelCanary[] = L"canary";
const wchar_t kChromeChannelDev[] = L"dev";
const wchar_t kChromeChannelBeta[] = L"beta";
const wchar_t kChromeChannelStable[] = L"";
const wchar_t kChromeChannelStableExplicit[] = L"stable";
const wchar_t kRegApField[] = L"ap";
const wchar_t kRegPathClientState[] = L"Software\\Google\\Update\\ClientState";
const wchar_t kRegPathClientStateMedium[] =
const wchar_t kRegPathChromePolicy[] = L"SOFTWARE\\Policies\\Google\\Chrome";
const wchar_t kRegPathClientState[] =
const wchar_t kRegPathClientStateMedium[] =
const wchar_t kRegPathChromePolicy[] = L"SOFTWARE\\Policies\\Chromium";
const wchar_t kRegValueUsageStats[] = L"usagestats";
const wchar_t kUninstallArgumentsField[] = L"UninstallArguments";
const wchar_t kMetricsReportingEnabled[] = L"MetricsReportingEnabled";
const wchar_t kAppGuidCanary[] = L"{4ea16ac7-fd5a-47c3-875b-dbf4a2008c20}";
const wchar_t kAppGuidGoogleChrome[] =
const wchar_t kAppGuidGoogleBinaries[] =
const wchar_t kHeadless[] = L"CHROME_HEADLESS";
const wchar_t kShowRestart[] = L"CHROME_CRASHED";
const wchar_t kRestartInfo[] = L"CHROME_RESTART";
const wchar_t kRtlLocale[] = L"RIGHT_TO_LEFT";
const char kGpuProcess[] = "gpu-process";
const char kPpapiPluginProcess[] = "ppapi";
const char kRendererProcess[] = "renderer";
const char kUtilityProcess[] = "utility";
const char kProcessType[] = "type";
const char kCrashpadHandler[] = "crashpad-handler";
namespace {
// TODO(ananta)
// These constants are defined in the chrome/installer directory as well. We
// need to unify them.
const wchar_t kSxSSuffix[] = L" SxS";
const wchar_t kGoogleChromeInstallSubDir1[] = L"Google";
const wchar_t kGoogleChromeInstallSubDir2[] = L"Chrome";
const wchar_t kChromiumInstallSubDir[] = L"Chromium";
#endif // defined(GOOGLE_CHROME_BUILD)
const wchar_t kUserDataDirname[] = L"User Data";
const wchar_t kBrowserCrashDumpMetricsSubKey[] = L"\\BrowserCrashDumpAttempts";
const wchar_t kRegPathGoogleUpdate[] = L"Software\\Google\\Update";
const wchar_t kRegGoogleUpdateVersion[] = L"version";
// Registry key to store the stats/crash sampling state of Chrome. If set to 1,
// stats and crash reports will be uploaded in line with the user's consent,
// otherwise, uploads will be disabled. It is used to sample clients, to reduce
// server load for metics and crashes. This is controlled by the
// MetricsReporting feature in and is
// written when metrics services are started up and when consent changes.
const wchar_t kRegValueChromeStatsSample[] = L"UsageStatsInSample";
void Trace(const wchar_t* format_string, ...) {
static const int kMaxLogBufferSize = 1024;
static wchar_t buffer[kMaxLogBufferSize] = {};
va_list args = {};
va_start(args, format_string);
vswprintf(buffer, kMaxLogBufferSize, format_string, args);
bool GetLanguageAndCodePageFromVersionResource(const char* version_resource,
WORD* language,
WORD* code_page) {
if (!version_resource)
return false;
struct LanguageAndCodePage {
WORD language;
WORD code_page;
LanguageAndCodePage* translation_info = nullptr;
uint32_t data_size_in_bytes = 0;
BOOL query_result = VerQueryValueW(
version_resource, L"\\VarFileInfo\\Translation",
reinterpret_cast<void**>(&translation_info), &data_size_in_bytes);
if (!query_result)
return false;
*language = translation_info->language;
*code_page = translation_info->code_page;
return true;
bool GetValueFromVersionResource(const char* version_resource,
const std::wstring& name,
std::wstring* value_str) {
// TODO(ananta)
// It may be better in the long run to enumerate the languages and code pages
// in the version resource and return the value from the first match.
WORD language = 0;
WORD code_page = 0;
if (!GetLanguageAndCodePageFromVersionResource(version_resource, &language,
&code_page)) {
return false;
const size_t array_size = 8;
WORD lang_codepage[array_size] = {};
size_t i = 0;
// Use the language and codepage
lang_codepage[i++] = language;
lang_codepage[i++] = code_page;
// Use the default language and codepage from the resource.
lang_codepage[i++] = ::GetUserDefaultLangID();
lang_codepage[i++] = code_page;
// Use the language from the resource and Latin codepage (most common).
lang_codepage[i++] = language;
lang_codepage[i++] = 1252;
// Use the default language and Latin codepage (most common).
lang_codepage[i++] = ::GetUserDefaultLangID();
lang_codepage[i++] = 1252;
static_assert((array_size % 2) == 0,
"Language code page size should be a multiple of 2");
assert(array_size == i);
for (i = 0; i < array_size;) {
wchar_t sub_block[MAX_PATH];
WORD language = lang_codepage[i++];
WORD code_page = lang_codepage[i++];
_snwprintf_s(sub_block, MAX_PATH, MAX_PATH,
L"\\StringFileInfo\\%04hx%04hx\\%ls", language, code_page,
void* value = nullptr;
uint32_t size = 0;
BOOL r = ::VerQueryValueW(version_resource, sub_block, &value, &size);
if (r && value) {
return true;
return false;
// Returns the executable path for the current process.
std::wstring GetCurrentProcessExePath() {
wchar_t exe_path[MAX_PATH];
if (::GetModuleFileName(nullptr, exe_path, MAX_PATH) == 0)
return std::wstring();
return exe_path;
bool RecursiveDirectoryCreate(const std::wstring& full_path) {
// If the path exists, we've succeeded if it's a directory, failed otherwise.
const wchar_t* full_path_str = full_path.c_str();
DWORD file_attributes = ::GetFileAttributes(full_path_str);
if (file_attributes != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) {
if ((file_attributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) != 0) {
Trace(L"%hs( %ls directory exists )\n", __func__, full_path_str);
return true;
Trace(L"%hs( %ls directory conflicts with an existing file. )\n", __func__,
return false;
// Invariant: Path does not exist as file or directory.
// Attempt to create the parent recursively. This will immediately return
// true if it already exists, otherwise will create all required parent
// directories starting with the highest-level missing parent.
std::wstring parent_path;
std::size_t pos = full_path.find_last_of(L"/\\");
if (pos != std::wstring::npos) {
parent_path = full_path.substr(0, pos);
if (!RecursiveDirectoryCreate(parent_path)) {
Trace(L"Failed to create one of the parent directories");
return false;
if (!::CreateDirectory(full_path_str, nullptr)) {
DWORD error_code = ::GetLastError();
if (error_code == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) {
DWORD file_attributes = ::GetFileAttributes(full_path_str);
if ((file_attributes != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) &&
((file_attributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) != 0)) {
// This error code ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS doesn't indicate whether we
// were racing with someone creating the same directory, or a file
// with the same path. If the directory exists, we lost the
// race to create the same directory.
return true;
} else {
Trace(L"Failed to create directory %ls, last error is %d\n",
full_path_str, error_code);
return false;
return true;
std::wstring GetChromeInstallRegistryPath() {
std::wstring registry_path = L"Software\\";
registry_path += GetChromeInstallSubDirectory();
return registry_path;
bool GetCollectStatsConsentImpl(const std::wstring& exe_path) {
bool enabled = true;
if (ReportingIsEnforcedByPolicy(&enabled))
return enabled;
bool system_install = IsSystemInstall(exe_path.c_str());
std::wstring app_guid;
if (IsSxSChrome(exe_path.c_str())) {
app_guid = kAppGuidCanary;
} else {
app_guid = IsMultiInstall(system_install) ? kAppGuidGoogleBinaries
: kAppGuidGoogleChrome;
DWORD out_value = 0;
// If system_install, first try kRegPathClientStateMedium.
std::wstring full_key_path(kRegPathClientStateMedium);
full_key_path.append(1, L'\\');
if (system_install &&
nt::QueryRegValueDWORD(nt::HKLM, nt::WOW6432, full_key_path.c_str(),
kRegValueUsageStats, &out_value))
return (out_value == 1);
// Second, try kRegPathClientState.
full_key_path = kRegPathClientState;
full_key_path.append(1, L'\\');
return (nt::QueryRegValueDWORD((system_install ? nt::HKLM : nt::HKCU),
nt::WOW6432, full_key_path.c_str(),
kRegValueUsageStats, &out_value) &&
out_value == 1);
// Returns true if the |source| string matches the |pattern|. The pattern
// may contain wildcards like '?' which matches one character or a '*'
// which matches 0 or more characters.
// Please note that pattern matches the whole string. If you want to find
// something in the middle of the string then you need to specify the pattern
// as '*xyz*'.
// |source_index| is the index of the current character being matched in
// |source|.
// |pattern_index| is the index of the current pattern character in |pattern|
// which is matched with source.
bool MatchPatternImpl(const std::wstring& source,
const std::wstring& pattern,
size_t source_index,
size_t pattern_index) {
if (source.empty() && pattern.empty())
return true;
if (source_index > source.length() || pattern_index > pattern.length())
return false;
// If we reached the end of both strings, then we are done.
if ((source_index == source.length()) &&
(pattern_index == pattern.length())) {
return true;
// If the current character in the pattern is a '*' then make sure that
// characters after the pattern are present in the source string. This
// assumes that you won't have two consecutive '*' characters in the pattern.
if ((pattern[pattern_index] == L'*') &&
(pattern_index + 1 < pattern.length()) &&
(source_index >= source.length())) {
return false;
// If the pattern contains wildcard characters '?' or '.' or there is a match
// then move ahead in both strings.
if ((pattern[pattern_index] == L'?') ||
(pattern[pattern_index] == source[source_index])) {
return MatchPatternImpl(source, pattern, source_index + 1,
pattern_index + 1);
// If we have a '*' then there are two possibilities
// 1. We consider current character of source.
// 2. We ignore current character of source.
if (pattern[pattern_index] == L'*') {
return MatchPatternImpl(source, pattern, source_index + 1, pattern_index) ||
MatchPatternImpl(source, pattern, source_index, pattern_index + 1);
return false;
// Defines the type of whitespace characters typically found in strings.
constexpr char kWhiteSpaces[] = " \t\n\r\f\v";
constexpr wchar_t kWhiteSpaces16[] = L" \t\n\r\f\v";
// Define specializations for white spaces based on the type of the string.
template <class StringType>
StringType GetWhiteSpacesForType();
template <>
std::wstring GetWhiteSpacesForType() {
return kWhiteSpaces16;
template <>
std::string GetWhiteSpacesForType() {
return kWhiteSpaces;
// Trim whitespaces from left & right
template <class StringType>
void TrimT(StringType* str) {
str->erase(str->find_last_not_of(GetWhiteSpacesForType<StringType>()) + 1);
str->erase(0, str->find_first_not_of(GetWhiteSpacesForType<StringType>()));
bool IsValidNumber(const std::string& str) {
if (str.empty())
return false;
return std::all_of(str.begin(), str.end(), ::isdigit);
// Tokenizes a string based on a single character delimiter.
template <class StringType>
std::vector<StringType> TokenizeStringT(
const StringType& str,
typename StringType::value_type delimiter,
bool trim_spaces) {
std::vector<StringType> tokens;
std::basic_istringstream<typename StringType::value_type> buffer(str);
for (StringType token; std::getline(buffer, token, delimiter);) {
if (trim_spaces)
return tokens;
} // namespace
bool IsSxSChrome(const wchar_t* exe_path) {
return ::wcsstr(exe_path, L"Chrome SxS\\Application") != nullptr;
bool IsSystemInstall(const wchar_t* exe_path) {
wchar_t program_dir[MAX_PATH] = {};
DWORD ret = ::GetEnvironmentVariable(L"PROGRAMFILES", program_dir, MAX_PATH);
if (ret && ret < MAX_PATH && !::wcsnicmp(exe_path, program_dir, ret)) {
return true;
ret = ::GetEnvironmentVariable(L"PROGRAMFILES(X86)", program_dir, MAX_PATH);
if (ret && ret < MAX_PATH && !::wcsnicmp(exe_path, program_dir, ret)) {
return true;
return false;
bool IsMultiInstall(bool is_system_install) {
std::wstring args;
std::wstring full_key_path(kRegPathClientState);
full_key_path.append(1, L'\\');
if (!nt::QueryRegValueSZ((is_system_install ? nt::HKLM : nt::HKCU),
nt::WOW6432, full_key_path.c_str(),
kUninstallArgumentsField, &args))
return false;
return (args.find(L"--multi-install") != std::wstring::npos);
bool GetCollectStatsConsent() {
return GetCollectStatsConsentImpl(GetCurrentProcessExePath());
bool GetCollectStatsConsentForTesting(const std::wstring& exe_path) {
return GetCollectStatsConsentImpl(exe_path);
bool GetCollectStatsInSample() {
std::wstring registry_path = GetChromeInstallRegistryPath();
DWORD out_value = 0;
if (!nt::QueryRegValueDWORD(nt::HKCU, nt::WOW6432, registry_path.c_str(),
kRegValueChromeStatsSample, &out_value)) {
// If reading the value failed, treat it as though sampling isn't in effect,
// implicitly meaning this install is in the sample.
return true;
return out_value == 1;
bool SetCollectStatsInSample(bool in_sample) {
std::wstring registry_path = GetChromeInstallRegistryPath();
if (!nt::CreateRegKey(nt::HKCU, registry_path.c_str(),
KEY_SET_VALUE | KEY_WOW64_32KEY, &key_handle)) {
return false;
return nt::SetRegValueDWORD(key_handle, kRegValueChromeStatsSample,
in_sample ? 1 : 0);
bool ReportingIsEnforcedByPolicy(bool* crash_reporting_enabled) {
DWORD value = 0;
// First, try HKLM.
if (nt::QueryRegValueDWORD(nt::HKLM, nt::NONE, kRegPathChromePolicy,
kMetricsReportingEnabled, &value)) {
*crash_reporting_enabled = (value != 0);
return true;
// Second, try HKCU.
if (nt::QueryRegValueDWORD(nt::HKCU, nt::NONE, kRegPathChromePolicy,
kMetricsReportingEnabled, &value)) {
*crash_reporting_enabled = (value != 0);
return true;
return false;
void InitializeProcessType() {
assert(g_process_type == ProcessType::UNINITIALIZED);
typedef bool (*IsSandboxedProcessFunc)();
IsSandboxedProcessFunc is_sandboxed_process_func =
::GetProcAddress(::GetModuleHandle(nullptr), "IsSandboxedProcess"));
if (is_sandboxed_process_func && is_sandboxed_process_func()) {
g_process_type = ProcessType::NON_BROWSER_PROCESS;
// TODO(robertshield): Drop the command line check when we drop support for
// enabling chrome_elf in unsandboxed processes.
const wchar_t* command_line = GetCommandLine();
if (command_line && ::wcsstr(command_line, L"--type")) {
g_process_type = ProcessType::NON_BROWSER_PROCESS;
g_process_type = ProcessType::BROWSER_PROCESS;
bool IsNonBrowserProcess() {
assert(g_process_type != ProcessType::UNINITIALIZED);
return g_process_type == ProcessType::NON_BROWSER_PROCESS;
bool GetDefaultUserDataDirectory(std::wstring* result) {
static const wchar_t kLocalAppData[] = L"%LOCALAPPDATA%";
std::unique_ptr<wchar_t> user_data_dir_path;
// This environment variable should be set on Windows 7 and up.
// If we fail to find this variable then we default to the temporary files
// path.
DWORD size = ::ExpandEnvironmentStrings(kLocalAppData, nullptr, 0);
if (size) {
user_data_dir_path.reset(new wchar_t[size]);
if (::ExpandEnvironmentStrings(kLocalAppData, user_data_dir_path.get(),
size) != size) {
// We failed to find the %LOCALAPPDATA% folder. Fallback to the temporary
// files path. If we fail to find this we bail.
if (!user_data_dir_path.get()) {
size = ::GetTempPath(0, nullptr);
if (!size)
return false;
user_data_dir_path.reset(new wchar_t[size + 1]);
if (::GetTempPath(size + 1, user_data_dir_path.get()) != size)
return false;
std::wstring install_sub_directory = GetChromeInstallSubDirectory();
*result = user_data_dir_path.get();
if ((*result)[result->length() - 1] != L'\\')
return true;
bool GetDefaultCrashDumpLocation(std::wstring* crash_dir) {
// In order to be able to start crash handling very early, we do not rely on
// chrome's PathService entries (for DIR_CRASH_DUMPS) being available on
// Windows. See
if (!GetDefaultUserDataDirectory(crash_dir))
return false;
// We have to make sure the user data dir exists on first run. See
if (!RecursiveDirectoryCreate(crash_dir->c_str()))
return false;
return true;
std::string GetEnvironmentString(const std::string& variable_name) {
return UTF16ToUTF8(GetEnvironmentString16(UTF8ToUTF16(variable_name)));
std::wstring GetEnvironmentString16(const std::wstring& variable_name) {
DWORD value_length =
::GetEnvironmentVariable(variable_name.c_str(), nullptr, 0);
if (value_length == 0)
return std::wstring();
std::unique_ptr<wchar_t[]> value(new wchar_t[value_length]);
::GetEnvironmentVariable(variable_name.c_str(), value.get(), value_length);
return value.get();
bool SetEnvironmentString(const std::string& variable_name,
const std::string& new_value) {
return SetEnvironmentString16(UTF8ToUTF16(variable_name),
bool SetEnvironmentString16(const std::wstring& variable_name,
const std::wstring& new_value) {
return !!SetEnvironmentVariable(variable_name.c_str(), new_value.c_str());
bool HasEnvironmentVariable(const std::string& variable_name) {
return HasEnvironmentVariable16(UTF8ToUTF16(variable_name));
bool HasEnvironmentVariable16(const std::wstring& variable_name) {
return !!::GetEnvironmentVariable(variable_name.c_str(), nullptr, 0);
bool GetExecutableVersionDetails(const std::wstring& exe_path,
std::wstring* product_name,
std::wstring* version,
std::wstring* special_build,
std::wstring* channel_name) {
// Default values in case we don't find a version resource.
*product_name = L"Chrome";
*version = L"";
*channel_name = kChromeChannelUnknown;
DWORD dummy = 0;
DWORD length = ::GetFileVersionInfoSize(exe_path.c_str(), &dummy);
if (length) {
std::unique_ptr<char> data(new char[length]);
if (::GetFileVersionInfo(exe_path.c_str(), dummy, length, data.get())) {
GetValueFromVersionResource(data.get(), L"ProductVersion", version);
std::wstring official_build;
GetValueFromVersionResource(data.get(), L"Official Build",
if (official_build != L"1")
GetValueFromVersionResource(data.get(), L"ProductShortName",
GetValueFromVersionResource(data.get(), L"SpecialBuild", special_build);
GetChromeChannelName(!IsSystemInstall(exe_path.c_str()), true, channel_name);
return true;
void GetChromeChannelName(bool is_per_user_install,
bool add_modifier,
std::wstring* channel_name) {
// See GoogleChromeSxSDistribution::GetChromeChannel.
if (IsSxSChrome(GetCurrentProcessExePath().c_str())) {
// InitChannelInfo in only reports a failure in the
// case of multi-install Chrome where the binaries' ClientState key exists,
// but that the "ap" value therein cannot be read due to some reason *other*
// than it not being present. This should be exceedingly rare. For
// simplicity's sake, use an empty |value| in case of any error whatsoever
// here.
std::wstring value;
bool is_multi_install = IsMultiInstall(!is_per_user_install);
if (is_multi_install) {
std::wstring full_key_path(kRegPathClientState);
full_key_path.append(1, L'\\');
nt::QueryRegValueSZ(is_per_user_install ? nt::HKCU : nt::HKLM, nt::WOW6432,
full_key_path.c_str(), kRegApField, &value);
} else {
std::wstring full_key_path(kRegPathClientState);
full_key_path.append(1, L'\\');
nt::QueryRegValueSZ(is_per_user_install ? nt::HKCU : nt::HKLM, nt::WOW6432,
full_key_path.c_str(), kRegApField, &value);
static constexpr wchar_t kChromeChannelBetaPattern[] = L"1?1-*";
static constexpr wchar_t kChromeChannelBetaX64Pattern[] = L"*x64-beta*";
static constexpr wchar_t kChromeChannelDevPattern[] = L"2?0-d*";
static constexpr wchar_t kChromeChannelDevX64Pattern[] = L"*x64-dev*";
std::transform(value.begin(), value.end(), value.begin(), ::tolower);
// Empty channel names or those containing "stable" should be reported as
// an empty string (with the optional modifier).
if (value.empty() ||
(value.find(kChromeChannelStableExplicit) != std::wstring::npos)) {
} else if (MatchPattern(value, kChromeChannelDevPattern) ||
MatchPattern(value, kChromeChannelDevX64Pattern)) {
} else if (MatchPattern(value, kChromeChannelBetaPattern) ||
MatchPattern(value, kChromeChannelBetaX64Pattern)) {
} else {
// Report values with garbage as stable since they will match the stable
// rules in the update configs. ChannelInfo::GetChannelName painstakingly
// strips off known modifiers (e.g., "-multi-full") to see if the empty
// string remains, returning channel "unknown" if not. This differs here in
// that some clients will tag crashes as "stable" rather than "unknown" via
// this codepath, but it is an accurate reflection of which update channel
// the client is on according to the server-side rules.
// Tag the channel name if this is a multi-install.
if (add_modifier && is_multi_install) {
if (!channel_name->empty())
std::string GetGoogleUpdateVersion() {
// TODO(ananta)
// Consider whether Chromium should connect to Google update to manage
// updates. Should this be returning an empty string for Chromium builds?.
std::wstring update_version;
if (nt::QueryRegValueSZ(nt::AUTO, nt::WOW6432, kRegPathGoogleUpdate,
kRegGoogleUpdateVersion, &update_version))
return UTF16ToUTF8(update_version);
return std::string();
std::wstring GetChromeInstallSubDirectory() {
std::wstring result = kGoogleChromeInstallSubDir1;
result += L"\\";
result += kGoogleChromeInstallSubDir2;
if (IsSxSChrome(GetCurrentProcessExePath().c_str()))
result += kSxSSuffix;
return result;
return std::wstring(kChromiumInstallSubDir);
std::wstring GetBrowserCrashDumpAttemptsRegistryPath() {
std::wstring registry_path = GetChromeInstallRegistryPath();
registry_path += kBrowserCrashDumpMetricsSubKey;
return registry_path;
bool MatchPattern(const std::wstring& source, const std::wstring& pattern) {
assert(pattern.find(L"**") == std::wstring::npos);
return MatchPatternImpl(source, pattern, 0, 0);
std::string UTF16ToUTF8(const std::wstring& source) {
if (source.empty() ||
static_cast<int>(source.size()) > std::numeric_limits<int>::max()) {
return std::string();
int size = ::WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, &source[0],
static_cast<int>(source.size()), nullptr, 0,
nullptr, nullptr);
std::string result(size, '\0');
if (::WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, &source[0],
static_cast<int>(source.size()), &result[0], size,
nullptr, nullptr) != size) {
return std::string();
return result;
std::wstring UTF8ToUTF16(const std::string& source) {
if (source.empty() ||
static_cast<int>(source.size()) > std::numeric_limits<int>::max()) {
return std::wstring();
int size = ::MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, &source[0],
static_cast<int>(source.size()), nullptr, 0);
std::wstring result(size, L'\0');
if (::MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, &source[0],
static_cast<int>(source.size()), &result[0],
size) != size) {
return std::wstring();
return result;
std::vector<std::string> TokenizeString(const std::string& str,
char delimiter,
bool trim_spaces) {
return TokenizeStringT<std::string>(str, delimiter, trim_spaces);
std::vector<std::wstring> TokenizeString16(const std::wstring& str,
wchar_t delimiter,
bool trim_spaces) {
return TokenizeStringT<std::wstring>(str, delimiter, trim_spaces);
bool CompareVersionStrings(const std::string& version1,
const std::string& version2,
int* result) {
if (version1.empty() || version2.empty())
return false;
// Tokenize both version strings with "." as the separator. If either of
// the returned token lists are empty then bail.
std::vector<std::string> version1_components =
TokenizeString(version1, '.', false);
if (version1_components.empty())
return false;
std::vector<std::string> version2_components =
TokenizeString(version2, '.', false);
if (version2_components.empty())
return false;
// You may have less tokens in either string. Use the minimum of the number
// of tokens as the initial count.
const size_t count =
std::min(version1_components.size(), version2_components.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
// If either of the version components don't contain valid numeric digits
// bail.
if (!IsValidNumber(version1_components[i]) ||
!IsValidNumber(version2_components[i])) {
return false;
int version1_component = std::stoi(version1_components[i]);
int version2_component = std::stoi(version2_components[i]);
if (version1_component > version2_component) {
*result = 1;
return true;
if (version1_component < version2_component) {
*result = -1;
return true;
// Handle remaining tokens. Here if we have non zero tokens remaining in the
// version 1 list then it means that the version1 string is larger. If the
// version 1 token list has tokens left, then if either of these tokens is
// greater than 0 then it means that the version1 string is smaller than the
// version2 string.
if (version1_components.size() > version2_components.size()) {
for (size_t i = count; i < version1_components.size(); ++i) {
// If the version components don't contain valid numeric digits bail.
if (!IsValidNumber(version1_components[i]))
return false;
if (std::stoi(version1_components[i]) > 0) {
*result = 1;
return true;
} else if (version1_components.size() < version2_components.size()) {
for (size_t i = count; i < version2_components.size(); ++i) {
// If the version components don't contain valid numeric digits bail.
if (!IsValidNumber(version2_components[i]))
return false;
if (std::stoi(version2_components[i]) > 0) {
*result = -1;
return true;
// Here it means that both versions are equal.
*result = 0;
return true;
std::string GetSwitchValueFromCommandLine(const std::string& command_line,
const std::string& switch_name) {
std::string command_line_copy = command_line;
// Remove leading and trailing spaces.
// Find the switch in the command line. If we don't find the switch, return
// an empty string.
std::string switch_token = "--";
switch_token += switch_name;
switch_token += "=";
size_t switch_offset = command_line_copy.find(switch_token);
if (switch_offset == std::string::npos)
return std::string();
// The format is "--<switch name>=blah". Look for a space after the
// "--<switch name>=" string. If we don't find a space assume that the switch
// value ends at the end of the command line.
size_t switch_value_start_offset = switch_offset + switch_token.length();
if (std::string(kWhiteSpaces).find(
command_line_copy[switch_value_start_offset]) != std::string::npos) {
switch_value_start_offset = command_line_copy.find_first_not_of(
GetWhiteSpacesForType<std::string>(), switch_value_start_offset);
if (switch_value_start_offset == std::string::npos)
return std::string();
size_t switch_value_end_offset =
if (switch_value_end_offset == std::string::npos)
switch_value_end_offset = command_line_copy.length();
std::string switch_value = command_line_copy.substr(
switch_value_end_offset - (switch_offset + switch_token.length()));
return switch_value;
} // namespace install_static