blob: 008f4125b69f54c3d1502ca2b7340640014874c3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chromeos/services/ime/input_engine.h"
#include "base/json/json_reader.h"
#include "base/json/string_escape.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "chromeos/services/ime/public/cpp/rulebased/engine.h"
namespace chromeos {
namespace ime {
namespace {
std::string GetIdFromImeSpec(const std::string& ime_spec) {
static const std::string kPrefix("m17n:");
return base::StartsWith(ime_spec, kPrefix, base::CompareCase::SENSITIVE)
? ime_spec.substr(kPrefix.length())
: std::string();
} // namespace
InputEngineContext::InputEngineContext(const std::string& ime) : ime_spec(ime) {
// The |ime_spec|'s format for rule based imes is: "m17n:<id>".
std::string id = GetIdFromImeSpec(ime_spec);
if (rulebased::Engine::IsImeSupported(id)) {
engine = std::make_unique<rulebased::Engine>();
InputEngineContext::~InputEngineContext() {}
InputEngine::InputEngine() {}
InputEngine::~InputEngine() {}
bool InputEngine::BindRequest(const std::string& ime_spec,
mojom::InputChannelRequest request,
mojom::InputChannelPtr client,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& extra) {
if (!IsImeSupported(ime_spec))
return false;
channel_bindings_.AddBinding(this, std::move(request),
return true;
// TODO( Registry connection error handler.
bool InputEngine::IsImeSupported(const std::string& ime_spec) {
return rulebased::Engine::IsImeSupported(GetIdFromImeSpec(ime_spec));
void InputEngine::ProcessText(const std::string& message,
ProcessTextCallback callback) {
auto& context = channel_bindings_.dispatch_context();
std::string result = Process(message, context.get());
void InputEngine::ProcessMessage(const std::vector<uint8_t>& message,
ProcessMessageCallback callback) {
NOTIMPLEMENTED(); // Protobuf message is not used in the rulebased engine.
std::string InputEngine::Process(const std::string& message,
const InputEngineContext* context) {
std::string ime_spec = context->ime_spec;
auto& engine = context->engine;
if (!engine)
return std::string();
const char kFalseResponse[] = "{\"result\":false}";
// The request message is in JSON format as:
// {
// 'method': <string>, // 'reset' or 'keyEvent'
// 'type': <string>, // 'keydown' or 'keyup'
// 'code': <string>, // e.g. 'KeyA', 'Backspace', etc.
// 'shift': <boolean>,
// 'altgr': <boolean>,
// 'caps': <boolean>,
// 'ctrl': <boolean>,
// 'alt': <boolean>
// }
// TODO(shuchen): make parser/writer util class for the JSON-based protocol.
int error_code;
std::string error_string;
std::unique_ptr<base::Value> message_value =
base::JSONReader::ReadAndReturnError(message, base::JSON_PARSE_RFC,
&error_code, &error_string);
if (!message_value) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Read message error: " << error_code << "; " << error_string;
return kFalseResponse;
base::Value* method = message_value->FindKey("method");
if (!method)
return kFalseResponse;
const std::string& method_str = method->GetString();
if (method_str == "countKey") {
return std::to_string(engine->process_key_count());
if (method_str == "reset") {
return "{\"result\":true}";
if (method_str == "keyEvent") {
base::Value* type = message_value->FindKey("type");
if (!type || type->GetString() != "keydown")
return kFalseResponse;
base::Value* code = message_value->FindKey("code");
base::Value* shift = message_value->FindKey("shift");
base::Value* altgr = message_value->FindKey("altgr");
base::Value* caps = message_value->FindKey("caps");
if (!code || !shift || !altgr || !caps)
return kFalseResponse;
uint8_t modifiers = 0;
if (shift->GetBool())
modifiers |= rulebased::MODIFIER_SHIFT;
if (altgr->GetBool())
modifiers |= rulebased::MODIFIER_ALTGR;
if (caps->GetBool())
modifiers |= rulebased::MODIFIER_CAPSLOCK;
rulebased::ProcessKeyResult res =
engine->ProcessKey(code->GetString(), modifiers);
// The response message is in JSON format as:
// {
// 'result': <boolean>,
// 'operations': [
// {
// 'method': 'commitText|setComposition',
// 'arguments': <string>
// }
// ]
// }
std::string response_str = "{\"result\":";
response_str += (res.key_handled ? "true" : "false");
std::vector<std::string> ops;
if (!res.commit_text.empty()) {
std::string commit_text;
base::EscapeJSONString(res.commit_text, false, &commit_text);
ops.push_back("{\"method\":\"commitText\",\"arguments\":[\"" + commit_text +
// Need to add the setComposition operation to the result when the key is
// handled and commit_text and composition_text are both empty.
// That is the case of using Backspace to delete the last character in
// composition.
if (!res.composition_text.empty() ||
(res.key_handled && res.commit_text.empty())) {
std::string composition_text;
base::EscapeJSONString(res.composition_text, false, &composition_text);
ops.push_back("{\"method\":\"setComposition\",\"arguments\":[\"" +
composition_text + "\"]}");
if (ops.empty()) {
response_str += "}";
} else {
response_str += ",\"operations\":[";
for (size_t i = 0; i < ops.size(); ++i) {
if (i > 0)
response_str += ",";
response_str += ops[i];
response_str += "]}";
return response_str;
} // namespace ime
} // namespace chromeos