blob: 207a2aa3050bac8cf9876fa7f2baefa96edc0ee9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_tree.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_tree_combiner.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect_f.h"
namespace ui {
AXTreeCombiner::AXTreeCombiner() {
AXTreeCombiner::~AXTreeCombiner() {
void AXTreeCombiner::AddTree(const AXTreeUpdate& tree, bool is_root) {
if (is_root) {
DCHECK_EQ(root_tree_id_, AXTreeIDUnknown());
root_tree_id_ = tree.tree_data.tree_id;
bool AXTreeCombiner::Combine() {
// First create a map from tree ID to tree update.
for (const auto& tree : trees_) {
AXTreeID tree_id = tree.tree_data.tree_id;
if (tree_id_map_.find(tree_id) != tree_id_map_.end())
return false;
tree_id_map_[tree.tree_data.tree_id] = &tree;
// Make sure the root tree ID is in the map, otherwise fail.
if (tree_id_map_.find(root_tree_id_) == tree_id_map_.end())
return false;
// Process the nodes recursively, starting with the root tree.
const AXTreeUpdate* root = tree_id_map_.find(root_tree_id_)->second;
// Set the root id.
combined_.root_id = combined_.nodes.size() > 0 ? combined_.nodes[0].id : 0;
// Finally, handle the tree ID, taking into account which subtree might
// have focus and mapping IDs from the tree data appropriately.
combined_.has_tree_data = true;
combined_.tree_data = root->tree_data;
AXTreeID focused_tree_id = root->tree_data.focused_tree_id;
const AXTreeUpdate* focused_tree = root;
if (tree_id_map_.find(focused_tree_id) != tree_id_map_.end())
focused_tree = tree_id_map_[focused_tree_id];
combined_.tree_data.focus_id =
MapId(focused_tree_id, focused_tree->tree_data.focus_id);
combined_.tree_data.sel_anchor_object_id =
MapId(focused_tree_id, focused_tree->tree_data.sel_anchor_object_id);
combined_.tree_data.sel_focus_object_id =
MapId(focused_tree_id, focused_tree->tree_data.sel_focus_object_id);
combined_.tree_data.sel_anchor_offset =
combined_.tree_data.sel_focus_offset =
// Debug-mode check that the resulting combined tree is valid.
AXTree tree;
<< combined_.ToString() << "\n" << tree.error();
return true;
int32_t AXTreeCombiner::MapId(AXTreeID tree_id, int32_t node_id) {
auto tree_id_node_id = std::make_pair(tree_id, node_id);
if (tree_id_node_id_map_[tree_id_node_id] == 0)
tree_id_node_id_map_[tree_id_node_id] = next_id_++;
return tree_id_node_id_map_[tree_id_node_id];
void AXTreeCombiner::ProcessTree(const AXTreeUpdate* tree) {
AXTreeID tree_id = tree->tree_data.tree_id;
for (size_t i = 0; i < tree->nodes.size(); ++i) {
AXNodeData node = tree->nodes[i];
AXTreeID child_tree_id = AXTreeID::FromString(
// Map the node's ID. = MapId(tree_id,;
// Map the node's child IDs.
for (size_t j = 0; j < node.child_ids.size(); ++j)
node.child_ids[j] = MapId(tree_id, node.child_ids[j]);
// Map the container id.
if (node.relative_bounds.offset_container_id > 0)
node.relative_bounds.offset_container_id =
MapId(tree_id, node.relative_bounds.offset_container_id);
// Map other int attributes that refer to node IDs.
for (size_t j = 0; j < node.int_attributes.size(); ++j) {
auto& attr = node.int_attributes[j];
if (IsNodeIdIntAttribute(attr.first))
attr.second = MapId(tree_id, attr.second);
// Map other int list attributes that refer to node IDs.
for (size_t j = 0; j < node.intlist_attributes.size(); ++j) {
auto& attr = node.intlist_attributes[j];
if (IsNodeIdIntListAttribute(attr.first)) {
for (size_t k = 0; k < attr.second.size(); k++)
attr.second[k] = MapId(tree_id, attr.second[k]);
// Remove the ax::mojom::StringAttribute::kChildTreeId attribute.
for (size_t j = 0; j < node.string_attributes.size(); ++j) {
auto& attr = node.string_attributes[j];
if (attr.first == ax::mojom::StringAttribute::kChildTreeId) {
attr.first = ax::mojom::StringAttribute::kNone;
attr.second = "";
// See if this node has a child tree. As a sanity check make sure the
// child tree lists this tree as its parent tree id.
const AXTreeUpdate* child_tree = nullptr;
if (tree_id_map_.find(child_tree_id) != tree_id_map_.end()) {
child_tree = tree_id_map_.find(child_tree_id)->second;
if (child_tree->tree_data.parent_tree_id != tree_id)
child_tree = nullptr;
if (child_tree && child_tree->nodes.empty())
child_tree = nullptr;
if (child_tree) {
// Put the rewritten AXNodeData into the output data structure.
// Recurse into the child tree now, if any.
if (child_tree)
} // namespace ui