blob: 8a0b7a0ec74046ee7007e2c6ed7d18212c2812d0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* Client used to connect to the remote ImageLoader extension. Client class runs
* in the extension, where the client.js is included (eg. Files app).
* It sends remote requests using IPC to the ImageLoader class and forwards
* its responses.
* Implements cache, which is stored in the calling extension.
* @constructor
function ImageLoaderClient() {
* @type {number}
* @private
this.lastTaskId_ = 0;
* LRU cache for images.
* @type {!LRUCache.<{
* data: string, width:number, height:number, timestamp: ?number}>}
* @private
this.cache_ = new LRUCache(ImageLoaderClient.CACHE_MEMORY_LIMIT);
* Image loader's extension id.
* @const
* @type {string}
ImageLoaderClient.EXTENSION_ID = 'pmfjbimdmchhbnneeidfognadeopoehp';
* Returns a singleton instance.
* @return {ImageLoaderClient} Client instance.
ImageLoaderClient.getInstance = function() {
if (!ImageLoaderClient.instance_) {
ImageLoaderClient.instance_ = new ImageLoaderClient();
return ImageLoaderClient.instance_;
* Records binary metrics. Counts for true and false are stored as a histogram.
* @param {string} name Histogram's name.
* @param {boolean} value True or false.
ImageLoaderClient.recordBinary = function(name, value) {
{ metricName: 'ImageLoader.Client.' + name,
type: chrome.metricsPrivate.MetricTypeType.HISTOGRAM_LINEAR,
min: 1, // According to histogram.h, this should be 1 for enums.
max: 2, // Maximum should be exclusive.
buckets: 3 }, // Number of buckets: 0, 1 and overflowing 2.
value ? 1 : 0);
* Records percent metrics, stored as a histogram.
* @param {string} name Histogram's name.
* @param {number} value Value (0..100).
ImageLoaderClient.recordPercentage = function(name, value) {
chrome.metricsPrivate.recordPercentage('ImageLoader.Client.' + name,
* Sends a message to the Image Loader extension.
* @param {!LoadImageRequest} request The image request.
* @param {!function(!LoadImageResponse)=} callback Response handling callback.
* The response is passed as a hash array.
* @private
ImageLoaderClient.sendMessage_ = function(request, callback) {
chrome.runtime.sendMessage(ImageLoaderClient.EXTENSION_ID, request, callback);
* Loads and resizes and image.
* @param {!LoadImageRequest} request
* @param {!function(!LoadImageResponse)=} callback Response handling callback.
* @return {?number} Remote task id or null if loaded from cache.
ImageLoaderClient.prototype.load = function(request, callback) {
// Record cache usage.
this.cache_.size() / ImageLoaderClient.CACHE_MEMORY_LIMIT * 100.0);
// Replace the extension id.
const sourceId = chrome.i18n.getMessage('@@extension_id');
const targetId = ImageLoaderClient.EXTENSION_ID;
request.url = request.url.replace(
'filesystem:chrome-extension://' + sourceId,
'filesystem:chrome-extension://' + targetId);
// Try to load from cache, if available.
const cacheKey = LoadImageRequest.cacheKey(request);
if (cacheKey) {
if (request.cache) {
// Load from cache.
ImageLoaderClient.recordBinary('Cached', true);
let cachedValue = this.cache_.get(cacheKey);
// Check if the image in cache is up to date. If not, then remove it.
if (cachedValue && cachedValue.timestamp != request.timestamp) {
cachedValue = null;
if (cachedValue && &&
cachedValue.width && cachedValue.height) {
ImageLoaderClient.recordBinary('Cache.HitMiss', true);
callback(new LoadImageResponse(LoadImageResponseStatus.SUCCESS, null, {
width: cachedValue.width,
height: cachedValue.height,
return null;
} else {
ImageLoaderClient.recordBinary('Cache.HitMiss', false);
} else {
// Remove from cache.
ImageLoaderClient.recordBinary('Cached', false);
// Not available in cache, performing a request to a remote extension.
request.taskId = this.lastTaskId_;
ImageLoaderClient.sendMessage_(request, function(result_data) {
// TODO(tapted): Move to a prototype for better type checking.
const result = /** @type {!LoadImageResponse} */ (result_data);
// Save to cache.
if (cacheKey && request.cache) {
const value = LoadImageResponse.cacheValue(result, request.timestamp);
if (value) {
this.cache_.put(cacheKey, value,;
return request.taskId;
* Cancels the request. Note the original callback may still be invoked if this
* message doesn't reach the ImageLoader before it starts processing.
* @param {number} taskId Task id returned by ImageLoaderClient.load().
ImageLoaderClient.prototype.cancel = function(taskId) {
LoadImageRequest.createCancel(taskId), function(result) {});
* Memory limit for images data in bytes.
* @const
* @type {number}
ImageLoaderClient.CACHE_MEMORY_LIMIT = 20 * 1024 * 1024; // 20 MB.
// Helper functions.
* Loads and resizes and image.
* @param {!LoadImageRequest} request
* @param {HTMLImageElement} image Image node to load the requested picture
* into.
* @param {function()} onSuccess Callback for success.
* @param {function()} onError Callback for failure.
* @return {?number} Remote task id or null if loaded from cache.
ImageLoaderClient.loadToImage = function(request, image, onSuccess, onError) {
var callback = function(result) {
if (result.status == LoadImageResponseStatus.ERROR) {
image.src =;
return ImageLoaderClient.getInstance().load(request, callback);