blob: f2a1d71c4618bb382682b1aadee9b3d4daa89ad7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/notifications/scheduler/scheduler_utils.h"
#include "chrome/browser/notifications/scheduler/impression_types.h"
namespace notifications {
bool ToLocalHour(int hour,
const base::Time& today,
int day_delta,
base::Time* out) {
DCHECK_GE(hour, 0);
DCHECK_LE(hour, 23);
// Gets the local time at |hour| in yesterday.
base::Time another_day = today + base::TimeDelta::FromDays(day_delta);
base::Time::Exploded another_day_exploded;
another_day_exploded.hour = hour;
another_day_exploded.minute = 0;
another_day_exploded.second = 0;
another_day_exploded.millisecond = 0;
// Converts local exploded time to time stamp.
return base::Time::FromLocalExploded(another_day_exploded, out);
void NotificationsShownToday(
const std::map<SchedulerClientType, const ClientState*>& client_states,
std::map<SchedulerClientType, int>* shown_per_type,
int* shown_total,
SchedulerClientType* last_shown_type) {
base::Time last_shown_time;
base::Time now(base::Time::Now());
base::Time beginning_of_today;
bool success = ToLocalHour(0, now, 0, &beginning_of_today);
for (const auto& state : client_states) {
const auto* client_state = state.second;
for (const auto& impression : client_state->impressions) {
// Tracks last notification shown to the user.
if (impression.create_time > last_shown_time) {
last_shown_time = impression.create_time;
*last_shown_type = client_state->type;
// Count notification shown today.
if (impression.create_time >= beginning_of_today) {
} // namespace notifications